Names that mean Old
Born of the Right Hand
God is My Salvation, Old Welshman, Form of Elijah, Elliot
God is Gracious, Powerful, Work-power, Strong
Evergreen, Holly Grove, To Prick, Shrub with Red Berries
Grace of God, Stable, Ancient or Distant, Old
Of the Aryan Race, Honorable, Warrior, That which is Beyond Anyone's Strength
Old Friend, Defender
From the Queen's Estate, Fifth in Order, Fifth-Born Son
The Dane, From Denmark, Mother of the Gods in Myths, Judge
Ancient, Old, Stable
Of, Noble, Honorable, Old
Battle Chieftain, Beloved, Pattern of Generosity, Kindly and Love
Look, Praise, Splendor, Old
Princess of the Sea, Bitter, T, Wished-for Child
Old River, Ancient, Small and Wise
Area, Region, Divinely Peaceful, Stranger
One who is Victorious, Wrathful, Joel was a Prophet in the Old Testament, Work-power
Rebellion, Diminutive of Mary, Bitterness, Great
Holly, Evergreen Shrub Or Tree, Old English Holegn), Holly Grove, To Prick
The Row, Inspired By a Place Name, Bushes, Wood
Old Name with Many Variants, From Laurentium, Wealth and Honor, Sweet Bay Tree
Armed and Sweet, Noble Friend, Elfin, Magical
Mother, Rebellion, Wished-for Child, To Increase
From the Old Town, Ella's City
An Old Arabic Name, Short-statured
Brave Power, Old Leader, Variant of Richard, Dominant Ruler
Ella's Town, Old City
My Light, Old Name with Many Variants, Sweet Bay Tree Symbolic of Honor and Victory
Pure, Solid, Old Arabic Name, Rocks
A Sahabi who Take Apart in the Battle of Badr, Mus'ab, Old Arabic Name
Express admiration of something or someone
Brotherly, Sister, Warrior, Diminutive of Mary
Scottish Form of Margaret Pearl, Mother, To Increase, Bitterness
From the Old Forest, Noble Woods
From the Sacred Hill, Old, Ella's Mound
Wonder, Miracle, Via Old French Merveille = Wonder, Surprise, Miracle from Latin Mirabilia = Wonderful Things, Wonder
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Pride, Old Arabic Name, The Best
God is My Salvation, Elliot, Form of Elijah, Old Welshman
From Sheba, Daughter of the Oath, Fresh Air, Early Morning Breeze
Old, Home, Homeland, Achievement
Old, Stable, Ancient
Old and Wise Protector, Older
The Original Old English Form of the Greek Cresida
Dominant Ruler, Old Leader, Variant of Richard
Diminutive of Mary, Waterfall, Pool, T
The Original Old English Form of the Greek Cresida
Female Sheep, Ewe, Guide, Traveller
A Freeman, Chip of the Old Block, Man, Chipping Sparrow
Son of My Old Age Favorite
Right Hand Side, Brave, Old Name of Arabia, Sacred
Life Force, May He Expand, Enlargement, Soul
Dominant Ruler, Form of Richard, Old Leader, Powerful
Pool, Waterfall, Great, A Cascade
From the Noble's Home, Elf Stone, Noble One's Settlement, Place Name
Divinely favored or venerated
The King, Power, Powerful, Wise Ruler
Kindness, Old Name of a River Sindh, A Character in Shahnameh
Shining, bright and radiant
Waterfall, Pool, Rebellion, Gentle
Joel was a Prophet in the Old Testament, Powerful, Lord God, Wrathful
Chipping Sparrow, A Freeman, Strong Man, Chip of the Old Block
Yahweh is Gracious, Famous, Pride, Peaceful
The Generous One, Old Arabic Name, Long Life, Command
Fen-Dweller, Deriving from Old Norse Fen = Fen, Marsh
Name of an Animal, Tiger, Both from Latin Tigris = Tiger, from Greek Τιγρις, Possibly from an Iranian Source Akin to Old Persian Tigra- = Sharp, Pointed, Avestan Tighri- = Arrow, In Reference to Its Springing on Its Prey
Good Old Age, Beautiful Elder, Strong, Vigorous
God is salvation
Joel was a Prophet in the Old Testament, Powerful, Strong, Wrathful
Old English Surname, From the Red Ford
Variant of the German Aldo, Old, Wise, Noble
Defender, Old Friend
Wise, Old Man, Saint who was a Trainer of Young Monks
Wise Ruler, Powerful, Old Leader, Everything and King
Old Leader, Powerful, Wise Ruler, Noble and King
From the Old Town, Wise, Defender, Foreign Hill
Fence, Fight, Of Old Age, Warrior
Yahweh is Merciful, River, Wise, Old
Diminutive of Mary, Waterfall, Pool, T
Old, Reunion, Homeland, Achievement
Fifth Month of the Year, Wished-for Child, Rebellion, Great
Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Unclear, Kindly and Love, Chief
Son of Ellis, From the Old Town
Beautiful, Old, Gift, Splendid
Enlargement, May He Expand, Life Force, Soul
Old and Friend, Old and Wise Ruler
Peaceful, Famous, Pride, Splendour
Pool, Waterfall, Great, A Cascade
Son of the Right Hand
Stable, Grace of God, Ancient, Old
God the Honourable, Name of a Saint, Poet
Lord Shankar, Sun, Old
From Laurentium, The Bay, Laurel, Old Name with Many Variants
Holly, Evergreen Shrub Or Tree, Old English Holegn), Holly Grove, To Prick
Grace of God, Ancient, Old, Stable
One who is old
Possibly Inaccurate Reproduction of the Old English King Named Cerdic, Unclear, Kindly and Love, Chief
Old Counselor Ruler
Son of Happiness
Old Wise Leader, Powerful Ruler
The Lord is Gracious, Lily, Ancient, Old
Kinswomen, Bitter, Wished-for Child, Mother
The Darling, Presumably Inspired By the English Word "Darling", Dear, Loved
Old Arabic Name, Bitterness, Bitter, Princess of the Sea
Meeting place by the bridge
Holly Grove, Holly, Evergreen Shrub Or Tree, Old English Holegn), To Prick
May He Grant Ample Room, Soul, Life Force, Enlargement
White Man, Blond, Bright, Fair One
Raindrops, Wheat, Oracle, Cybele
Earthenware Jar, Mother, Earthen Water Jug, Bird
Servant, Inspired By An Old Roman Family
The birch tree meadow
Servant, Inspired By An Old Roman Family
Irish Meaning Ancient, Distant, Stable, Old
Old and Wise Adviser, Powerful, Sage Ruler
Fifth Month of the Year, Bitterness, Wished-for Child, Waterfall
Laurel Tree, Old Name with Many Variants
Old, Ancient, Grace of God, Lord Krishna
Gift of God
Rub, Tender, Terentius, Old Form of the Roman Clan Name Terrance
Wise, Old Man, Saint who was a Trainer of Young Monks
Boy and brother
My God is the Lord, Elliot, Form of Elijah, Old Welshman
The Laurel Tree, Crowned with Laurels
Elwin, Sage Ruler, All Wise, Noble Friend