Names that mean Live

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Variant of Eve, Alive, Life, Life-giving
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Live, Living, The Enlivening, Alive
Living, To Live, Life, Good News
Precious, The Element Búa Meaning to Live to Dwell Have a Household
Flowering, Longevity, Who has Long Live, Variant of Omar
Parched Place, Sunny, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven
Desire, Loving, Air, Longing
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven, Sign, Homeland
Live, Living, The Enlivening
Heaven, Homeland, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Parched Place
May God Live
Learning, Knowledge, Sheltered, Brother
Alive, The Enlivening, Life-giving, Living
Alive, The Enlivening, Life-giving, Living
The Enlivening, Living, Live
Living, Live, Alive, The Enlivening
Living One, Good News, Inspired By a Field Name, Life-giving
Let Him Live
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Living, Live, The Enlivening
Live, Living, The Enlivening
Alive, The Enlivening, Living, Beloved
Live, Form of Eve, Mistress, Alive
Heaven, Parched Place, Sunny, Sign
Mother of the Living, The Enlivening, Alive, Life
Sign, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place
Form of Eve, To Live, Life-giving, Alive
The Enlivening, Living, Live
Living, Live, Alive, The Enlivening
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Strong, Flute, To Breath, Good News
Alive, The Enlivening, Life-giving, Living
Living, To Breath, Alive, The Enlivening
Live, Alive, The Enlivening, Living
To Live, Beloved, My God is Abundance, The Enlivening
Sign, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place, Homeland
Form of Eve, Power, Life, To Live
To Breath, Life Giving, Beloved, Hazelnut
May God Live
Long Live the World
Identity, The Victorious, Lord Vishnu, To Live
Alive, Renown, To Breath, Rose Bush
Living One, Breath of Life, Beloved, Alive
To Live, Life, The Enlivening, Living
Long Live the World
Form of Eve, Good News, Winner, Living One
Living, Flower, The Enlivening, Live
Live, Living, The Enlivening
Living One, Breath of Life, Beloved, Alive
The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven, Sunny, Parched Place
Form of Eve, Power, Life, To Live
Living, Power, Form of Eve, Life
Parched Place, Sunny, Sign, Heaven
Wished-for Child, Life, Sea of Bitterness, Rebellion
Virtuous, Decent, Honest, Chastity
Strong, Flute, To Breath, Good News
Variant of Eve, Living, The Enlivening, Alive
To Live, Beloved, My God is Abundance, The Enlivening
Variant of Eve, Living One, My God is Perfect, The Enlivening
Variant of Medieval Given Names Avis and Aveline, Like a Bird, Live, The Enlivening
Elder Brother, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Grain
Mother of the Living, Alive, Life-giving, Beloved
Desire, Loving, Air, Longing
Brother, Precious, Sheltered
One who live near pear tree, Came from the surname Pear
Live, Joy, Delight, Pleasure
Life, To Live, Lord Vishnu
Long Live
The Element Búa Meaning to Live to Dwell Have a Household, Precious
Breath of Life, Double Fertile, Living One, Doubly Fruitful
Good Live
Variant of Eve, Living, The Enlivening, Alive
Feminine of Eugene, Jehovah has been Gracious, God is Merciful, Pure
Live, Living, The Enlivening
Of the People who Live near the Sea, Tribe Near the Sea
A Liquid Which when Consumed Makes the Person Live Life -Long Without a Death. Also Means Purity, Sweetest Food
The Enlivening, Live, Living
Live, Lord, Messenger, Dwell
To Breath, Life, Alive, Good News
A Long Individual Life, Long-lived, Blossoming, Intelligent
A Live
Life, Alive, To Live, Life-giving
Life-giving, Good News, To Live, Alive
To Breath, Life, Good News, Alive
Living, Live, The Enlivening, Alive
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
May God Live
Happiness, Who Will Live
Of the People who Live near the Sea, Tribe Near the Sea
Living, To Live, Good News, The Enlivening
Form of Eve, Alive, To Breath, Life
Identity, The Victorious, Lord Vishnu, To Live
Flowering, Second Khalifah, Longevity, Who has Long Live
A Long Individual Life, Long-lived, Blossoming, Intelligent
One who Lives God-oriented Live
To Breath, Mother of the Living, Good News, The Enlivening
To Live, Beloved, My God is Abundance, The Enlivening
Life, Form of Eve, My God is Abundance, Living
To Live Like Truthful Mind
Live, Living, The Enlivening, Alive
To Live Somewhere
Life, The Enlivening, Living One, Life-giving
The Exalted One, To Breath, Alive, Good News
Form of Eve, Power, Life, To Live
To Breath, The Enlivening, Variant of Eve, Good News
Live, Living, The Enlivening
Strong, Life, The Enlivening, Good News
Beloved, Living, Good News, To Breath
Parched Place, Sunny, Sign, Heaven
Beloved, Living, Good News, To Breath
Good Live
Live, Living
Mother of the Living, To Live, The Enlivening, Life
The Victorious, To Live, Feminine of Eugene, Smooth
Sign, Parched Place, Heaven, Sunny
Life, Beloved, Mother of the Living, Portion
Sweet Heart, To Live
Lord Vishnu, The Victorious, Name, Victor
To Breath, Mother of the Living, Good News, The Enlivening
To Live, Mother of the Living, Good News, Life-giving
As in May You Always Live
Life-giving, Life, Good News, Variant of Eve
To Live with Glory
Sign, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Sunny, Parched Place
Happiness, Who Will Live
Life, Form of Eve, My God is Abundance, Living
Life-giving, Good News, To Live, Alive
Living, Form of Eve, Alive, The Enlivening
God's Promise, House, Mother of the Living, Life
Live Rightly, Leberecht
Living One, Good News, Life, Beloved
Good Worship, To Live, Variant of Eve, The Enlivening
A Mythical Indian Bird Consisdered to Live on Rain Drops, A Poet
Alive, The Enlivening, Living, Beloved
Sunny, The Hill Where Jesus Live, Heaven, Homeland
Beloved, Living, Breath of Life, My God is Perfect
Long-Living, A Long Individual Life, Intelligent, Long-lived
Belonging to Christ, To Live, Living, Good News
Live Long Life
Of the People who Live near the Sea, Tribe Near the Sea
Brotherly, Warrior, Man, Sister
To Live, Life, The Enlivening, Living
Courageous Live
The One who Lives, the Living One, the Youth, the One who Wishes to Live
Living, Breath of Life, The Enlivening, Beloved
The Enlivening, To Live, Alive, Good News
Mother of the Living, Alive, To Live, The Enlivening
Strong, Life, The Enlivening, Good News
The Enlivening, Living, Live
The Enlivening, Living, Live
The Enlivening, Live, Living
Something Special, Mother of the Living, To Live, The Enlivening
Enthusiastic, They Dont Fear for Anything, Like to Live with Good Characters, Talented Person
Heaven, Homeland, Parched Place, Sign
Mother of the Living, To Live, Fight, Life
Form of Eve, Living, Good News, My God has Sworn
Living, To Breath, Variant of Eve, Alive
Variant of Eve, To Breath, The Enlivening, Beloved
Variant of Eve, To Breath, The Enlivening, Rose
Live, Living, The Enlivening
The One who Wishes to Live
Live, Living
Belonging to Christ, To Live, Living, Good News
To Live Somewhere
The Enlivening, To Live, Alive, Good News
Beloved, Living, Breath of Life, My God is Perfect
The Exalted One, To Breath, Alive, Good News
Breath of Life, Living One, Good News, To Live
Tribe Near the Sea, Of the People who Live near the Sea
Variant of Eve, Life-giving, The Enlivening, Beloved
The Exalted One, To Breath, Alive, Good News
To Live, Mother of the Living, Good News, Life-giving
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