Krittika nakshatra names for girls

 AbdhijaBorn in Sea, Goddess Lakshmi
 AbeerFragrance, Colour, Strong
 AbeeraStrong, Brave
 AbenaBorn on a Tuesday
 AbharanJewel, Ornament
 AbharikaThe Name of a Goddess
 AbhatiLight, Splendor, Splendour
 AbhavLord Shiva, Having the Ability to be Diffrent
 AbhavyaImproper, Fear-Causing
 AbhayaLuster, Fearless
 AbhayanandaDelighting in Fearless, Delighting in Fearlessness
 AbhayankariOne who Gives Courage
 AbhayapradaBestower of Safety, Another Name for Vishnu
 AbhibhavaPowerful, Victorious, Overpowering, Face Like Moon
 AbhicandraWith a Moon Like Face
 AbhidhaWord, Sound, Name, Literal Meaning
 AbhidharmHighest Dharma
 AbhidhyaWish, Longing
 AbhidiWord, Name, Expression, Radiant
 AbhidyaLonging, Wish, Of Thought
 AbhignaLighting, Wise One, Knowledgeable, Precious
 AbhignyaKnowledgeable, Wise One
 AbhigurtiSongs of Gratitude
 AbhigyaWise One, Expert, Adept
 AbhijatComplete Victory, Noble, Transparent, Conquest
 AbhijataWell Born, Well-Born
 AbhijayaConquest, Victorious, Complete Victory
 AbhijishyaIndependent Girl
 AbhijitLord Krishna, Victory, One who is Victorious, Conqueror
 AbhijitaVictorious Woman
 AbhijitiTriumph, Victory
 AbhijnaRecollection, Clever, Remembrance
 AbhikBeloved, Fearless
 AbhikankshaLonging for, Desire
 AbhikheyaBeauty, Shrine
 AbhikhyaSplendour, Fame, Beauty
 AbhilasaDesire, Wish
 AbhilashDesire, Aspiration, Wish
 AbhilashaDesire, Wish
 AbhimAnother Name for Vishnu, The Son of Arjun in Mahabharat
 AbhimaniWho Possess Pride
 AbhimaniniProud of Herself
 AbhimanyaSon of Arjuna, A Warrior
 AbhimodaJoy, Delight
 AbhinaVery Young, Quite New, Fresh
 AbhinabhasRenowned, Famous
 AbhinandaFelicitous, To Bless, Delight, Welcoming
 AbhinandanCongratulation, To Rejoice, Welcoming, Greetings
 AbhinandanaWelcoming, To Celebrate, Good Wishes, Felicitous
 AbhinathaAnother Name for Kama, Lord of Desires
 AbhinavA Sakta Notable for His Great Leaning and Spiritual Attainment, Young, Creative, Nice Person
 AbhinavaQuite New, Novel, Young, Modern
 AbhinayaExpressions, Actress, Action, Expression
 AbhineetActed, Perfect
 AbhinitaWell Performed, Proper, Suitable
 AbhinithiFriendship, That which is Already been Performed
 AbhinitiFriendship, Gesture
 AbhiniveshLove, Desire
 AbhipreetiFull of Love