10 'Love' Names to Fall in Love With

Every new mom – and dad! – will tell you: the first moment you lay eyes on your scrunched up bundle, it's love at first sight. Very little can prepare us for just how much love we'll feel, but we know it's coming. And while we may not be able to prepare for everything, a shortlist of names is a good start! Here are our 10 favorite baby names about love:
David Globally, this has been one of the most popular names for boys, with dozens of cultural variants: Dafydd, Dewi, Deividas, Devassy, and Daithi, to name but a few! It's a beautiful name with strong historical and cultural significance, a reason why it's never dropped out of the top 20. Meaning 'beloved' in Hebrew, this classic is full of character and is certainly worthy of consideration.
Amy Has seen a slump in its use since its heyday a generation ago, Amy nonetheless remains a popular choice for many parents. It comes from the French for 'beloved' (seeing a pattern here?) and also reminds us of another French word, ami(e), meaning friend. There are a few spelling variants to choose from, with Aimee and Ami being the most widespread.
Theo Theo is usually used as a diminutive for Theodore, which means 'divine gift'. But there's another Theo-name which is not as widely used (and we think we know why): Theophilus. This one means 'loved friend of God', and while we don't recommend this lofty name in its entirety, it gives a nice added meaning to an already beautiful name, Theo.
Esme This stunning name has a very sophisticated air to it which we just love. It's been in the top 1000 for some time, while being rare enough to still sound exotic and unique. Coming from the French for 'esteemed, beloved', its perfect for any doted upon daughter. The name also has the Persian meaning of 'emerald'. As this is the birthstone for May, this name might have added significance for late spring arrivals.
Jeb A name which we really feel should be way more popular than it is. This is the diminutive for of Jebediah, which sounds a little too puritanical for modern ears, so best to just go with Jeb! A nice change from the super popular J-names like James, John and Jack, Jeb also has a more whimsical ring to it without sounding childish or silly. It comes from the Hebrew meaning 'beloved friend', which is a beautiful sentiment to bestow on any baby boy.
Ines Pronounced ee-NEZ, this Portuguese name seems infinitely more stylish and sophisticated than the dated Agnes. It may create pronunciation difficulties for some, and you might consider the Spanish Ynez as alternative for just that reason. Simpler still, the Irish and Scandinavian Nessa is unique, but completely manageable.
Dilan While its incredibly popular cousin Dylan means 'son of the sea', this spelling variant is actually derived from the Turkish word for 'love'. It has the advantage of being easily understood and familiar while still having an air of exoticism and uniqueness.
Mila When used as the diminutive for the slightly less snappy Milena, this super cute and always fashionable name means 'love, warmth, grace'. It's likely to soon break into the top 50 girls' names, which could be of concern for parents looking for a name which will stand out, but we think its prettiness more than makes up for its potential lack of originality.
Amedeo Sounds much less pretentious than the more instantly recognizable Amadeus. This Italian variant means 'lover of God', but it's just as good of a choice for lovers of music and history. It sounds melodious while still masculine. The similarly rooted Amado is another strong but unusual choice.
Suki Though not traditionally used as a name in its culture of origin, we love Suki for its quirkiness and style. Meaning 'love' in Japanese, it's a name we'd 'love' to see a lot more of here in the States! It looks incredibly modern and fashion-forward, and it's unlikely to present too many spelling or pronunciation difficulties. A great choice for parents looking for a cross-cultural name, deep with meaning, or for those simply looking for inspiration outside the box!