Are you in search of a name that stands high, symbolizing grandeur and nobility? Have you considered names that mean 'lofty'? We've put together a diverse list of baby names that mean 'lofty'.
How about Brenna, a name of Gaelic origin that signifies 'little drop of water', often associated with a lofty, towering waterfall, or Altair, an Arabic name that means 'the flying one', resonating with lofty heights.
A 'lofty' name brings to mind images of soaring heights, of peaks that touch the clouds, doesn't it? Doesn't it reflect the limitless potential you envision for your child?
If you're looking for a name that will inspire your little one to aim for the stars, our list of baby names that mean 'lofty' could be just the place to start. So why not dive in and explore these lofty names for your future high-flier?
He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew, Tall, Enlightened One
Exalted One, To Ascend, Bright, Tall
Elevated, God, Sublime, Lofty
Protector, Forehead, All, Noble
Lofty, Supreme, High, Noble
The Word Ali Which is of the Meaning High Lofty Sublime, Sky, Heaven, Loftiness
Exalted, Elevated, Obedient, Platinum
A Prophet's Name, Hope, Lofty or Exalted
High Mountain, Tall, The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil
Light Bringer, Exalted High, English, Enlightened One
Sami, Incomparable, Praised, Sublime, A celestial dancer
A Former Persian Province in Caucasus, Mountain Dweller, Enlightened One, On High
The Enlightened, Protector, A Prophets Name, Blessed
High Mountain, Lofty, Exalted One, He Who Comes After
Blessed One, Tall, Exalted High, The Enlightened
Sky, The Word Ali Which is of the Meaning High Lofty Sublime, Loftiness, Heaven
Tall, Exalted One, He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew
Great, Greater, Greatest, Heights
Lofty, Famous, Greatest, Big
God Rama, Pleasing, Goddess Lakshmi, Rejoicing
Exalted High, Enlightened One, Lofty, Tall
Shining, Another Name for God, Obvious, Brilliant
Bright, Exalted One, High, Sunshine
Elevated, Bee, God, Excellent
Alone-Ruler, Cutting, Long Haired, Ruler
Blessed One, Tall, Exalted High, The Enlightened
Blessed One, Lofty, English, The Enlightened
Shining, Another Name for God, Obvious, Brilliant
Enlightened One, Tall, High Mountain, Garland in Tamil
Kind Friend, Lofty, Noble, Comforter
Lofty, Feminine of Alexander, Exalted One, Noble
Exalted, Eminent, Lofty, Mohhamad
Tall, Lofty, Blessed One, Exalted High
Another Name for God, Sparkling, Blooming, Helper
Adler, Lofty, Eagle, High Mountain
Blooming, Sparkling, Another Name for God, Associate
Prevail, Lofty, The Enlightened, Eagle Ruler
Sublime, Rich, Of Noble Figure, Meadow
Lofty, Listener, Supreme, Exalted
Enlightened One, Tall, High Mountain, Garland in Tamil
The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil, Light Bringer, Eagle and Elder
Delicate, Distinguished, Lofty, Sublime
Exalted High, The Enlightened, Lofty, Tall
Helper, Persian Poet, Help, Another Name for God
Defender of Mankind, Bee, Lofty, Whoever is Above
Darling, Slender, Beautiful, Dear
Light Bringer, Garland in Tamil, Lofty, He Who Comes After
Lofty, Incomparable, Elevated
To Give, Man, Creature, The enlightened
Pretty, Lofty, Beautiful, Towering
High, Obedient, Sami, Fame
Blessed One, Light Bringer, He Who Comes After, Supplanter
Exalted One, Rule, Eagle Power, English
Enlightened, Gift, A Prophet's Name, Father
Tall, Lofty, Slim, Towering
Lofty, Gentleness, Merciful, Protector
Exalted, All Hearing, His Name is God, Lofty
The Pearl, Lofty, High, Beautiful
Similar, All Hearing, Beautiful, His Name is God
Warrior, Enlightened One, Protect and Man, Mountain of Strength
Eagle Ruler, High in Hebrew, Lofty, Seriousness, Determinedness
High Mountain, Rule, Light Bringer, Garland in Tamil
Beautiful, His Name is God, Exalted, Elevated
Eminent, Noble, Another Name for God, Lofty
A Prophet's Name, Mountain Dweller, Creature, Red Earth
Complete, Foreign, The Name of a Fairy-tale Heroine, High
Supreme, Spear, Elf Friend, Noble
Rule, Prevail, Powerful as an Eagle, High in Hebrew
The Enlightened, Eagle Ruler, Exalted One, High in Hebrew
Blessed One, High Mountain, Rule, Prevail
Noble, Thunder God, Elevated, Eminent
All Hearing, Sublime, Noble, Urban
Sublime, Another Name for God, Supreme, Sami
Loftiness, Sublime, Sky, Lofty
Sami, Listener, Noble, Exalted
Similar, Who is Like God, Sami, Elevated
Listener, Noble and Guardian, Obedient, Sublime
Spear of Strength, Sami, Another Name for God, Similar
Similar, Lofty, High, Another Name for God
Eagle Power, Enlightened One, Garland in Tamil, Adler
Holy Hearted, Donation, He Who Comes After, Ruby
Beautiful, Sublime, Supreme, Listener
Deep, God Siva, Lofty, Long
Obedient, Supreme, Listener, Another Name for God
Elevated, All Hearing, Noble, Eminent
The Enlightened, Powerful as an Eagle, Blessed One, Light Bringer
High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle, Lofty, Tall
Exalted One, High in Hebrew, Lofty, Light Bringer
Exalted, Sublime, High, Beautiful
Wisdom, High, Similar, Sami
Obedient, Supreme, High, Sami
Light Bringer, Lofty, Eagle and Elder, Rule
The Moor, Lofty, Another Name for God, Eminent
Created by God, One of Twins, Red, Wolf
Obedient, Another Name for God, Exalted, Noble
Sublime, Beautiful, The Element Biarga Meaning to Help, All Hearing
High Mountain, Light Bringer, Powerful as an Eagle, Prevail
Enlightened One, Lofty, Garland in Tamil, Powerful as an Eagle
All Hearing, Eminent, Sami, Sublime
Light Bringer, Eagle, Blessed One, High in Hebrew
Exalted, Sublime, Obedient, Another Name for God
Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Excellent, Whoever is Above, Defender of Mankind
Excellent, Bee, God, Exalted One
Sami, Lofty, All Hearing, Exalted
Heritage of the Ancestors, Eminent, Noble, Happy
High in Hebrew, Exalted One, He Who Comes After, Eagle Ruler
He Who Comes After, High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle, Adler
Similar, Exalted, Iron, Supreme
Blessed One, Exalted High, Eagle Power, Lofty
To Move Forward, Lofty, Tall, Towering
Elevated, Lofty, Also Mohammad's Son-in-law, Exalted One
Beautiful, Listener, Noble, Sami
Exalted High, The Brave, Man, Manly
Forceful, Lofty, Wise, Falling
Strength, Force, Supreme, The Exalted One, Eminent
Red Earth, First Human Being, Enlightened, Wolf
Eminent, Similar, Sublime, Lofty
Beautiful, Champion, Sami, People of Victory
All Hearing, Obedient, Victory and People, Elevated
Blessed One, Adler, Lofty, Exalted High
He Who Comes After, Light Bringer, Eagle and Elder, High in Hebrew
Noble, Giving Mercy, Merciful, High
High, All Hearing, His Name is God, Holy
High, Another Name for God, Helpers, Exalted
Fortunate, Beautiful, Lofty, Another Name for God
High, Sami, Supreme, Obedient
Eagle Ruler, He Who Comes After, Prevail, Rule
He Who Comes After, The Enlightened, Garland in Tamil, Light Bringer
High in Hebrew, Enlightened One, He Who Comes After, Light Bringer
Eagle Ruler, Exalted One, High in Hebrew, He Who Comes After
Blessed One, Light Bringer, High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle
Whoever is Above, Excellent, Sublime, Lofty
Tall, Powerful as an Eagle, High in Hebrew, Rule
Adler, High Mountain, Lofty, Blessed One
Another Name for God, Bauer, Obedient, Exalted
Lofty, Arrogant, Another Name for God, Exalted
Blessed One, Tall, Exalted High, The Enlightened
Supreme, Beautiful, The August, Obedient
All Hearing, Obedient, His Name is God, Exalted
Powerful as an Eagle, Enlightened One, High in Hebrew, Adler
Lithe, Eagle Power, Favour, The Enlightened
Exalted High, Eagle, The Enlightened, Adler
Lofty, Rejoicing, God Rama, Pleaser of the Lord
Blessed One, Light Bringer, High in Hebrew, Powerful as an Eagle
Exalted One, Garland in Tamil, Tall, He Who Comes After
Eminent, Listener, All Hearing, Beautiful
Towering, Tall, Lofty, Slim
Supreme, High, Eminent, His Name is God
The Enlightened, Exalted High, Adler, Eagle
Supreme, Lofty, The God is My Lord, Exalted
Noble, Happiness, His Name is God, Lofty
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