Names that mean Uplifts
God will Uplift, Yahwe Uplifts, Lord Exalts
Variant of the Saint's Name Jerome, Yahwe Uplifts, Mighty Spearman, God Exalted
Appointed by God, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
God will Uplift, Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
God Increases, Beauty, Who is Loved, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Exalted of the Lord, God will Uplift
The Lord Exalts, God will Set Free, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up
Exalted of the Lord, Yahwe Uplifts, God will Uplift
God will Uplift, Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
The Lord Exalts, God will Set Free, Sacred, Yahwe Uplifts
Appointed by God, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Exalted of the Lord, God will Uplift
God Raises, Yahwe Uplifts
God Raises, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Raised
God will Uplift, Yahwe Uplifts, Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Exalted of the Lord, God will Uplift
Appointed by God, Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, Raise Up
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
The Lord Exalts, Appointed by God, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, God Raised, Raise Up
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts, Peaceful Place
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
City of the Moon, God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
The Lord Exalts, Raise Up, God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Mighty with a Spear, Rule
Exalted of the Lord, Yahwe Uplifts, God will Uplift
Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, God Raised, Raise Up
God will Set Free, The Lord Exalts, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts
Brotherly, Sister, Warrior, Yahwe Uplifts
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts, Spear, Protection
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God will Uplift, Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Meadow, Glade, God Exalted, Lion
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
God will Set Free, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts, God will Uplift
The Lord Exalts, Appointed by God, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Sacred Name, Wild Cow, Wood, Glade
God will Set Free, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts
Lord Exalts, God will Uplift, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, God Raised, Raise Up
Ruler with the Spear, Yahwe Uplifts, Rule
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Beauty, Mine, God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God will Set Free, The Lord Exalts, Raise Up
God will Set Free, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts, Raise Up
God will Uplift, Exalted of the Lord, Yahwe Uplifts
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Spear Rule
Appointed by God, Raise Up, Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God will Set Free, The Lord Exalts, Raise Up
God will Uplift, Yahwe Uplifts, Lord Exalts
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, Grace, Spear Warrior, Mother
God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
God will Uplift, Yahwe Uplifts, Lord Exalts
Appointed by God, Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, Raise Up
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Raised
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts
God Raised, Raise Up, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Yahwe Uplifts
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, The Lord Exalts, God Raised, Raise Up
God Raised, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
God Increases, Yahwe Uplifts
Exalted of the Lord, Yahwe Uplifts, God will Uplift
Raise Up, God Raised, The Lord Exalts, Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts, God Increases
Yahwe Uplifts
Yahwe Uplifts