Makara rashi names for girls

 JeevaniAuto Biography, Life
 JeevanilaMoon Like Soul
 JeevanjotLight of Life
 JeevanjyotiLight of Life
 JeevankalaArt of Life
 JeevanlataCreeper of Life
 JeevanthiniName of a Raga
 JeevantikaName of a Raga, One who Gives Blessings of Long Life
 JeevaraniArt of Life
 JeeviImmortal, Life
 JeevikaWater, Source of Life
 JeevneeAuto Biography, Life
 JeewanjyotiLight of Life
 JegathaTruth of the World
 JehanThe World, God is Merciful, Creative Mind, Beautiful Flower
 JehannazPride of Universe
 JeishaGod's Precious Gift
 JeiyaSweet Heart, To Live
 JejeeGod Pray
 JelaneeFull of Strength, Mighty
 JelaxmiStar, Goddess of Victory
 JemillaElegant, Beautiful
 JeminiA Gem, Jemini---Jadui Shakti
 JemishaQueen of Night
 JenaShining, White and Smooth, Little Bird, Patience
 JenanLittle Bird, Patience, White and Smooth, Paradise
 JenaneeWhite, Fair, Shining, Little Bird
 JenaniWhite, Fair, Shining, Little Bird
 JenanyLittle Bird, White Wave, The God is Gracious, Paradise
 JencyWave, God has Blessed, Smart, Lovable Person
 JenetGod is Gracious
 JenikaGods Gracious Gift, God's Gracious Gift
 JenilayaThe One who Born on the Moon
 JenishaGod is Gracious, Preety Girl, Superior Person
 JenitaWhite Wave
 JenithaBirth, Fair One
 JennaPure, Fair Phantom, Well Born, Yahweh is Gracious
 JennessaCombination of Jennifer and Vanessa, Variant of Jenny which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
 JennishaDispeller of Ignorance
 JennykaWhite Wave, Variant of Jenny which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
 JensiMassage, God has Blessed
 JenuWell-Born, Noble
 JenyaCrue, True, Original, Truth
 JenyeThe Lord is Gracious, Female Version of John
 JesalWater, King of Kutch, Poof
 JeshriRight, Singing, Victory
 JeshtaGoddess Laxmi
 JesikaForesighted, He (God) Beholds, God's Grace, Wealthy
 JesinaForce, Power, Spear, Strength
 JesinthaVictorious, Successful
 JesmithaSmiles, Meaning of Life, Smiley
 JesriSinging, Victory, Right
 JessanaGod is Merciful, Rich, He Beholds, Foresighted
 JessinaGod Looks
 JeswithaSmile, Mother of Goddess Luxmi
 JetashriA Raga
 JetasriGoddess of Gain
 JevaRace and Woman
 JevariaProphet Mohammads Wife
 JevarthiniAmman, Goddess Parvathy