Names that rhyme with Pepito

The list of words or names that rhyme with Pepito. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Pepito.
AdalbertoBoy Craftsman, Carpenter, Noble
AgapitoBoy Beloved, Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel
AkitoBoy Black, Dark, Of the Adriatic
AlbertoBoy Noble, Bright, Highborn, Brilliant, Nobly Famous
AltoBoy Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel
AmatoBoy The Beloved, Spanish variant of Amatus, Dearly loved
AnacletoBoy Noble Friend, Intelligent, From Alba, A City on a White Hill, Called On
AnicetoBoy Sublime, Noble Friend, Wise Friend, Unconquerable
ArtoBoy Pledge, Variant of Carlene and Charlene, Eagle
AtoBoy From the Eastern Town, Noble Stone, East Town, Ash Tree Settlement
AugustoBoy Prosperous Guardian, Old Friend, From the Old Meadow, The August
BartowBoy Warrior, The Title of Nobility Used as a First Name, From the Land that was Burned
BenedettoBoy Derived from the English Place Name, The Blessed
BenedictoBoy Warrior, The Title of Nobility Used as a First Name, From the Land that was Burned, From the Beautiful Fort
BenitoBoy Derived from the English Place Name, The Blessed
BertoBoy Administrator, Steward, Public Official, Man in Charge, Bailiff, In the Middle Ages a Bailiff was a Minor Officer of the Law, Able, Berry, Law Enforcer, Courtyard Within Castle Walls, Surname, Berry Clearing, City Fortification, Bright
CalistoBoy Intelligent, Glorious Raven, Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest, Bright Shield, Wise Person, Most Beautiful
CalixtoBoy Good, Fair of Face, Charming, Cute Like Rabbit
CallistoGirl Rhythm, A Rhythmic Flow of Sounds, Variant of Cady, Most Beautiful
CarlitoBoy Man
CatoBoy Form of Cesar, Long Haired, Hairy, Hirsute, Head of Hair, Full of Hair Head, Maybe The Pure
ChristoBoy Follower of Christ, Diminutives of Any Masculine, Feminine Name Beginning with Christ, Anointed Christian, Abbreviation of Christine
ConcettoBoy Coal Town, Town of Colt-breeding, Dark Settlement
CrisantoBoy Maiden, Seething Pool, Golden Flower
CristoBoy Rocky Town, Border Dweller
CruzitoBoy Maiden, Seething Pool
DagobertoBoy Mossy Place, Son of the Marsh-dwellers, Rock, Coastal Rocks, Son of Carr, Marsh Area, Surname, Bright
DeontaeBoy God is My Judge, Judge, Arbiter, Learned, Wise, Old English, From Denmark, A Dane, Mother of the Gods in Myths
DonatoBoy Given, Cherished, Beloved, Variant of David Beloved, Diminutive of David
EdilbertoBoy Gazelle, Small Deer
ErastoBoy From the Noble's Estate
EribertoBoy Old and Wise Adviser, Old, Old Leader, Sage Ruler, Army
ErnestoBoy Sincere, A Son, Serious, See, Determined, Battle to the Death, The Ernest
EvaristoBoy Star, Saved the Jews from Annihilation in Persia, Myrtle Leaf, Form of Persian Esther, Good
FaustoBoy Bean Grower, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Fabius, A Name Given Several Roman Emperors and 16 Saints, One who Grows Beans
FilibertoBoy From the Bull's Pasture, From the Meadow of the Sheep, Bright
FortunatoBoy Fortunate, Blessed, Happy, Noble, Righteous
GiacintoBoy Will, Desire, Helmet, God's Protection, Will-helmet, Apple
GilbertoBoy Brave with the Spear, Spear Rule, Pledge
HayatoBoy Falcon, From the Hare's Meadow, Meadow of the Hares, Female Version of Harley
HerbertoBoy A Moor, Wasteland, Heath
HeribertoBoy From the Hare's Meadow, Meadow of the Hares, Female Version of Harley, Army
HipolitoBoy Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler, Estate, Mistress of the Home, Horse
HristoBoy From the Deer Pasture, Stag Meadow, Carrying Christ
HumbertoBoy Cheerful, Merry, Happy, Form of Hilary, Young Animal
JacintoBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Resolute Protector, Strong Helmet, Diminutive of Wilhelmina, Safe, Peace, Well Born, Noble, Will Helmet, Protect, Air
JoselitoBoy God is Gracious, Jehovah has been Gracious, Variant of John or Abbreviation of Jonathan Jehovah has been Gracious, Has Shown Favor, He (God) Will Add
JuanitoBoy Yahweh Is Gracious
JustoBoy Praised
KatoBoy Jehovah has Given, Gift of God, Love
KentoBoy Mighty Spearman, Spear Brave
KiyotoBoy Rejoiced, Short Form of Katherine and Other Names Beginning with K, Happy, Pure, Clear, Form of Katherine, Virginal, Keeper of the Keys, Elder Sister
KristoBoy Follower of Christ, Christian
LambertoBoy God's Peace, Peace from God, Land
LetoBoy Hidden, Forgotten
LiberatoBoy Lion, The Liberated
LoretoBoy From the Linden Tree Hill
MakotoBoy Sincerity, Bringer of Light, A Region of Southern Italy, Man from Lucania
ManolitoBoy Son of, Taken from Mackenzie, Greatest, Messenger of God, Lord Krishna, Chief, Angel, Makes Garments, Almond
MargaritoBoy From the Island of Linden Trees, Linden Tree Near the Water, Pool on an Island
ModestoBoy The Magical One, Name of a Wizard in the Legend of Arthur, Hand to Magic, Sea Hill, By the Sea, Small Falcon, Sea Fort, Union, Gracious, Dear, Glory, Favour, Grace, Eager, Rival, Meeting
NorbertoBoy Brilliant Hero, Shining from the North, Renowned Northerner, Famous Northmen, Northern Brightness, Heroic
OttoBoy Wealth, Fortune, Born Eighth, Wealthy, Great, Famous
PerfectoBoy Divine Spear, God's Spear, Diminutive of Oscar
PlatoBoy Broad-Shouldered, Bearing a Palm Branch, Palm-bearer
QuintoBoy Deserving, Little Famous One, The Fifth
RenatoBoy A Town, Village, Warrior's Estate, Patrician, Noble, Form of Patrick, Royal, Noble Woman, Settlement of Poega, Peacock Town, Head, An Ethiopian Title, Loved, Desired, Sweet, Born Again
RigobertoBoy Strong Ruler, Glory, Dominant Ruler, Rich and Powerful Ruler, Powerful and Brave, Home Ruler
RitoBoy King's Ford, Chieftain
RupertoBoy Advice, Decision, Decision and Protector, Wise Guardian, Counsel Protection, Might Protector, Fame
SantoBoy Holy, Sacred
ScottoBoy A Scotsman
ShauntaeGirl Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife, Name of a Native American Tribe, Teacher
ShawntaeGirl Form of Sergio, Attendant
SholtoBoy Teal Duck, Sowing, Fruitful, Seed Bearing, Producing Many Offspring
SixtoBoy Sea Powerful
TitoBoy Wisdom, Skill
UmbertoBoy Famous Wolf, Young Animal
VitoBoy Son of Vincent, Son of Vincent or Son of Conqueror, Life
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M