Leo name meaning
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What does Leo mean?
Persistent and Prevailing Leo is used in Icelandic, German, Norwegian, Danish, Greek, English, Greenlandic, Faroese, Swedish and Finnish is a gender-neutral name and rooted from Czech, Old Greek, Polish, Italian, Germanic, Latin, English, Hawaiian, French, German and Dutch, Leo means "Brave, Leo, Lion-man, Strong or Folk".
Leo is variant of famous and perpetual Leona. Leona is variant of prevailing and conifer Helen. Also Leona is a version of Leonida. Leona is feminine variant of Leon. Meaning of Leona is The Lion, The Word Leo with the Meaning Lion and Feminine of Leon has origin in Latin and Old Greek.
Leo is diminutive of Leopold. Leopold is equivalent of Luitpold in German language. Leopold's meaning is As Brave as Lion and Bold is originated from English and Germanic. Leo is diminutive of Leonhard.
Leonhard is a variation of loved and venerable Leonard. Also Leonhard is a variant transcription of LEW;HARD. Origin of Loved and Venerable Leonhard is in Germanic and Old High German, meaning of Leonhard is "Lion and Hardy".
How do I pronounce Leo?
The most common pronunciation of two syllabled Leo is lee-oh.
Variants of Leo
Lavi, Leona, Levi, Olavi, Helen, Leonida, Lenia, Leonia, Leonarda, Alek, Lexia, Jona, Leon, Napoleon
Nicknames for Leo
The given name Leo is already a short name but there are some nicknames to go along with it:
Names that rhyme with LeoHow popular is the name Leo?
Leo is a very popular name in United States given to over 206719 babies in 255 years. At present peaked at the charts, 6719 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 37th position.
Moreover, the name has been to the top 50 baby names 31 times Also, Leo is a popular in England and Wales where over 42483 new-borns have been given the name since 1996.
When at the peak of its usage in 2018, the moniker grabbed the 6th spot and 3781 baby boys were given the name. Moreover, the name has been to the top 10 baby names 2 times Also, Leo was a popular name in France.
Over 5299 babies have been given the name in 6 years. When at the peak of its usage in 2011, the moniker grabbed the 42nd spot and 1773 baby boys were given the name.
However the graph is now showing a downward trend after 6 years. Moreover, the first name has been to the top 50 baby names 2 times Also, a popular name in Spain having over 9563 recievers in 5 years of usage.
When at the peak of its usage in 2017, 2489 boys were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 11st position. Additionally, the name has been in the top 50 baby names 4 times
However things change on global perspective, Leo is extremely popular in Philippines where every 1 in 900 have the name.
Also the baby name is popular in Germany, Indonesia, Canada, Uganda, Papua New Guinea, Belgium, Finland and Italy. At least, 470000 people around the globe have been given the name as per our estimate.
Year | Boys | Girls | ||
Rank | Births | Rank | Births | |
2023 | 18 | 8120 | 4728 | 28 |
2022 | 22 | 8250 | 4359 | 32 |
2021 | 31 | 7749 | 4298 | 32 |
2020 | 36 | 7202 | 4337 | 31 |
2019 | 40 | 7488 | 5597 | 22 |
2018 | 50 | 6762 | 6234 | 19 |
2017 | 62 | 5961 | 6799 | 17 |
2016 | 74 | 5296 | 8381 | 13 |
2015 | 91 | 4597 | 9473 | 11 |
2014 | 97 | 3971 | 7295 | 16 |
Leo in Nordic countries
Countries | Men | Women | ||
First Name | Secondary Name | First Name | Secondary Name | |
![]() | 4798 | 4752 | 0 | 184 |
![]() | 27026 | 3895 | 22 | 0 |
Numerological analysis of Leo
You hate being closely observed and have all eyes on you because of your low self-esteem. Travel more, work less and be more present at the moment. You are not used to standing in one place for too long because monotony isn't a thing you can get used to like many people today. You appreciate freedom and like to hang around open-minded people without prejudgments about others. You are probably the most creative person you know in your surroundings.
Other names similar to Leo
- Andri - Of Old Greek and Latin origin, Anomalous Andri is used dominantly in Russian, Swedish and Icelandic, Andri means "Heinrich" is given to both boys and girls
- Rozália means Rose is majorly used in Hungarian is came from Latin is used as a girl name
- Colombo means Yellow or Dove has its origin in Latin is used principally in Italian
- Virginien - Meaning of Virginien is Virgin has origin in Latin
- Lucasta - Originated from Latin, Lucasta is used primarily in English, Lucasta means "From Luciana, This Name was Invented by British Poet Richard Lovelace whose Poem of this Name was Published in 1649 or Chaste Light" is usually given to girls
Famous people named Leo
- Leo I the Thracian, was Eastern Roman Emperor from 457 to 474
- Leo V the Armenian, was Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
- Leo IV the Khazar, 'the Khazar' was Byzantine Emperor
- Leo VI the Wise, was Byzantine Emperor from 886 to 912
- Leo Rosten, Polish-born American humorist
- Leo Leandros, Greek musician, composer and producer
- Leo II, King of Armenia, was king of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
- Leo Michelson, Latvian-American artist considered part of the École de Paris
- Leo Anton Karl de Ball, German-Austrian astronomer
- Leo Kanner, Austrian-American psychiatrist, physician
- Leo Navratil, Austrian psychiatrist and author
- Leo Moser, Austrian-Canadian mathematician
- Leo Falcam, Micronesian political figure
- Leo Götz, German painter
- Leo Buss, retired Professor at Yale University's departments of geology
- Leo Bersani, American literary theorist and Professor Emeritus of French at the University of California
- Leo Walmsley, English writer
- Leo Rowsome, third generation of an unbroken line of uilleann pipers
- Leo Dillon,
- Leo Jud, Swiss reformer
- Leo Drey, Missouri timber magnate, conservationist
- Leo Binz, American prelate of the Catholic Church
- Leo Katz, Frank Carano Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Leo Slezak, world-famous Moravian tenor
- Leo Kereselidze, Georgian military figure
- Leo Huberman, American socialist economist
- Leo Volpe, draft resister and conscientious objector as a Jehovah's Witness during World War II
- Leo Makkonen, of Karelia and All Finland
- Leo Felton, American white supremacist
- Leo Lionni, author and illustrator of children's books
- Leo Asemota, contemporary artist living and working in London
- Leo Veigelsberg, Hungarian publicist
- Leo Marx, author known for his works
- Leo Sowerby, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for music in 1946
- Leo Houlding, British rock climber
- Leo Palatnik, outstanding Ukrainian physicist
- Leo George Hertlein, American paleontologist and malacologist
- Leo De Lyon, American actor
- Leo Terrell, American civil rights attorney and talk radio host based
- Leo Szilard, Hungarian-German-American physicist and inventor
- Leo Strauss, German-American political philosopher and classicist
- Leo Esaki, Japanese physicist
- Leo Frobenius, German ethnologist and archaeologist and a major figure
- Leo Yaffe, Canadian nuclear chemistry scientist and a proponent of the peaceful uses of nuclear power
- Leo Kadanoff, American physicist
- Leo Graetz, German physicist
- Leo Margolis, Canadian parasitologist
- Leo Sachs, German-born Israeli molecular biologist and cancer researcher
- Leo Beranek, American acoustics expert, former MIT professor
- Leo Königsberger, German mathematician, and historian of science
- Leo III the Isaurian,
- Leo Marks, English writer, screenwriter, and cryptographer
- Leo McKern, 'Rumpole of the Bailey'
- Leo McCarey, American film director, screenwriter, and producer
- Leo Cruz, world Jr
- Leo Brouwer, Cuban composer, conductor, and classical guitarist
- Leo Baxendale, English cartoonist and publisher
- Leo Ornstein, leading American experimental composer and pianist of the early twentieth century
- Leo Wright, American jazz musician who played alto saxophone
- Leo Carrillo, American actor, vaudevillian, political cartoonist
- Leo von Caprivi, German general and statesman
Lists having Leo
- Boys names beginning with L
- Girls names beginning with L
- American Baby Names
- Czech Baby Names
- Dutch Baby Names
- English Baby Names
- French Baby Names
- German Baby Names
- Greek Baby Names
- Hawaiian Baby Names
- Italian Baby Names
- Latin Baby Names
- Polish Baby Names
- Danish Baby Names
- Finnish Baby Names
- Norwegian Baby Names
- Swedish Baby Names
- Popular English Boy Names
- Popular Boy Names in United States (2018)
- Popular Boy Names in England & Wales (2018)
- Popular Boy Names in Ireland (2019)
- Popular Boy Names in France (2015)
- Popular Boy Names in Switzerland (2018)
- Popular Boy Names in New South Wales (2019)
- Popular Boy Names in Queensland (2019)
- Popular Boy Names in Northern Territory (2017)
- Popular Boy Names in Western Australia (2019)
- Popular Boy Names in Victoria (2019)
- Popular Girl Names in Victoria (2012)
- Popular Boy Names in Sweden (2018)
- Baby Names that mean Brave
- Baby Names that mean Lion
- Baby Names that mean bold
- Baby Names that mean People
- Baby Names that mean man
- Baby Names that mean Leo
- Baby Names that mean Strong
- Baby Names that mean Folk
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- Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
- Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths
- Central Statistics Office - An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh, https://visual.cso.ie/?body=entity/babynames
- Instituto Nacional de Estadística, https://www.ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/en/operacion.htm?c=Estadistica_C&cid=1254736177009&menu=resultados&idp=1254734710990#_tabs-1254736195498
- Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2540004
- Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/family-names-and-first-names/first-names-boys-and-girls
- Office fédéral de la statistique, https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/population/naissances-deces/prenoms-nouveaux-nes.html
- Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://www.svb.nl/nl/kindernamen/
- SCB- Statistikmyndigheten, https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/population/general-statistics/name-statistics/
- Digi- ja väestötietovirasto, https://nimipalvelu.dvv.fi/suosituimmat-etunimet
- Births Deaths And Marriages Victoria, https://www.bdm.vic.gov.au/births/naming-your-child/popular-baby-names-in-victoria
- Department of Jutsice, Government of Western Australia, https://bdm.justice.wa.gov.au/_apps/BabyNames/Default.aspx?uid=1144-3594-8619-1127
- NT.GOV.AU, https://nt.gov.au/law/bdm/popular-baby-names
- Queensland Government - Open Data Portal, https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/top-100-baby-names
- NSW Government, https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/births/popular-baby-names