Names that mean Time
Opening, To Open Up, Second, April
Destroyer, Rule, Time, Bitter
Even, Of a Peaceful Nature, Heaven, Similarity
Boyish, Spring Like, Youthful, Alder
Brilliant, Exalted, Harmony, Moment
Respected and Enduring, Night Breeze, A Sincere Slave of Mahmood the King Once Upon a Time, Frost
Lord Shiva, Early Morning, Time Before Day Break, Trade
Muse, Air, In Hindi Yug, Earth
Age, Time, Generation
Destruction, Intelligent, Sacred Wood Apple Tree, White
A Man Unbounded By Space Or Time
Happiness, Rule, Bitter, Bitterness
Morning, First Ray of Light, Sunrise, Dawn
Season, Begining, Time, Name of Lord Shanmukha
Industrious, Work, Peace, This Moment
Hour, Time, Season, Third
Time, Black, A Small Part, a Digit of the Moon, Art, Lady
Virgin, Prosperous, Feast Season, My God is Perfect
Babies in difficult times
Name of a King, Industrious, Planet Earth, Happy
Opening Wide, Black, The Fine Arts, Lily
A Man Unbounded By Space Or Time
Bitter, Horse, Variant of Maria, Destroyer
April, Opening of Flowers in Spring, Second, To Open, Since This is the Time when Plants Flower and Trees Come Into Bud
A Period of Time, Prosperous, Goodness, Planet Earth
Thirst for Knowledge, Goodness, Presumably: Woman, A Stream of Praise
Or: God is My Oath, A Flower - Jasmine, Destruction, Within
Sacred Wood, Crooked Mouth, God Protects My House, Apple Tree
Virgin, A Nymph, Happy, This Moment
Example, Opening, To Open, Since This is the Time when Plants Flower and Trees Come Into Bud, English
Myrtle Tree, New, Happening for the First Time
Name of a Sahabi During the Time of Prophet, One in a Million
Stone, Rule, Horse, Bitter
Islamic Place, Valley Near Makkah Where a Battle was Fought in the Time of Prophet Muhammad
Born in a joyful time
The Keeper of Time, Era, Destiny, Age
My God is Abundance, Creeper, Time, Sacred Wood Apple Tree
Winter Solstice, Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Born at Christmas
Winter Solstice, Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Born at Christmas
Fire, Av Meaning Father, To Open Up, Example
Destroyer, Lady, Star of the Sea, The Word Mere Which Means Mother
The Exact Beginning Time of Raining is Called Fathi as Well, Conquering, To Win, Victorious
Springtime, Daughter of Yayati, Honey, Sweet
Spring Like, Youthful, Alder, Boyish
Work, Norman Origin, Thirst, Name of a King
My God has Sworn, Apple Tree, Time, Creeper
Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Born at Christmas, Winter Solstice
Thirst for Knowledge, Planet Earth, Industrious, Labour
Sacred Wood Apple Tree, Creeper, Time
Opening of Flowers in Spring, To Open, Since This is the Time when Plants Flower and Trees Come Into Bud, April, Second
Hope, Time, Awaiting, Waiting for Something
Brave Caste of East Haryana, Sign, A Cast in Hindu Dharma, Fasting Woman
Easter Time, Goddess of the Dawn, The Christian Spring Festival
Long Time Beautiful Child, Perpetually Beautiful Child
Time, Season
Twinkling of an eye, A person who really gives important to time
Long Time Leave, Permanently
Sunset Time, Evening, Dusk, Name of a God
Female Version of Horace, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Horatius
Especially for the Hadith, Similar, A Leading Scholar of His Time
Long of Time
Boyish, Place of Alder Trees, Spring Like, Youthful
Boyish, Spring Like, Youthful, Alder
Snake of Lord Vishnu, Serpent who Symbolises Time, Good Behaviour
A Long Time Intention
Handsome, Time, Real Learned, Essence
Fraction of Time, The People
Thirst, This Moment, Knowledge, Goodness
A Period of Time, Prosperous, Goodness, Planet Earth
Born in a time of strife, Hatred
Opening, To Open Up, Second, April
Planet Earth, A Period of Time, This Moment, Goodness
Point of Time, Time
Dedication, Appropriate Time
Good Time
A Period of Time, Labour, Thirst, The Seer
Beyond Intellect, Time
Creeper, Apple Tree, Sacred Wood, Sea
Thirst for Knowledge, Planet Earth, Name of a King, Industrious
Born during the time the crops gather
Planet Earth, A Nymph, This Moment, Presumably: Woman
Epoch Or Time Period, Muse, Earth, In Hindi Yug
A Nymph, Hard Working, Thirst, Woman
Fire, Love, Time
Type of Song which is Sung in Monsoon Time
Bearing an Era, Strongest of his Time
Opening, To Open Up, Second, April
Thirst for Knowledge, Goodness, Presumably: Woman, A Stream of Praise
April, Second, Opening of Flowers in Spring, To Open Up
Dedication, Appropriate Time
Second, To Open Up, Opening, April
Calm, Bright, Wedding, The Sun
Woman, Name of a King, Hard Working, Planet Earth
Time of Day, Phase
Diligent, Presumably: Woman, Name of a King, Happy
Time of Day, Hour
Father of the Amount, Fire, Lesson, Cloud
Place of Alders Alder Grove, Youthful, Spring Like, Boyish
Knowledge, The Seer, Planet Earth, Hard Working
Prosperous, Work, Labour, Norman Origin
Governor, Moment in Time
Age, Destiny, Time, Era
Alder, Spring Like, Modeled on a French Place Names, Youthful
Myrtle Tree, Happening for the First Time, New
This Moment, Thirst, The Seer, A Nymph
Opening, To Open Up, Second, April
Alder, Spring Like, Modeled on a French Place Names, Youthful
Born During Christmas Season, Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Winter Solstice
Woman, Knowledge, This Moment, Industrious
A Stream of Praise, This Moment, The Seer, Insight
Moment In Time, Governor
Long Time Leave, Permanently
Time, Season
Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Of Christmas Time, Winter Solstice
Diligent, Insight, Norman Origin, Knowledge
Most Beautiful, Art, Time, Black
A Moment in Time
Appropriate Time, Dedication
Throughout the Ages - Reference to Time
Prudent, A Muslim Woman who Lived in Time of the Prophet Muhammad, Judicious, Queen
Dedication, Appropriate Time
Time Keeper, Season, Egyptian Deity, Third
Genius of the Time
According to Time
Industrious, Thirst, Labour, Diligent
Of Christmas Time, Inspired By the Festival of Midwinter Night, Winter Solstice
Thirst, A Nymph, Woman, Happy
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