Mesha rashi names for girls

 AaradhiSuitable for Worship, Name for Krishna
 AaradhyaWorthy of Devotion, Like a God, Worship, To Be Worshipped
 AaraezhilBeautiful Person
 AarangaStage, Derived from Arangam
 AaraniBeautiful, Goddess Parvathy, It’S a City In Tamil Nadu Thats Well Known for Sarees. Aarani Also Another Name of Luxumi/ Amman
 AaranyaGoddess Parvathy
 AaratrikaDusk Lamp Below Tulsi Plant, Dusk Lamp Beneath Tulsi Plant
 AarchiComic, Ray of Light
 AaridhyaTo Be Made Favorable
 AarifAware, Acquainted, Knowing, Devotee
 AarinMountain Strength
 AariniParvathy, Goddess Amman, Adventurous
 AariraiLord's Devotee
 AarmikaCurious Person
 AarnaWave, Ocean, Goddess Laxmi
 AarogyaHealthy Girl, Health
 AarohiAscending, A Music Tune, Rising
 AarpitTo Give or Offer Something, To Donate
 AarshaWar Like, Great, Venerable, Defense
 AarthGod, Meaningful, The Meaning, Red Glimpse
 AarthyGoddess Amman. the One who Gives Shelter to Others
 AarudhraLord Shiva, Gentle
 AaruhiDaughter of God
 AarunaThe One with Aruna as his Charioteer, Sun
 AaruniDawn, Line on Any Particular Raaga from Tamil
 AarunyaSunshine, Goddess Parvathy, First Ray of the Sun
 AarupaBeautiful, Goddess Lakshmi, Moon Faced
 AaruraLord Shiva
 AarushaFirst Rays of the Morning Sun, Early Rays of the Sun
 AarushiThe Rays of the Sun
 AaruthiLord Shiva
 AaruthiraSoftness, Tranquility, Mellowness
 AaryaPrincess, Lines on Any Particular Raaga from Sanskrit, Goddess
 AaryamaniBelonging to the Sun
 Aarya Goddess
 AarzooLove, Wish, Hope
 AasAsylum, Hope
 AasaichelviLovable Daughter
 AashaWish, Hope, Desire
 AashakiranRay of Hope
 AasharaThe One who Follows Hindu Religious Practices, Orthodox
 AasharyaSon of the Sun
 AashayHawk Like, Powerful, Gist, Meaningful
 AashiBlessing, Smile, Laughter, Love
 AashimaCentral, Limitless, Protector, One who is Full of Hope
 AashiniLightning, Blessed One
 AashinyaBeautiful Home
 AashiryaFrom the Land of God
 AashishBest Wishes, Blessings, Blessing
 AashishaWish, Blessed
 AashitaOne who is Full of Hope
 AashkaAartis Best Wishes, Blessings, Blessing, Take Aashka of Aarti
 AashmanSon of the Sun
 AashmeenFlower, Jasmine
 AashnaDevoted to Love, Hope, Beloved, Friend
 AashritaGoddess Laxmi, Somebody who Gives Shelter
 AashutoshOne who Fulfills Wishes Instantly, Another Name for Shiva, On Seat, Happy
 AashvaniFemale Horse
 AashviBlessed and Victorious, Goddess Saraswati, Little Mare
 AasiVery Beautifull Girl, Mirror
 AasinCalling Himself