Alston | Elf Stone and Noble One's Settlement |
Alton | From the Old Town and Ella's Town |
Anton | Highly Praiseworthy and Beyond Praise |
Arlington | Town of Aelfred Aelffrith Or Eorl |
Ashton | Ash Tree Town and Ash Tree Settlement |
Auston | The August and The Dignified |
Axton | Swordsman's Stone and Ash Tree Town |
Barton | From the Barley Settlement and Place Name of Where Barley was Grown |
Belton | Enclosure |
Benton | Town and Bent Grass Enclosure |
Berton | Place Name and From the Fortified Town |
Boston | From Boston Massachusetts and A Place Name |
Braxton | Braccas Town Brocks Town and Brock's Town |
Brenton | Hilltop and Hill |
Britton | From Britain and A Native of Brittany |
Brixton | |
Bryton | A Brit and Bright Town |
Burton | Fortress and Fortified Enclosure |
Carleton | Peasant and Farmer's Town |
Carlton | Form of Carleton and From the Land Between the Streams |
Charlton | Settlement of Freemen and From Charles Dwelling |
Clayton | From the Clay Town and Clay Settlement |
Clifton | From a Town Near a Cliff and Settlement by the Cliff |
Clinton | Settlement Near the Headland and Near a Hill |
Coleton | Coal Town |
Colton | Coal Town and Dark Settlement |
Dalton | From the Valley Town and Town In the Valley |
Daulton | Town In the Valley |
Daxton | Reference to the French Town Dax and Water |
Dayton | Ditch Town and Homestead |
Delton | From the Town in the Valley |
Denton | Valley Settlement and Denu Meaning Valley |
Easton | Eastern Town and Eastern Settlement |
Elton | Ellas Town and Old Friend |
Eston | From East Town |
Felton | Field Settlement and Town Near the Field |
Fenton | Marshland Dweller and Marsh Settlement |
Fulton | Muddy from / Dark Place to Come and Bird Colony |
Gaston | Host and Guest |
Grafton | Grove Settlement |
Hamilton | From the Mountain Town and Small Village |
Hampton | High Settlement and Place-name and Surname |
Hilton | From the Town Or Estate on the Hill and Manor on the Hill |
Houston | Place-name and Surname and American West Texan General Sam Houston |
Huston | From the Settlement on the Hill of Hugh's Town |
Jaxton | Jack's Town |
Juston | True and Singer |
Kashton | |
Keaton | Where Hawks Fly and Settlement on the Bank |
Kelton | Keel Town and Town of the Keels |
Kenton | Cena Meaning Keen and Royal Settlement |
Kingston | From the King's Village or Estate King's Field and King's Town |
Kolton | Coal Town |
Langston | From the Long Enclosure and Tall Stone |
Lawton | From the Town Or Estate on the Hill and From the Hillside Farm |
Layton | Settlement with Leek-Field and From the Meadow Settlement |
Leighton | One from the Meadow Farm and From the Meadow Settlement |
Linton | Lime Tree and Lyne |
Maxton | From Maccus' Town |
Melton | Town In the Middle of Hamlets |
Merton | From the Town by the Lake and Lakeside Settlement |
Milton | Similar to a Place and Family Names and Town |
Morton | From the Town Near the Moor |
Newton | New Settlement and From the New Estate |
Norton | From the Northern Town and Northern Country |
Paxton | Peaceful Town and From the Peace Town |
Payton | Noble and Warrior's Estate |
Peyton | Noble and Fighting-man's Estate |
Preston | Priest Town and The Priest's Village |
Princeton | Princes Town and Principal One |
Quinton | Born In the Fifth Month and Fifth |
Remington | From the Raven-family Settlement and From the Raven City |
Shelton | From the Town on a Ledge and Hill |
Stanton | Stone Settlement and Stony Meadow |
Sutton | From the Southern Homestead Or Village and From the Southern Settlement |
Thornton | Town of Thorns and Thorn Bush Settlement |
Thurston | Thor's Stone |
Trenton | Trent's Town and Gushing Waters |
Treyton | Town Full of Trees and A Settlement near Trees |
Triston | Tumult and Riot |
Vinton | From the Vine Settlement |
Walton | Spring Settlement and From the Walled Town |
Washington | Town Near Water and Wassa's Settlement |
Wellington | Place Name and From the Wealthy Estate |
Welton | From the Spring Farm and Town Near the Well |
Weston | From the Western Settlement and West Town |
Wilton | Spring, Stream and Tun and From the Well Settlement |
Winston | Town of Victory and From the Friend's Town |
Winton | Willow Town and Pasture Town Willow Town |
Afton | England and Place Name |
Alston | From the Old Manor and Place Name |
Alton | Ella's Town and Ella's City |
Anton | Spanish Form of Anthony and Invaluable |
Arlington | Town of Aelfred Aelffrith Or Eorl |
Ashton | Town of Ash Trees and Ash and Village |
Barton | Place Name and Place Name of Where Barley was Grown |
Belton | Enclosure |
Benton | Bent Grass Settlement and Homestead |
Berton | Glorious Ruler and Bright Settlement |
Boston | A Place Name and From Boston Massachusetts |
Braxton | Bracca's Town and Braccas Town Brocks Town |
Britton | From Britain and Brit |
Burton | From the Fortified Town and Fortified Enclosure |
Carleton | Peasant and Farmer's Town |
Carlton | Form of Carleton and Farmer's Town |
Charlton | Farmer's Settlement and Settlement of Freemen |
Clayton | Clay-pit Site and From the Clay Town |
Clifton | Settlement by the Cliff and Town By a Cliff |
Clinton | Settlement Near the Headland Settlement on a Hill and Place Name |
Dalton | Town In the Valley Farmstead and From the Valley Town |
Dayton | Dike Enclosure and Dike Settlement |
Denton | Denu Meaning Valley and Valley Settlement |
Elton | From the Old Estate and Old City |
Eston | From East Town |
Felton | From the Field Estate and Field Settlement |
Fenton | Marshland Dweller and Marsh Settlement |
Fulton | The Field Near Town and Muddy from / Dark Place to Come |
Gaston | Guest and Host |
Grafton | Grove Settlement |
Hamilton | Home-lover's Estate or Hill with Grass and Beautiful Mountain |
Hampton | Place-name and Surname and High Settlement |
Hilton | Manor on the Hill and From the Town Or Estate on the Hill |
Horton | From the Garden Estate and Stag Hill |
Houston | Town of Houses and Place-name and Surname |
Huston | From the Settlement on the Hill of Hugh's Town |
Knowlton | |
Lawton | From the Town Or Estate on the Hill and From the Hillside Farm |
Layton | Herb Garden and Settlement with Leek-Field |
Leighton | Settlement with Leek-Field and One from the Meadow Farm |
Linton | Lyne and From the Flax Enclosure |
Liston | |
Littleton | Small Town |
Livingston | Leofwines Settlement and From Lyfing's Town |
Lofton | |
Melton | Town In the Middle of Hamlets |
Merton | Lakeside Settlement and From the Town by the Lake |
Milton | Similar to a Place and Family Names and Settlement |
Morton | From the Town Near the Moor |
Newton | New Town and From the New Estate |
Norton | Northern Country and From the Northern Town |
Overton | Town High on a Hill and Upper Town |
Payton | Peacock Town and Noble |
Peyton | Village of the Warrior and Form of Patrick |
Preston | Priest's Town and Priest's Settlement |
Shelton | Dune and Hill |
Singleton | Shingle Settlement |
Stanton | Stony Meadow and Stone Settlement |
Thornton | Thorn Bush Settlement and Dweller At the Thorny Estate |
Thurston | Thor's Stone |
Vinton | From the Vine Settlement |
Walton | Walled and Spring Settlement |
Washington | Wassa's Settlement and Settlement Associated with Wassa |
Wellington | From the Wealthy Estate and Place Name |
Welton | From the Spring Farm and Town Near the Well |
Weston | West Town and From the Western Settlement |
Wilton | From the Well Settlement and Willow Tree and Tun |
Winston | Wine and Homestead |
Winton | From Wine's Farm and Windy Town |