Makara rashi names for girls

 JogindarLord Shiva, Establishing Union with God
 JoginderEstablishing Union with God, Lord Shiva
 JohanaGod's Gracious Gift, God is Merciful
 JoishiVariation of 'Jothi', Light
 JoitaWinner, Victorious
 JonishaGift of Yahweh, God has Given
 JosaPleasure, Satisfaction, Approval, God Adds
 JoshaSatisfied, Woman
 JoshhikaaYoung Maiden
 JoshiLord Vishnu, Galloping
 JoshikaYoung Maiden
 JoshilaFilled with Enthusiasm
 JoshineeWealthy, Loveable
 JoshiniWealthy, Loveable
 JoshnikaCupid or Follower of Lord Shiva, Cupid
 JosnikaFollower of Lord Shiva, Cupid
 JothiCandle Light, Dheepam, Lamp - Removes Dark Ness
 JothiniDivine Light
 JothinyDivine Light
 JothiraniYoung Maiden
 JothyDheepam, Lamp - Removes Dark Ness, Light
 JovanaGod is Merciful, Yahweh is Gracious
 JovitaJoy, Jovita, Joie De Vivre, Dedicated to Jove
 JowakiA Firefly
 JoyJubilation, Joyful, Name of a Deity, Jewel
 JoyaJoy, Cute, Rejoicing, Name of a Deity
 JoyalFranch River
 JoyceRejoicing, Lord, Cheerful, Deity
 JoyshiVariation of 'Jothi', Light
 JoyshreeJoy, Pleasure, Joyful, Happiness
 JuanitaGod is Gracious
 JudithaWoman from Jehud
 JugadThroughout the Ages - Reference to Time
 JugnuA Firefly
 JuhiJasmine Flower, A Flower
 JuiA Flower
 JuilyA Flower, Flower Jasmine
 JulieDescended from Jupiter (Jove), Youth, Soft Bearded, Jove's Child
 JumaFriday, Holy Day
 JumaymahName of a Female Companion
 JumaynahGem, Name of a Female Companion
 JunainahGarden of Paradise
 JunialiMoon Light
 JushtiService, Love