Names that mean Men
Warrior, Defender of Men, Protect and Man, Manly
Protect and Man, Defender of Men, Manly
Defender of Mankind, Splendid, Protector, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Feminine of Alexander, To Defend, Protect and Man, Manly
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Protector, Abbreviation of Alexander, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Defender of Men, Protector, Noble
Defender of Men
Helper and Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Protect and Man, Protector, Defender of Men, Manly
City Name, Boat and Gwys = Men, To Seek, Search For
Defender and Helper of Mankind, Alexandra, Defending Men
Defender of Men, Repel, Protector, Protect
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protect and Man, Manly
Defender of Men
Manly, Defending Men, Helper and Defender of Mankind
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Defender of Mankind
Protect and Man, Man's Defender, Protector, Form of Alexander
Family Name, Of the Forest Men, Strawberry, French Town
Defender of Men, Protector
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Al-Sakhtiyani, One who Asks for Forgiveness, For Instance Ibn Tamim was a Reciter of the Quran
Helper and Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Noble
Defender of Mankind, A Word, Protector, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Freedmen, Men Liberating, Loosening, Release
Leader of Men
He who Guards the Treasure
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Manly, Protect and Man
Queen, Name of a County, Dark Haired One, Black
Protect and Man, Defender of Mankind, Prophetess, Good Lamp
Defender of Men
Defender of Men, Protect and Man, Manly
Dark-Haired, Dusky, Name of a County, Dark Haired One
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Settlement of Freemen, From Carl's Farm, Farmer's Town, Place Name
Protector, Defender of Men, Protect and Man, Manly
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protector
Defender of Men, Protector
Helper and Defender of Mankind, To Defend, Repel, Manly
She who Entangles Men, Unheeded Prophetess, Vain, Abbreviation of Cassandra
Ciar's People, Inspired By the Eponymous Irish County, Marsh Land, Queen
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protect and Man, Manly
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protector
Black, Dark, Queen, Ciar's People
French Town, Curly, Strawberry
Release, Loosening, Men Liberating, Freedmen
Man, Freedmen, Loosening, Men Liberating
Defender of Men
Protector, Warrior, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protect and Man
Dark Haired One, Black, Ciar's People, Name of a County
Of the Forest Men, French Town, Variant of Fraser, Curly
Superior, All, Entire, Defending Men, Power
Curly Haired, Variant of Fraser of the Forest Men
Protector, To Defend, Manly, Protect and Man
Form of Carleton, From Carl's Farm, Farmer's Town, Peasant Settlement
Protector, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Helper and Defender of Mankind, Manly
Protect and Man, Man's Defender, Repel, Protector
Benefit, Normal Man, Favor, Granted
Protector of mankind, Manly, Warrior
Protector of Mankind, Manly, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Warrior
Feminine Form of Alexander, Release, Man's Defender, Man
Loosening, Freedmen, Men Liberating, Release
Lord of Men, God is Gracious, Sheet
Protector of Mankind, Protect and Man, Manly, Mongolian City
Black, Dark, Queen, Ciar's People
Freedmen, Man, Loosening, Release
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Feminine of Alexander, To Defend, Protect and Man, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Form of Alexander, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
The Defender, Form of Alexander, Protector, Manly
Helper and Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Manly
Eliane, The Defender, Peaceful Ruler, Protector
Son of Carl, Free Men's Town
Protect and Man, Defender of Men, Manly, Protector
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Man's Defender, Manly, To Defend
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Defender of Men
Defender of Men
Form of Carleton, Farmer's Town, Place Name
Helper and Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Manly, To Help
To Defend, Man's Defender, Protect and Man, Protector
Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protector, A Word
Abbreviation of Alexander, Protect and Man, Manly, Defending Men
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Man's Defender, Protect and Man, Feminine of Alexander, To Defend
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Defender of Men
Defending Men, Noble, Exalted Elevated, All and Rich
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Manly, Protector, Protect and Man
Feminine Form of Alexander, Defending Men, Protector
Dusky, Black Haired Men, Inspired By the Eponymous Irish County, Queen
Superior, Exalted Elevated, Excellence, Defending Men
Protector, Defender of Men, Manly, Warrior
Defender of Men
Freedmen, Lysis Meaning Release Loosening, Man, Men Liberating
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protect, Protector, Repel
Men Liberating, Release, Man, Loosening
Defender of Men, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Defending Men
Feminine of Alexander, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Defender of Men, To Defend, Manly
Protector, Defender of Men, Protect and Man, Manly
Form of Alexander, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Protector
Rest, Comfort, Quietness, Wanderer, Helper and Defender of Mankind, Peaceful
Boat Men, Navik
Queen, Black Haired Men, Dark, Dark-Haired
Army of Men
Defender of Men
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Defender of Men
Name of a County, Dusky, Black, Queen
Manly, Protector of Man, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, To Help
Helper and Defender of Mankind, Manly, Warrior
Defender of Men, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Manly, Helper and Defender of Mankind, Warrior
Protecting Men, Defender of Men
Extremely angry
English, Defender of Men, Protector, Warrior
He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, Defender of Men
Tamil Show Host James, Protector of Mankind, Manly, Supplanter
Variant of Alexander, From Ireland, English, Manly
Freedmen, Lysis Meaning Release Loosening, Man, Men Liberating
Helper and Defender of Mankind, To Help, Manly
Defender of Men, Protector, Protect and Man, Manly
Man's Defender, Manly, Protector of Man, To Defend
Helper and Defender of Mankind, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men
Protector, To Help, Man's Defender, Feminine of Alexander
Defender of Men
Protector, Defender of Mankind, Defending Men
Protector of Man, Manly, He Who Wards Off (Other) Men, To Defend
Defender of Men, Manly, Warrior
Little Jacques and supplanter
Little Jacques and supplanter
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants
Little Jacques and supplanter
Little Jacques and supplanter
Little Jacques and supplanter
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He Who Supplants
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, smooth and steep
He who supplants, smooth and steep
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
He who supplants, supplanter, holder of heel and may God protect
Little Jacques and supplanter