Mesha rashi names for girls

 LokithaThe Enlightened One
 LokshitaPray for World
 LokyaLord of All Worlds, A Group of People
 LolaSorrow, Fickle, Carl, Goddess Lakshmi
 LolaksiThe Power of Lord Ganesha
 LolitaSorrows, Rubin, Ruby, Pain
 LolithaOne of the Famous Novel Written by Russian American Novelist Vladimir Nabokov, Ruby
 LomaaLaxami Maa
 LonaPretty, Beautiful, Solitary One, Lioness
 LonikaGoddess Laxmi
 LookeshwariKing of the Empire
 LopaWeaver, Learned, Wife of Sage
 LopamudraWife of Saint Agastya, Learned Woman
 LorenaSweet Bay Tree, Kingdom of Loather, Crowned with Laurels, Laurel
 LoshanaCombination of Rose and Anna
 LoshiniBeautiful and Attractive Eyes, Shine Above the Whole World
 LoshithaName of Flower
 LoticaGive Light to Others
 LotikaLight Reddish-brown, Sorrel
 LotisLotus Flower
 LoukyaWorldly Wise, Goddess Lakshmi
 LovaThe Promise
 LovdeepAttachment to Illumination
 LoveBattle, Beloved, Loved One, Famous
 LoveleenLoved One, Love to God
 LovelySweet, Beautiful
 LovepreetLoving, Famous and Powerful Love, Lovely
 LoveyLove, Very Cold as Moon
 LovinaFight, Lavinium from the Stem End, War, Famous
 LovleenAbsorbed, Imbued, Infused
 LovyaPiece of Love
 Lu LuahA Narrator of Hadith
 LubainaThe Innermost Essence
 LukeshaKing of the Empire
 LukeshwariKing of the Empire
 LumbikaA Musical Instrument
 LumbiniGrove, The Grove Where Buddha was Born
 LunashaBeauty and Brightness of Flowers, Beauty of Flower
 LusilaChief, Leader
 LutaA Lot of
 Lutfun NisaGrace of Women
 LuvSon of Lord Rama, First of Ramas Twin Son
 LuvdeepIlluminated Absorbtion, Illuminated Absorption
 LuvleenAbsorbed in Love, Imbued, Infused
 LuxmiGoddess Laxmi
 LuxmieGoddess Laxmi
 LuxmiprabaGoddess Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth
 LuxmipriyaA Person who Devotes to Goddess Lakshmi
 LuxmyprabaGoddess Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth