Ahmad name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Boy
Origin: Arabic
Usage: Arabic, Kannada, Sindhi, Tamil, Assamese, Kannada, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Finnish
Pronunciation: pronunciation of Ahmad a(h)-mad
Meaning: Highly Praised, Commendable, More Praiseworthy and Most Rented
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What does Ahmad mean?

Admired Ahmad came from Arabic, meaning of Ahmad is "Highly Praised, More Commendable, More Praiseworthy, Most Rented or The Word Hamida Which is of the Meaning to Praise to Commend to Thank", specifically used in Sindhi, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Kannada, Arabic, Norwegian, Tamil, German and Assamese is used as a gender-neutral name .

Ahmad is variant form of widely accepted Ahmed. Ahmed is variation of Achmed. Meaning of Ahmed is Price and Lobeswürdigste and More Commendable is rooted from Arabic.

How do I pronounce Ahmad?

The proper pronunciation of two syllabled Ahmad is a(h)-mad.

Variants of Ahmad

Achmad, Ahmed, Achmed, Am

Names that rhyme with Ahmad

How popular is the name Ahmad?

a popular name in United States with over 17420 new-borns have been given the name since 1950. Presently the moniker is on a rise, in 2001, the moniker grabbed the 386th spot and 661 baby boys were given the name.

In addition to that, the given name has been in the top 500 baby names 10 times Ahmad is a common name in England and Wales given to over 2829 babies in 23 years.

At its zenith in 2005, 194 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 264th position.

Ahmad is a familiar baby name in France, it has been in use since 1964 and was able to reach the top 700 names.

Recently in 2017, it achieved its highest ever ranking of 662 on boy names chart when 72 babies were named Ahmad. Over 938 babies in France have been named Ahmad. The name is a unique baby name in Netherlands, during its short term of usage, the name has been to the top 400 names.

Recently in 2018, it achieved its highest ever ranking of 382 on boy names chart when 41 babies were named Ahmad. Over 117 people have been named Ahmad in Netherlands. Also, in Belgium, the name has been in use since 2001 and has secured the place in top 400 names.

Recently in 2018, it achieved its highest ever ranking of 300 on boy names chart when 38 babies were named Ahmad. There are over 252 babies that have been given the name Ahmad in Belgium.

Ahmad is an uncommon baby name in Ireland where it has been in use since 1989 and peaked in 2003 when it ranked 305th. Over 123 people have been named Ahmad in Ireland.

However things change on global perspective, Ahmad is extremely popular in Indonesia where every 1 in 200 have the name as well as in, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia and Nigeria.

Also the baby name is popular in United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Syria, India, Bangladesh, Qatar, Sudan, Israel, Libya, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Somalia, Philippines, Morocco, Niger, Chad, Canada and Mozambique. As per our findings, over 5560000 babies have been bestowed Ahmad around the globe.

View more ▾View full list ▾[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Ahmad in Nordic countries

First NameSecondary NameFirst NameSecondary Name

Numerological analysis of Ahmad

You have a quick mind. Learn how to live on your own and trust others without losing yourself and your self-respect. Peace, balance, harmony, honesty, and fairness describe your soul the best. You don't believe much in love. However, deep inside, you secretly wish to find someone who will prove you wrong. You deserve the best because you are simply the best. When it comes to love, you can't stand a monogamous relationship.

Looking for a name like Ahmad? Please go through the following names

  •  Radhwa - Origin of Radhwa is in Arabic, meaning of Radhwa is "Name of a Mountain In Medina or Name of Mountain in Medina" used commonly in Kannada and Arabic is bestowed upon baby girls
  •  Usayd - Unexpected choice and Modern boy name Usayd is principally used in Sindhi and Arabic, meaning of Usayd is "Little Lion"
  •  Mubin - Origin of Unexpected and Modernistic Mubin is in Arabic is used principally in Arabic and Arabic, meaning of Mubin is "Clear or Another Name for the Quran" is a unisex name
  •  Tanzima - Girl name Tanzima is used especially in Bengali and Arabic, meaning of Tanzima is "A Gift from Heaven"
  •  Asir - The uncommon and fresh boy name Asir is chiefly used in Arabic, Danish and Finnish languages, Asir means "Selected or Captivating"

Sibling Names for Ahmad

Ahmad is the perfect name for a baby boy, and it carries with it a strong meaning, which is "praiseworthy". Here are some complementary sibling names to go along with Ahmad.

For a sister

Brother to Ahmad

Famous people named Ahmad

  • Ahmad ibn Fadlan, 10th-century Arab however, the 'Encyclopedia of Islam' and Richard N. Frye add that nothing can be said with certainty about his origin
  • Ahmad Shukeiri, president
  • Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, third President of Sierra Leone
  • Ahmad ibn Rustah, 10th-century Persian explorer and geographer
  • Ahmad Tavakkoli, Iranian conservative populist politician
  • Ahmad Shah Qajar, was Shah of Persia
  • Ahmad Muhammad Numan, educator, propagandist and politician
  • Ahmad Fanakati, Persian Muslim from Qara Khitai
  • Ahmad al-Tifashi, Berber poet, writer, and anthologist
  • Ahmad ibn Yusuf, Muslim Arab mathematician
  • Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, " With the help of an army mainly composed of Somalis, the Harla people, Afars, Hararis and a small number of Arabs and Ottoman Turks
  • Ahmad Nahavandi, Persian astronomer of the 8th and 9th centuries
  • Ahmad El-Maati, Canadian citizen
  • Ahmad al-Badawi, 13th-century Moroccan Sunni Muslim mystic
  • Ahmad II of Tunis, ruler of Tunisia
  • Ahmad al-Tijani, founder of the Tijaniyya Sufi order
  • Ahmad al-Mansur, was Sultan of the Saadi dynasty
  • Ahmad ibn Mājid, Arabian navigator and cartographer
  • Ahmad Alaq,
  • Ahmad Hassan Abdullah, long-distance and cross country runner
  • Ahmad ibn Asad, Samanid ruler of Ferghana and Samarkand
  • Ahmad Samani, was amir of the Samanids
  • Ahmad ibn Ali, son of Jamal ad-Din I
  • Ahmad Mahmoud, prominent Iranian novelist
  • Ahmad Meshari Al-Adwani, poet and teacher
  • Ahmad Kamal, retired Pakistani diplomat
  • Ahmad Faruqui, defense analyst and economist
  • Ahmad Mahir Pasha, Prime Minister of Egypt
  • Ahmad Ismail Ali, Commander-in-Chief of Egypt's army and minister of war during the October War of 1973
  • Ahmad Ghabel,
  • Ahmad Matin-Daftari, Prime Minister of Iran
  • Ahmad Qavam, politician
  • Ahmad al-Khatib, Syrian politician
  • Ahmad Abu Laban, Danish-Palestinian imam and the leader of the organization The Islamic Society
  • Ahmad ibn Ajiba, 18th-century Moroccan saint
  • Ahmad Saatchian, Iranian theatre, television, and film actor
  • Ahmad Sohrab, Persian-American author and Bahá'í
  • Ahmad Zia Massoud, Vice President of Afghanistan
  • Ahmad Tourson, Uyghur refugee unlawfully detained for more than seven years
  • Ahmad al-Bakkai al-Kunti, West African Islamic and political leader
  • Ahmad al-Buni, Al-Buni lived in Egypt and learned
  • Ahmad Shah Ahmadzai, Afghan politician
  • Ahmad Jalayir, Jalayirid ruler
  • Ahmad Hilmi of Filibe, Sufi Turkish language writer and thinker
  • Ahmad al-Alawi, Algerian Sufi Sheikh
  • Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani,
  • Ahmad Hasan Dani, Pakistani intellectual, archaeologist, historian
  • Ahmad Sirhindi, Indian Islamic scholar, a Hanafi jurist
  • Ahmad Yasawi, Turkic poet and Sufi
  • Ahmad Mahdavi Damghani, philosopher
  • Ahmad Shah Durrani, founder of the Durrani Empire and is regarded as the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan
  • Ahmad Shah Massoud, powerful military commander during the resistance against the Soviet occupation between 1979 and 1989
  • Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani, well-known and highly respected politician
  • Ahmad Saeed, former chairman of the Pakistan's National Carrier
  • Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Arab Muslim jurist, theologian, ascetic


  1. Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
  2. Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths
  3. Central Statistics Office - An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh, https://visual.cso.ie/?body=entity/babynames
  4. Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2540004
  5. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/family-names-and-first-names/first-names-boys-and-girls
  6. Office fédéral de la statistique, https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/population/naissances-deces/prenoms-nouveaux-nes.html
  7. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://www.svb.nl/nl/kindernamen/
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