Names that mean Muhammad
The Praiseworthy, Greatly Praised, Name of the Last Prophet
Form of Muhammad Praised One, Filled with Praise, The Praiseworthy
Charming, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Honourable Comrade, Good Friend
Happiness, Living, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, She is Life
Much Praised, Gift of Allah, Praiseworthy, Most Rented
Most Highly Adored, Much Praised, More Praiseworthy, Commendable
Prophet Muhammad, Elected, Mustafa, Elect of God
Counsel or wise
Satisfying Thirst, Water, The Prophets Person Calling Prayer, Moistening
Name of Prophet's Daughter, Beautiful
Great, Faithful Worker, Obscure, Sure
Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fragrant or Beautiful Plant, Desert Tree
Lady with Fair Complexion, Sea of Sorrows, Sorrow, To Desire
Name of a God
Ha, Ta, Pious, Name of a Surah in the Quran
The Truthful, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Custodian, Trustworthy
The Guided One, Well-managed
Star, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Aristocratic Lady, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Jewel or Ornament, The First, Go-Getter
One who Assembles, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Collector, Gatherer
A Friend of Muhammad, Bustard Fledgling
Muhammad Which Means Praiseworthy, The Name of the Prophet, Greatly Praised
A Friend of Prophet Muhammad, Wooden
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Friend, Beloved, Darling
Praiseworthy, Friend, Who Praises God, Allah
He (God) Will Add, Mary, Beloved, Possible: the Bitter
Companion of Prophet Muhammad, One who Crushes Or Smashes, Generous, Bountiful
Solid, Strong, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Of
Strong, Of, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Powerful
Wished for Child, The Perfect One, Wonderful, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
The Abstaining, Daughter of Muhammad, Young Camel, Abstainer
Sea of Sorrow, The Perfect One, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved
Another Name of Prophet Muhammad, Omnipotent, Accounter, Reckoned
Most Praiseworthy, Much Praised, Commendable
Al-muzzammil, The Wrapped One, In this Sura Allah Addresses the Prophet Muhammad
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Butterfly, Messenger
Sister, Star, The Word Mirjam with the Meaning Bitterness, Sea of Sorrow
Alive She who Lives, Lively, Resurrection, Woman
Muhammad Which Means Praiseworthy, The Name of the Prophet, Greatly Praised
Wetting, Water, Moistening, Refreshing
Honey, Beloved, Wonderful, Aristocratic Lady
The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow, Lady
Sea of Bitterness, Beautiful, Star, Rebellious
Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, Fragrant or Beautiful Plant, Desert Tree
Sword of Allah
Prophet Muhammad, Interlocutor, Talker, Speaker
Support, Handhold, Description of Ayesha by Muhammad
Another Name of Prophet Muhammad, One who Follows
Prosperous, Happiness, Alive She who Lives, Joy
The Name of the Prophet, Muhammad Which Means Praiseworthy, Greatly Praised
Lively, Alive, She is Life, Prosperous
Law, Manifesto, Aided by God, Prism
Close Friend, Confidant, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Honourable Comrade
Muhammad, Wife
Victorious, Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Victory, Triumph
A Biblical Prophet's Name, Companion of Prophet Muhammad
Star, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Aristocratic Lady, A Fragrant Resin Obtained from a Tree
Alive She who Lives, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, Happiness, Who is Like God
Form of Muhammad Praised One, The Praiseworthy, Filled with Praise
Muhammad Which Means Praiseworthy, The Name of the Prophet, Greatly Praised
Bearer, Angel, Prophet, Messenger of God
Another Name of Ali, Lion
Beautiful, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Mary
Confidant, Charming, Sincere Friend, Honourable Comrade
Serious, Love of God, Without Intoxication, Praiseworthy
Star, Unruly, Sea of Sorrow, Bitter
Rich, Pure, Blessed
Muhammad, Wife
Confidant, Honourable Comrade, Sincere Friend, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Close Friend, Honourable Comrade, Charming, Beautiful
Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bukha
Islamic Place, Valley Near Makkah Where a Battle was Fought in the Time of Prophet Muhammad
An Epithet of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Talker, Interlocutor, Lecturer
Star, Mary, Sea of Bitterness, Godsend Or: the Fertile
Ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad Called Abd Manaaf
The Perfect One, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Sea of Bitterness, Sorrowful
Mount Hirah
Variant of Hisham, Handsome, Noble, Beneficence
Chosen, Mustafa, Elect of God, Elected
Rising, Standing, Existing, Well-grounded
Much Praised, More Praiseworthy, Commendable
Esteemed, Respected, Reckoned, Accountant
Beautiful, Name of Prophet's Daughter
Wrapped in, Enveloped
Wife of Prophet Muhammad
Valued, Sea of Sorrow, Divinely Precious, Wonderful
Love of God, Serious, Praiseworthy, Much Praised
The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow, Lady
Faithful, The Trustworthy, Truthful, Trustworthy, Peaceful, Trust
Sacred name
Companion, Companion of Prophet Muhammad
Form of Muhammad Praised One, The Praiseworthy, Filled with Praise
The Name of the Prophet, Muhammad Which Means Praiseworthy, Greatly Praised
Curtailing, Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Shortening, Short
Friend, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Known Only to God, Intimate
Name of Grand Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
Solid, Strong, Powerful, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Companion of Prophet Muhammad, Simple, Smooth, Uncomplicated
One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad, Much Praised
Love, The Element Aisha with the Meaning Alive, Rich, Life
Much Praised, Most Highly Adored, More Praiseworthy, Commendable
Beloved One, Darling, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Friend
Friend, Darling, Beloved, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Light of the Prophet Muhammad
Beautiful, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Mary
The First Wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Nisa, Khair
Chosen, Elected, Mustafa, Elect of God
Narration of Prophet Muhammad, History, Tradition
Might, Honour, Power, The Daughter of Al-haytam Muhammad Bin Al-haysam was so Named
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Another Name of Prophet Muhammad
The Word Mirjam with the Meaning Bitterness, Sorrowful, Sea Maiden, Purity
Love, She is Life, Rich, Wife of Prophet Muhammad
Sea of Bitterness, Purity, Wished-for Child, Beautiful
Life, Alive, Living, Wife of Prophet Muhammad
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Beloved One, Friend, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Darling
Alive, Love, Lively, Woman
Living, Woman, Lord of Mind, Alive She who Lives
Alive, Good, She is Life, Joy
Work, Water, Rebellious, Godsend Or: the Fertile
Husain Ibn Ali, The Younger Grandson of Prophet Muhammad
The Journey the Prophet Mohammad Made from Mecca to Madinah
The Perfect One, Princess of the Sea, Bitter, Star
The Name of the Prophet, Praiseworthy, Praised One
Beloved One, Friend, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Darling
Sorrowful, Star of the Sea, Mary, Dutch
Alive She who Lives, Lord of Mind, Joy, Intelligent
Much Praised, Grave, Love of God, Without Intoxication
Satisfying Thirst, Water, Shining One, Name of the Prophet's Muezzin (Person who Calls to Prayer)
The Perfect One, Possible: the Bitter, Sea of Sorrow, Great
Purity, Mary, Beloved, Beautiful
Life of Muhammad
More Commendable, Much Praised, Price and Lobeswürdigste
The Journey the Prophet Mohammad Made from Mecca to Madinah
Pure, Rhythmic Flow of Sounds, Joy, Lively
Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Secret, Within, Inward
Living, Good Spear, Love, She is Life
Living, Alive, Love, Rich
Mary, Wished for Child, Beautiful, Bitter
Woman, She is Life, Love, Prosperous
Sea of Bitterness, Wished for Child, Godsend Or: the Fertile, Star
Star, The Perfect One, Wished for Child, Sea of Sorrow
Alive She who Lives, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, Love, Woman
Name of Muhammad Ibn Saib an Authority on Genealogy and the Quran
Mother of Daksa, Wise Protector, Respectable, Unruly
Darling, Beloved One, Friend, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Life, Wife of Prophet Muhammad, Lively, Alive She who Lives
Prosperous, Alive She who Lives, Love, Living
Friend, Darling, Beloved, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad
Unruly, Possible: the Bitter, Beloved, Sea of Sorrow
Beloved One, Darling, Another Name for Prophet Muhammad, Friend
Prosperous, She is Life, The Element Aisha with the Meaning Alive, Lively
Prosperous, Joy, Alive, Living
Light of the Prophet Muhammad
Epithet of Khadija
The Element Aisha with the Meaning Alive, Life, Allesse, Love
Rebellious, Beautiful, Wished for Child, Star
Wife of Prophet Muhammad, Young Girl
Friend of the Prophet Muhammad
Hashemite, An Ancestor of Prophet Muhammad, A Nisba
The Lightning, Al Borak was the Legendary Magical Horse that Bore Muhammad from Earth to the Seventh Heaven
Name of the Prophet's Muezzin (Person who Calls to Prayer), The Chosen One, Refreshing, Refreshment