Names that rhyme with Cyd

The list of words or names that rhyme with Cyd. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Cyd.
AbidBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel, The King, Harness, Worshipper of Allah, Spark of Fire, Worshipper of God
AilfridBoy Counsel from the Elves, Wise
AilfrydBoy Counsel from the Elves
AlfredBoy Elf, Wise Counsellor, Name of a King, Counsel from the Elves, Magical Counsel, Supernaturally Wise, Elf Counsel
AnahidGirl Infamous, Noble Man, Immaculate
ArvidBoy Noble, Bear, Rock, Adherent of the Goddess Artemis
AstridGirl Noble, Bear, Rock, Noble Strength, Stone, Ase
AstrydGirl Grace, Favoured, God is Gracious, God has Shown Favour, Diminutive of Ann Frequently Used as an Independent Name
BlaydBoy Bird, Variant of Byrd, Like a Bird, Unusual Nature Name
BoydBoy Blond, Yellow Gold, Fair-haired
BrighidGirl Born of the Right Hand, Diminutive of Benjamin, Son, Blessed, Son of the South, Son of My Old Age, A Musical Instrument
CaydBoy Fortress, Lark, Lovely Flower, Most Beautiful, Variant of Cayley Lovely
CidBoy Man, Form of Charles, Lord
CloydBoy Famous, Bright, Shining, Clear, Diminutive of Clarence
DavydBoy Hidden Spot, From the Hidden Place, Hidden Nook
DelloydBoy Victory of the People, Young Boy, Abbreviation of Nicholas People's Victory, Young Creature, Victor, People's Victory, Cub, Pup, Dove, Oak Meadow
DeloydBoy Blend of Daryl and Marvin
EilidhGirl Strife for Wealth, Rich in War, Prosperity, Battle
EldridBoy Wise Adviser, Old Counsel
EloydBoy Green Valley, Variant of the Surname Danvers, From Anvers, Capital City of the State of Colorado in the Usa, Dane Crossing
EnidGirl Spirit, Soul, Quiet Woman, Pure, Life, Purity
EnydGirl Spirit, Soul, Fair, Life
EstridGirl Fair Beautiful Goddess, Divine Beauty
EuclidBoy Good, To Love, Desired, Beloved, Lovable
FloydBoy White Haired, The Hollow, Flood, Gray-haired, Gray, Sacred, Gray Haired, Grey
GaredBoy Mighty with a Spear, Variant of Garret from Gerald, Rules by the Spear
GloydBoy Friend of the Elves, Female Version of Elvin, Noble Friend, Magical Being, Doe, Marked, A Black Antelope, The Zodiac Sign of Capricorn, Kernel
HalstedBoy From the Manor Grounds
HildredBoy/Girl Battle, From the Glen, Valley, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills
HoydBoy Beautiful Mountain, Home-lover's Estate or Hill with Grass, From the Mountain Town, Place-name and Surname of One of the Great Noble Families of Scotland
IngridGirl Fair, Meadow, Ing is Beautiful, Hero's Daughter
JanydBoy Spearman, Variant of the French Name Gervaise
JaridBoy God's Gracious Gift, Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Gift from God, God is Gracious
JarridBoy To Sing
JarrydBoy A German
JarydBoy Supplanter, Held by the Heel, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants
JenydBoy Rules by the Spear
JerridBoy Climber, Ivy Plant, An Evergreen Climbing Ornamental Plant, A Vine, God's Gift, Fragrant, Climbing Vine Plant, Yew, A Creeper, God will Increase Your Boundary, Borne in Pain, A Healer, A Healing, The Lord is Salvation, To Heal
JerrydBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Hyacinth, Purple Flower Name, Beautiful
JerydBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Hyacinth, Purple Flower Name, Beautiful
JohnlloydBoy He that Weeps or Cries, The Persecuted, The Afflicted
JunaydBoy Small Army, Youthful, Downy, Soft and Tender Hair, Hairy, Jove's Child, Down-bearded Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Friday, Holy Day, Fighter
KaydBoy Pure, Form of Catherine, Virginal
KhalidBoy Bold, Royal Guardian, Immortal, Everlasting, Eternal, Never-ending, Glorious
KidBoy Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
KiddBoy Kid, Young Goat
LloydBoy Gray, Sacred, Grey Haired
LlwydBoy Legendary Son of Kil Coed, One with Gray Hair
LoydBoy Renowned Warrior, Form of Louis, Famous in Battle, Famous Warrior, Renowned in Battle, Feminine of Louis, Light, Fame and War
MajidBoy Noble, Righteous, Glorified, Innovator, Glorious, Great, Honourable, Magnificent, Another Name for the Quran
MannfrydBoy Man of Peace
MildredGirl Gentle Adviser, Gentle Strength
MildrydGirl Gentle Adviser, Mild of Strength
NavidBoy Good News, Lovable, Diminutive of Amabel, Worthy of Being Loved, Sweet, Admirable, Aristocratic Lady, Wonderful, Quiet Song, Myrrh, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree, Sweet Ointment, Honey, Beloved, Butterfly, Divinely Precious, Messenger of Happiness
OmidBoy Hope, From the Oak Tree Meadow, From the Oak Tree Field
OsrydBoy Divine Counselor
ReydBoy Red Haired
RoydBoy Dawn, Bright
SayyidBoy Chief, Leader, Master, Lord, Munificent
ShaydBoy Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Wealth, Simple of Joy, Perhaps
SidBoy From Saint Denis, Variant of Sidney from St Denis
SigridGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Nordic origin, meaning composition of "victory" and "beautiful." Namesake: Sigrid Undset, Norwegian writer. In Germany the mid 20th century quite popular.
SydBoy Lily, Variant of Hebrew Susannah, Rose
UsaydBoy Light, Born in the First Hours of Light, Bringer of Light, Born at Daybreak, Roman God of Knowledge, Little Lion
VoydBoy Life, Used as Both Surname and Given Name, Life Giving
WaydBoy Garment Maker, Tucker of Cloth
WilfredBoy A Wish for Peace, Resolute, Peaceful, Much Peace, Old High German origin, meaning composition, "will" and "peace". In Germany timeless favorite, known for over 1000 years. Namesakes: St. Wilfried, Bishop of York..
WilfridBoy Name of a Saint, Purposeful Peace, Resolute, Peaceful, Will
WilfrydBoy Peace, Purposeful Peace
WinfredBoy Friend and Peace, Protection, Safety, Peaceful Friend
WinifredGirl Peace Friend, Friend of Peace, Holy, Blessed Peace, Fair Reconciliation, White
WinifredeGirl Twin
WinnefredGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
WinnifredGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave
YazidBoy From the Enclosed Meadow, Increase, Abundance, Maybe To Increase
ZaydBoy The Lord has Remembered, God Remember, God Remembers, God has Remembered, Superabundance, To Increase
ZeydBoy The Lord has Remembered, Peaceful and Quiet
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M