Parwayz name meaning

Gender: Boy
Origin: Old Persian
Meaning: Fortunate, Happy and Commendable
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What does Parwayz mean?

Parwayz is version of Parvaiz. Largely used in Urdu, Arabic and Indian, Parvaiz is of Old Persian origin, meaning of Parvaiz is "Commendable, Fortunate and Happy".

Variants of Parwayz

Parvaiz, Parvaez

How popular is the name Parwayz?

Parwayz is an uncommon name which might be exclusive to Pakistan.


What numerology tells about Parwayz?

You have a quick mind. You like to believe that whatever we think, we become. Understand that you were born alone, and not with your partner in hand. Use your influence to make people do good and become the best versions of themselves. You are always open to experience something new. You have people you love and who love you back. People admire your spirit. You always act like everything's just great.

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Famous people named Parwayz

We could not find any notable namesake.

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