Vishakha nakshatra names for girls

 NihareekaNebula, Bunches of Star, Dew Drops
 NiharikaBunches of Star, Nebula, Dew Drops
 NihiraTreasure, Goddess Laxmi, River
 NihithaEver Living, Ever Living Girl
 NijHimself, Thankful, Apna
 NijuPan-sophist, Pansophist
 NikahVictory of the People
 NikalpaGoddess Lakshmi
 NikandaryaGoddess Saraswati
 NikashaGold, Made
 NikeeshaBeautiful, Intelligent and Cautious, Small
 NikeetaNot Scared
 NiketaA Habitation, Home, Goddess Laxmi
 NikhilalakshmiLakshmi who is in All
 NikhileswariSovereign Goddess of All
 NikhitaSharp, The Earth
 NikhithaEarth, Victorious People
 NikishaIntelligent and Cautious, Small, Beautiful
 NikithaThe Earth, Victorious
 NikkiBringer of Victory, Useful, Of the Lord, Small
 NikkitaEarth, Unconquerable, Victory and People, Victorious
 NikshaLord Shiva ' Nikshay', Victorious, Kiss
 NikshepTreasure, One who is Treasured
 NikshithaEarth, Beautiful, Sharp, Victorious
 NilChampion, Heaven, Talktive Person, Cloud
 NilaaMoon, Blue Coloured
 NilaajanaThe One who Born Like a Moon
 NilaajiniThe One who Lives on the Moon, The One Belongs to the Moon
 NilaaliniThe One Belongs to the Moon
 NilaamiThe One Belongs to the Moon
 NilaamikaThe One Belongs to the Moon
 NilaanBlue Jewel
 NilaanaThe One Belongs to the Moon
 NilaanikkaThe One who Lives on the Moon
 Nilaarithe Moon
 Nilaarikathe Moon
 Nilaashithe Moon
 Nilaashnithe Moon
 NilaavaenthiLord Shiva, The One who Wore the Moon Crescent on His Head
 Nilahinithe Moon
 NilainSapphire, Dark Blue
 NilajaJoy Come, The One Under the Moon Light
 Nilajinithe Moon
 NilakanniA Maiden of the Moon
 Nilakashithe Moon
 Nilakshanathe Moon
 NilakshiBlue-eyed, Blue Eyed, the Moon
 Nilakshinithe Moon
 NilaliniTo Follow Someone Like a Shadow
 NilamakalDaughter of the Moon
 NilamaniMoon Like Bell
 NilambariBlue Sky, Clothed in Blue
 Nilamikathe Moon
 Nilanathe Moon
 NilaneeThe One who Lives on the Moon
 Nilanekathe Moon
 NilaniEnchanting Moon, An Another Name of Nila (Moon)
 NilanikaThe One who Lives on the Moon
 Nilaniyathe Moon
 NilanjanaOne with Blue Eyes
 Nilanjanithe Moon
 NilanshiBlue Ansh, the Moon, Part of Lord Shiva
 Nilanthithe Moon
 Nilanthikathe Moon