Makara rashi names for girls

 JevikaSource of Living
 JewelJoy, Jayanta, The Jewel, Play Thing
 Jeya KumariQueen of Victory
 JeyabanuThe One who Can Compete in Singing
 JeyalineVictory in All Aspects
 JeyamalarVictorious Flower
 JeyapriyaA Person who Loves Victory
 JeyshaGod's Precious Gift
 JiaanStrong, Most Powerful
 JiganashaAcademic Curiosity
 JigeeshaSuperior, Required Victory
 JigiGoddess Laxmi, Laxmi
 JigisaStrifes to Triumph
 JigishaChild's Plaything, Required Victory, Superior
 JignaIntellectual Curiosity
 JignasaAcademic Curiosity
 JignashaCuriosity, Academic Curiosity
 JignyaFriendly, Generous Person
 JignyashaCuriousity, Curious
 JigrukshaThe Hope for Knowledge
 JigyaCuriosity to Know
 JigyasaCuriosity to Know Things, Curiosity
 JigyashaCuriosity to Know Things, Meaning of Life
 JihanThe Universe, The World
 JijabaiVictorious Woman, Shivaji's Mother
 JilEpic, Julia, Cold, Shield
 JilpaLife Giving
 JinaIdentity, The Victorious, Lord Vishnu, To Live
 JinahGod of King
 JinalLord Vishnu
 JindalSteel King
 JiniVariation of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
 JinishaSuperior Person, God is Gracious
 JinitaDaughter of Mahavir Jain
 JinkalSweet Voice
 JishaThe Person Having the Highest Feelings for Living
 JissyGod Exists, Variant of Jesse God Exists
 JitalWinner, Winter
 JithiVictory, Victorious
 JithishaWinning Girl
 JitiObtains Triumph, Victorious, Victory
 JivanaThe Sun God, Life
 JivantaTo Give Life, Creation
 JivanthikaOne who Gives Life
 JivantikaOne who Gives Life
 JivepreeyaOne who Loves the Life
 JiviLife, Immortal
 JivikaSource of Life, Water
 JivitvaPran, Life
 JiyaLuck, Sweet Heart, Life
 Jiya UshasSweet Heart
 JiyanaStrength, God is Gracious
 JiyuCompassionate Friend
 JobanEnjoys Cleanliness, Youth
 JobandeepYoung Ray of Hope
 JodhaWarrior, Eatrior, Princess
 JogendraEstablishing Union with God, Ruler of Yogis