Ashwini nakshatra names

 LabnikaGBeautiful, Lovely
 LaboniGGraceful, Grace
 LabonitaGBeautiful One, Graceful
 LabonyaGBrilliant, Beautiful
 LabukiGMusical Instrument
 LachanBBright Eyes
 LachhmiGGoddess of Fortune
 LachmanBYounger Brother of Ram
 LadhiGSangeet, Sangeet Music
 LadliGLoved One, The Dearest One
 LaduUKing, Laddu, Sweet
 LaganUDedication, Appropriate Time
 LaghimaGGoddess Parvati, Goddess Parvathi
 LaghuUPure, Lovely, Young, Quick
 LagnaBThe Ascendant or 1st House
 LahanBLittle Bright Headed One, Music, Merciful
 LaharBSmall Wave, Wave
 LaharanBSmall Wave, Wave
 LahariGWaves, Wave, Tender
 LaheerthyaGAffinity to Sing
 LaherGFlow, The Wave
 LahiahBNarrator of Hadith
 LahomaGFraction of Time, The People
 LaiBFuture, The Beloved One
 LaibaUFemale of the Haven, Most Prettiest Angel of Heaven
 LaileshBLord Shiva
 LainaGShining One, Path, Roadway, Lives by the Lane
 LaiqBFit, Decent, Worthy, Deserving
 LairyaGHindu Goddess
 LajbirBHonourable Brave
 LajitaGA Truthful Woman, Modest
 LajjaamayeeGFull of Modesty
 LajjasheelaGOne with Modest Character
 LajjawatiGModest Woman, A Sensitive Plant
 LajjiniGModest, Shy
 LajjitBModest, Bashful
 LajjitaGShied, Modest
 LajlajBCompanion of Prophet Muhammad
 LajliGShy, Blushing
 LajpalBProtector of Honour
 LajpatBOf Keeping Shame
 LajpreetBLove of Honour
 LajpremBLove of Honour
 LajvantiGTouch Me Not Plant
 LajwantBHonourable, Modest
 LajwantiGGood Girl, A Sensitive Plant
 LakashokavinashiniGRemover of Universal Agonies
 LakeeshBCassia Tree, Combination of La and Keisha, Favorite One, Woman
 LakeeshaGWoman, Joyful or Happy
 LakeshBKing of Sri Lanka, Cinnamon Tree
 LakeshaGLakeisha and Its Variants are Rhyming Forms of Leticia, Happy, Life, Joyful
 LakhGHundred Thousand 10 Lakh = 1 Million
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