Alotte name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Old High German, Germanic, Latin and Hebrew
Usage: Norwegian
Meaning: Of a Noble Kind, Portion and Share
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What does Alotte mean?

Combination of Alette and old-school and cherished LOTT resulted in Alotte. LOTT is variant of persistent and popular Lot. Also LOTT is version of admired Lotte.

Variants of Alotte

Alette, Adalheidis, Adaliz, Adelais, Aleta, Aletta, Alett, Aidaliz, Adela, Adelheid, Adaleiz, Aleata, Alea, Alethea, Alhet

How popular is the name Alotte?

Alotte is an uncommon name around the world.


Numerological aspects of Alotte

You are known for your lively spirit, eternal patience and lack of belief when it comes to love. You love to explore, never comfortable in your comfort zone. In fact, you do not have a comfort zone. You are dominant when it comes to relationships. You have the ability to predict things before they happen thanks to your strong intuition. You have a restless spirit and booming energy. Working harder than required is what you are known for.

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Famous people named Alotte

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