Krittika nakshatra names for girls

 AbhiprithiFull of Love
 AbhipritiFull of Love
 AbhipsaTo Know about God, Desire, Wish
 AbhipshaDesire, Wish
 AbhiraksaOne who Protects
 AbhiramPleasing, The Most Handsome, Lovely, Lord Shiva
 AbhiramiGoddess Lakshmi
 AbhirathGreat Charioteer
 AbhiriA Raagini of Indian Music
 AbhirkaWife of Cowherd
 AbhiroopHandsome, Pleasant, Pleasing
 AbhiroopaDelightful, Beloved, Beautiful Woman
 AbhirupPleasant Look, Charming, Handsome, Pleasing
 AbhirupaPleasing Form, Beautiful Woman, Charming, Lord Shiva and Vishnu
 AbhisarikaBeloved, Engagement with Love
 AbhishiktaInstalled on a Throne, Women Crowned In Royal Chair
 AbhishreeShining, Brilliant, Powerful, To Enlighten
 AbhishuRay of Light
 AbhisnehaLonging, Desire, Love, Affection
 AbhisriBrilliant, Surrounded by Glory, Shining, To Enlighten
 AbhitaFearless, Courageous, Everywhere, Brave
 AbhithaFearless, Goddess Parvati
 AbhithiFearlessness, Fearless
 AbhitiCourageous, Brave, Fearless
 AbhivadaReverential Salutation, Salutation of Respect
 AbhivadakaA Devotee
 AbhivadanaTo Greet
 AbhivakshitaOne who is Protected
 AbhivandyaOne who is Treated Respectfully, Respected
 AbhiyaBrilliant, Splendid
 AbhjaWater Lily
 AbhpriRefreshing, Gladdening
 AbhraCloud, Bearing Water, Clouds, Sky
 AbhragangaThe Celestial Ganga
 AbhramaniSun or Moon
 AbhramuClear, Steady
 AbhrantiWithout Error
 AbhrayantiForming Clouds, Bringing Rain
 AbhyGives Joy, Father in Rejoicing, Head of a Monastery, The Intelligent
 AbhyaFearless, Towards the Fire
 AbhyavarshiniOne who Comes Repeatedly
 AbidaWho Adores God, Worshipping God's Servant, Adorers, She who Worships
 AbidhaLiteral Meaning, Word, Sound, Name
 AbilashaDesired, Desire, Wish, Goddess Lakshmi
 AbilashiniDesirability, Aspiration, Desire
 AbimaLord Vishnu, One who Destroys Fear
 AbimolaBorn to be Rich
 AbinaBorn on Thursday
 AbinandhaEver Wishing Person
 AbinathaAnother Name for Kama, Lord of Desires
 AbinayaSweet, Abinaya Means Expressions, Lovely, Pretty Girl
 AbinayasadhanaThe One who Softly Making Gestures to Show Expression of Thoughts
 AbinayashreeWealth of Expression, Goddess Vak, bestower of speech and expression
 AbinayasriWealth of Expression, Goddess Vak, bestower of speech and expression
 AbiraStrong, Brave
 AbiradhiJoy, Delight, Jovialit, Pleasure
 AbirameMy Father is Exalted
 AbiramiGoddess Lakshmi, Friendly
 AbiramsundariBeautiful Like a Fairy
 AbirathaSatisfying, Reposing
 AbirhamiGoddess Laxmi, Friendly
 AbirnathiRiver Like Person