Krittika nakshatra names for girls

 AgnishikhaFlames of Fire
 AgnivardhiniIncreasing Fire
 AgniveeryaDhronacharya's Guru
 AgniveshBright as the Fire, Elder
 AgrajA King's Son, Eldest Brother, Senior, First Born
 AgrajaSenior, First Born, Main, Eldest Brother
 AgraniNumber One, Best, Always First
 AgrasenGreat Warrior of an Arma
 AgraveerThe Elder, Superior
 AgrayiA Wife of Agni, Primal
 AgreeyaAlways Ahead
 AgrimaAdvance, Leadership
 AgriyaPrime, First and Best
 Ahalekaithe Wife of the Sage Gautama Maharishi
 Ahalikathe Wife of the Sage Gautama Maharishi
 Ahalikaithe Wife of the Sage Gautama Maharishi
 AhaliniMoat, Defender
 Ahaliyathe Wife of the Sage Gautama Maharishi
 AhalthithaInner Happiness
 AhalyaRishi Gautama’S Wife, Night, Not Ugly, Woman Rescued by Lord Rama
 AhalyanaInner Happiness
 AhalyaniInner Happiness
 AhanaDawn, Sunrise, Immortal, From the Little Ford
 AhankaaraOne with Pride
 AhanthikaOne who Admires His Inner Beauty
 AhantiEternal, Gift, Indestructible
 AhanyaGoddess Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth
 AharnaTamil First Letter in an Alphabet 'Ah'
 AharpatiAnother Name for Sun and Shiva, Lord of the Day, Heron
 AhavaLoved One
 AhavaniOne who Lives in Our Heart
 AhearnKnowledgeable, Worldly
 AheliGrace, Pure
 AhiSun, Cloud, Heaven and Earth Conjoined, Fawn
 AhilaKnowledgeable, Worldly
 AhilandeswariGoddess Amman
 AhimakarOne who Gives Warmth, The Sun
 AhimsaNonviolent Virtue, Harmless
 AhiraCowherd, Protector of cows
 AhirajVariation of Muhammad, Most Praised
 AhirthaCowherd, Protector of cows
 AhismaNo Boundries
 AhitaHostile, Evil
 AhjaHigh Priestess of Mecca, Guardian, Educator, Not Born
 AhladCausing Delight, Refreshing, Happy, Joy
 AhladajananiSource of Happiness
 AhladiniIn Happy Mood
 AhladitJoyous Person, Happy Mood
 AhladitaIn Happy Mood, Delighted
 AhladithaDelighted, In Happy Mood
 AhlamImaginative, She with the Beauty of Dreams, Witty
 AhobalMighty, Powerful, Lord Hanuman
 AhrathyHymns Sang In Praise of God, Prayer, Worship
 AhruthiForm of Worship, Towards the Highest Love for God, Prayer
 AhshaLike, Hope, Similar To, Life
 AhshajaAbu Addunya Almaghrabi, He was a Narrator of Hadith, Had this Name
 AhsithaRiver Yamuna, Success
 AhuTo Look After, Invoking, Calling
 AhukaOfferer, Sacrificer
 AhutiOffering, Calling
 AifaGift, Smart
 AigharRighteous Woman, She was a Religious
 AijazFavor, Favour
 AiksavakiProduced from Sugar Cane
 AilaBorn of Intellect, Saints, Sword, Shining