Harry Potter at 20

Posted on: July 11th, 2017\""by Ruth Fitzpatrick

It’s official: Harry Potter is 20! Which, yeah, makes us feel old too! But it also means that children (like us!) who grew up with this magical world are now full grown muggles (ugh!) with babies of our own! Harry Potter is not to get old any time soon, and many of the names J.K. Rowling used in her 7 books are now so iconic that they’re ripe for the plucking! Here are our top 20 for the 20th anniversary:

Ron For the first name, we have to go for Harry’s best friend, Ron, but we’re not sure how popular this name will prove in the US today. It’s a little bit old-fashioned, and there are plenty more dashing Weasley brothers’ names to choose from!

Hermione Like Ron, we don’t know how easy it would be for Hermione to make it big in the States. It’s the feminine form of the Greek god, Hermes, and means ‘messenger’, but everyone will know your little girl is named for the iconic literary smarty pants!

Lavender J.K. Rowling uses a number of pretty floral names in her books, and Lavenders is possibly our favorite! It is one of the few classic though underused botanical names left for American parents, so snap it fast! Other floral names within the Harry Potter series include the romantic Fleur, down-to-earth Poppy, and the classic Rose.

Albus –the hero of the novels, Albus Dumbledore, could provide inspiration for your little boy. It comes from the Latin meaning ‘white, bright’, and will definitely sound very lofty and erudite. Otherwise, we life Hogwart’s grumpy janitor’s name: Argus. He was also a mythological Greek being, and his name means ‘watchful guardian’.

Luna A lot more playful than the equally lunar, though much more serious, Selene.

Remus One of the founding fathers of Rome, Remus could be a really interesting name. For a more feminine form, go for Remi.

Minerva Minerva is a very intellectual name meaning just that: ‘of the mind; intellect’. The diminutive Minny has a playful, Disney-esque feel. Another Classical name used in the book is Sybil which might have a lot more potential as a modern-day name. It means ‘prophetess’ and has an added aristocratic feel thanks to the UK hit drama, Downton Abbey.

Newt With the new movie series making waves, its hero, Newts, might see his name become a little more common. However, we’re not sure: it might be a little too political for most Americans.

Pomona A fruity place-name which is far more lyrical than its literal English counterpart, Apple.

Demelza A really gypsy chic name. It’s in fact a Celtic Cornish name and means ‘fort on the hill’.

Garrick This will sound a lot more lofty and powerful than its more popular cousins Gary or Gareth. It means ‘mighty warrior’.

Bane One of the centaurs of the Harry Potter series, Bane certainly sounds forceful and imposing. For something a little more poetic and lyrical, Firenze is an option, particularly for children born under the star sign Sagittarius, which is represented by a centaur.

Emmeline A very minor character, but an excellent name! Emmeline is a very romantic and unique alternative to the uber-popular Emma.

Molly Molly has a simple, friendly charm which, though it is currently seeing a decline in popularity, remains a strong choice. We prefer it to Ginny, which sounds too much like a nickname.

Errol A really unique choice that sounds noble and erudite. Hedwig is a possibility, but is unlikely to make the crossover into US naming charts.

Kingsley We really love this name, and it’s packed full of cultural, literary and historic significance. And, of course, it sounds extremely regal too!

Fred Actually, we love most of the Weasley boys’ names: George, Charlie, Arthur, but maybe not Percy… They all sound super friendly and genuine.

Hugo Mentioned as one of Hermione and Ron’s sons, Hugo is a very rich, noble name which means ‘mind, intellect’.

Harry – a Harry Potter name list wouldn’t be complete without the wonder-boy himself! Harry is a very sweet name with a boisterous charm. We also love Harrie for a girl.

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Baby Names Baby Naming Inspiration Names Inspired By Novels Names Inspired By Movies Baby Naming Ideas Harry Potter Names
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