100 Magical Names for Girls

Posted on: October 16th, 2022\""by Nameslist

If you’re a fan of magical girls, then you know they come in all shapes and sizes. But one thing they all have in common is their names. Just like with any other character, a magical girl’s name says a lot about her. It can be a reflection of her personality, her powers, or even her home world. In this post, we’ll be looking at some of the most iconic magical girl names from movies, TV series, mythology, and novels. We’ll also explore the meaning behind each name and what makes it so special.

1.  Ophelia

Ophelia is a baby name with a lot of history and meaning behind it. In Greek mythology, Ophelia was the daughter of King Oeagrus and Queen Sterope. She was betrothed to Prince Hamlet, but she drowned herself after he rejected her.

The name Ophelia has been used in many works of fiction over the years, including William Shakespeare's play Hamlet and the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It has also been used as a given name by several real-life people, including actresses Ophelia Lovibond and Kate Winslet.

If you're looking for a unique and meaningful baby name, consider Ophelia.

2.  Alice

Alice is a beautiful baby name that has many different origins. Alice can be short for Alexandra or Alicia, or it can be a French diminutive of Aalis, meaning "noble." Alice is also the name of the main character in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

This lovely name was actually quite popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s, but has since fallen out of favor. Nevertheless, it remains a beautiful and unique option for your little girl.

3.  Nymeria

Nymeria is a strong and beautiful name for a baby girl. It originates from the TV series Game of Thrones, in which Nymeria is the name of one of the direwolf pups. The direwolves are loyal and protective animals, which makes Nymeria an ideal name for a baby girl who will grow up to be a fierce protectress.

Apart from its origins in Game of Thrones, the name Nymeria has also been used in other works of fiction, such as the novel The Wheel of Time. In this book, Nymeria is the name of a powerful sorceress. This just goes to show that Nymeria is not only a beautiful name, but also one with a lot of meaning behind it.

4.  Hermione

There are many magical girl names to choose from, but one that stands out is Hermione. This name comes from the Harry Potter series, in which Hermione is a young wizard who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is brave and smart, and always manages to save the day. If you're looking for a strong and magical name for your baby girl, Hermione is a great choice.

5.  Katara

From the waterbending warrior Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender to the powerful witch Sabrina in Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, these names are sure to make your little girl feel like she has the power to take on the world.

6.  Evadne

The name Evadne has a lot of history and meaning behind it. It comes from Greek mythology, meaning "to know good from evil." The name is also featured in several popular works of fiction, including the Harry Potter series and the Chronicles of Narnia.

Evadne is a beautiful name that has a deep meaning. If you're looking for a magical girl name with a lot of history and meaning behind it, Evadne is the perfect choice.

7.  Hestia

The name Hestia originates from Greek mythology. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, home, and family. She is a virgin goddess who is also associated with the sacrificial fire on the altar of Zeus.

Hestia was originally depicted as a young woman with golden hair and wearing a simple dress. She later became associated with the sacrificial fire on the altar of Zeus. In art, she is often shown holding a kettle or pouring libations into a fire.

The name Hestia has been used occasionally in modern times. It was used as the name of a character in the novel "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins.

8.  Beth

One option is the name Beth, as seen in the movie The Last Unicorn. Beth is a brave and courageous character who goes on an epic quest to save her friends. She's also a powerful sorceress, making her a perfect choice for a magical girl name.

9.  Aura

Aura is a beautiful name with many different meanings. It can be seen as a girls name meaning "gentle breeze" or "soft light" or even "halo around the moon". It is also said to be the name of the first angel. There are many different ways to spell Aura, such as Auralia, Aurielle, Auriana, and Aurelia. All of these variations are lovely and have a special meaning behind them.

10.  Nimue

Nimue is a beautiful and unique baby name with a magical meaning. Nimue was the Lady of the Lake in the Arthurian legend. She was a powerful sorceress who gave King Arthur his famous sword, Excalibur.

Nimue is a perfect name for your little girl if you want her to have a strong and independent spirit. This name is also perfect if you're looking for something that isn't too common.

11.  Tabitha

Talia is a Hebrew name that means "dew of heaven". It's also the name of a character in the TV series Arrow. This name comes from Greek mythology and means "goddess of the hunt". It's also the name of a character in the Harry Potter series.

12.  Althea

Althea is a feminine given name with Greek origins. The name means "healing" or "wholesome". In Greek mythology, Althea was the wife of Meleager and the mother of Parthenopeus. She was also known as the goddess of healing and regeneration.

The name Althea has been used in several works of fiction, including in the novel The Last descendant Of Aeneas by Madeline Miller and in the television series Charmed. It is a lovely name for a baby girl, and it is sure to make her stand out from the crowd.

13.  Citrine

Citrine is a gemstone name with a long history of use in magic and jewelry. The word comes from the Latin for lemon, and it was used as a talisman to ward off evil spirits. Citrine is also the birthstone for November.

In recent years, citrine has been gaining popularity as a baby name. It was used for the first time in the Harry Potter series, when Hermione Granger named her daughter after her grandmother, who was known for her skill in charms and potion-making.

Citrine has been used in other works of fiction, including The Hunger Games series and The Chronicles of Narnia. It's a beautiful name with a rich meaning, making it perfect for any little girl with big dreams.

14.  Maia

Maia is a name with many different origins. In Greek mythology, Maia was the eldest of the seven sisters known as the Pleiades. In Roman mythology, she was the goddess of springtime and fertility. In Portuguese, Maia means "mother."

Maia can also be found in literature. It is the name of a character in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. It is also the name of a character in Sarah Dessen's Someone Like You.

Maia is a beautiful name for a baby girl. If you are looking for a unique and meaningful name for your daughter, consider Maia.

15.  Aurelia

The name Aurelia is derived from the Latin word for gold, aurum. It was popularized by the Roman empress Livia Drusilla, who was known for her beauty and wisdom. The name has been used in many works of fiction, including the Harry Potter series, where it is the name of Draco Malfoy's mother.

16.  Willow

Willow is a baby name with English origins. The name Willow is derived from the Old English word wylig, which means "willow tree."

The willow tree has been associated with magic and mystery for centuries. In many cultures, the willow is considered to be a sacred tree. In pagan lore, the willow is often associated with lunar goddesses and is said to have magical properties.

The name Willow was popularized by the movie "Willow" (1988), which starred Warwick Davis as a farmer who discovers a baby girl in a basket floating down a river. The movie was inspired by the legend of King Arthur and the sword in the stone.

The name Willow has also been used in television series such as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Charmed." In both shows, the characters Willow Rosenberg and Piper Halliwell are powerful wizards who use their magic to fight evil.

If you're looking for a baby name that is both unique and meaningful, then consider the name Willow.

17.  Cleo

This name was made famous by the iconic film The Mummy, in which a young woman is resurrected from ancient Egyptian times. Cleo is also the name of a powerful sorceress in the Harry Potter series, so it definitely has a lot of potential for your little girl.

18.  Raven

The name Raven has a lot of different connotations. It can be seen as either a strong, powerful name or a dark, mysterious one. It also has ties to nature and the supernatural.

Raven is a name that is often associated with strength and power. It is also a name that has a lot of different cultural references. In many Native American cultures, the raven is seen as a powerful spirit animal. In Celtic mythology, the raven is often associated with death and destruction.

The name Raven can also be seen as a dark and mysterious name. It has been used in many works of fiction as the name of characters who are either evil or have dark secrets.

Despite its negative associations, the name Raven is also associated with beauty and mystery. It is often used as the name of protagonists in works of fiction who are both beautiful and enigmatic.

19.  Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn is a Welsh baby name meaning "white, fair, blessed". In Arthurian legend, Lady Gwendolyn was the wife of King Leodegrance and the mother of Guinevere. 

In Disney's The Sword in the Stone (1963), Madam Mim transforms herself into a beautiful young woman named Gwendolyn to try and seduce Merlin.

The character Gwendolyn "Gwen" Stacy appears in Marvel Comics. She was Spider-Man's first true love who tragically died at the hands of the Green Goblin.

20.  Daphne

Daphne is a name with Greek origins, meaning "laurel tree." The name was borne in Greek mythology by the daughter of the river god Peneus. She was turned into a laurel tree by her father in order to protect her from the unwanted advances of Apollo.

The name Daphne has been used in a number of works of fiction, most notably as the main character in Edith Wharton's novel The Age of Innocence. It has also been used as the name of characters in films and television series such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Pretty Little Liars. If you're looking for a unique and pretty name for your baby girl, Daphne might be just perfect.

21.  Arabella

If you are looking for a magical girl name for your baby, consider the name Arabella. This name comes from the Arabic word for "beautiful", and it is also the name of a powerful sorceress in Disney's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Arabella is a popular name in many cultures, and it has a wide range of meaning. It can be seen as both classic and modern, making it a perfect choice for parents who want their child to have a unique and special name.

22.  Wendy

Wendy is one of those girl names that is as adorable as it is timeless. It was first popularized in the novel "Peter Pan" by J.M. Barrie, and has been used in countless other works of fiction since.

The name Wendy means "friend" or "peaceful warrior," which makes it perfect for a little girl who is destined to make a difference in the world. If you're looking for a name with a bit of magic and mystery, Wendy is definitely the right choice.

23.  Iris

Iris is a name of Greek origin, and it means "rainbow." In mythology, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow. She's also the messenger of the gods. The name Iris has been used in a few different movies and TV series, including "The Hunger Games," "X-Men: First Class" and "Battlestar Galactica." It's also a popular name for girls in the "Harry Potter" series.

24.  Parisa

If you're looking for a name with a Parisian flair, consider the name Parisa. This pretty name is of French origin and means "like the city of Paris." It's a unique name that is sure to please both parents and child.

25.  Ariel

For starters, there's Ariel from The Little Mermaid. This Disney Princess is known for her fierce independence and love of adventure. Plus, she has an adorable animal sidekick in Flounder the fish.

26.  Persephone

There is Persephone from Greek mythology. She's the goddess of springtime and flowers, making her a perfect choice for parents who want a nature-inspired name for their daughter. Plus, her story is full of adventure and romance – perfect fodder for bedtime stories. If you're looking for a name that's both elegant and meaningful, Persephone is definitely worth considering

27.  Reina

Reina is a beautiful name with many different origins. It can be Latin for queen, Spanish for queen, or Japanese for flower. No matter the origin, the meaning of Reina is always royalty. This lovely name has something for everyone, whether you're looking for an exotic option or something more rooted in classic literature.

28.  Penelope

One popular pick is Penelope, inspired by the character in Homer's Odyssey. This name has been used by many different authors and screenwriters over the years, making it a popular choice for parents looking for a literary baby name.

Penelope is also the name of a character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In the books, she's a Ravenclaw student who eventually becomes Head Girl. Her smart and loyal personality makes her a great role model for young girls.

Other notable fictional characters with this name include Penelope Pitstop from The Wacky Races and Penelope Pineapple from The Mr. Men Show. If you're looking for a fun and quirky option, either of these could be perfect for your little one.

Whether you're looking for something classic or modern, there's sure to be a magical girl name out there that's perfect for your new arrival.

29.  Viola

If you’re looking for a unique and magical baby name, Viola might be the perfect choice. This name is derived from the Latin word “viola”, which means “violet”. Violet flowers are often associated with magic and mystery, making this an ideal name for a little girl with big dreams.

Viola has been used as a given name since the Middle Ages, but it gained popularity in the Victorian era. It was used by Shakespeare in his play Twelfth Night, and has been featured in many other works of literature and pop culture over the years.

There are several famous women named Viola, including actress Viola Davis and musician Viola Wang. If you’re looking for a different spelling of this name, you might also consider Violetta or Violette.

30.  Marceline

Marceline is a beautiful baby name inspired by the one and only Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time. The name Marceline is of French origin, meaning "dedicated to Mars". Mars was the Roman god of war, making Marceline a strong and powerful name.

31.  Aphrodite

Aphrodite's name derives from the Greek word "aphros", meaning "foam".  Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman with long flowing hair. Her Roman equivalent is Venus. 

The name Aphrodite has been used in literature since the time of Homer. In Shakespeare's play "Troilus and Cressida", Troilus utters the famous line "O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you". Queen Mab is another name for Aphrodite.

In modern times, the name Aphrodite is not as popular as it once was. However, it remains a beautiful and unique name for a baby girl.

32.  Sereia

Sereia is a beautiful name with Greek origins. It means "mermaid" and is the perfect name for your little girl if you want her to have a magical, feminine name.

33.  Piper

Piper is a name with many different origins. It can be derived from the Old English piper, meaning "pipe player", or from the Latin piper, meaning "pepper". It can also be a diminutive form of Pyper, a Scottish name meaning "little firebrand".

Piper is also the name of a character in several films and TV series, including The Wizard of Oz, Charmed, and Orange is the New Black. In each of these cases, the Piper is a magical figure who uses their powers for good.

Whether you're looking for a name with Celtic roots or one that's steeped in Hollywood history, Piper is a perfect choice for your little girl.

34.  Maurelle

Maurelle is a French name derived from the Latin word maurus, meaning dark or black.

Maurelle is a rare but beautiful name, perfect for a little girl with big personality. This strong and feminine name has been used in literature for centuries, most notably in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables.

35.  Daria

This moniker was popularized by the MTV animated series "Daria," which ran from 1997 to 2002. The titular character was a smart and sarcastic teenager who wasn't afraid to speak her mind. If you're looking for a strong and independent name for your little one, Daria is a great option.

36.  Jadis

Jadis is a White Witch from C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia series. She is a powerful sorceress who uses her magic for evil purposes. However, she is eventually defeated by the heroic children of Narnia. Jadis is a unique and intriguing name for a baby girl.

37.  Clio

Clio is a baby name with Greek origins. The name Clio is the feminine form of Clios, which was the name of one of the nine muses in Greek mythology. The muse Clio was the goddess of history and epic poetry. In modern times, the name Clio has been used in a variety of works of fiction, including the comic book series "The Sandman" and the novel "The Da Vinci Code."

38.  Vidia

This feisty fairy is one of the Disney Fairies  and is always on the go and loves nothing more than a good adventure. She's also fiercely independent and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

39.  Circe

Of Greek origin, Circe was a sorceress in Greek mythology who was capable of turning men into animals. She also had a familiar in the form of a lioness.

In recent years, the name Circe has been gaining popularity as a baby name, likely due in part to its magical associations. If you're considering naming your baby Circe, know that she's sure to be one fierce and powerful little lady.

40.  Lilith

Lilith is a baby name with origins in Hebrew mythology. In the ancient world, Lilith was known as a demon who preyed on children. She was said to have long, sharp nails and a taste for blood. In modern times, Lilith has been associated with strong, independent women. Some believe that the name Lilith carries with it a sense of mystery and magic.

If you're looking for a unique baby name with a bit of an edge, Lilith might be the perfect choice for you.

41.  Calista

Variant of Callisto. In Greek mythology, Calista was a nymph who was transformed into a bear by Artemis. Calista may also be inspired by the Latin word calix meaning "chalice".

42.  Cynthia

Cynthia is a beautiful name with Greek origins. It means "woman from Kynthos." Kynthos was an island in the Aegean Sea where the goddess Artemis was born. Cynthia also has ties to Roman mythology – it was the name of one of the hunting moon goddesses.

In modern times, Cynthia has been used as a given name in movies, TV series, and novels. One of the most famous bearers of this name is undoubtedly Cynthia Nixon, who played Miranda Hobbes in Sex and the City. Other popular media characters with this moniker include Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter, Cyndi Lauper, and Cynthia Rhodes from Dirty Dancing.

43.  Alvina

If you want a name that sounds like it came straight out of a fantasy novel, then Alvina is the perfect choice. This German name means "elf friend," making it perfect for your little girl who loves to play pretend. You can also find the name Alvina in Norse mythology, where it is the name of a giantess.

44.  Nixie

If you're looking for a baby name that's as magical as it is unique, you can't go wrong with Nixie. This name comes from Germanic mythology, where Nixie was a water sprite who lured men to their deaths. You might also remember her from the popular TV show Grimm, where she was played by Elizabeth Olsen.

Whether you're a fan of mythology or just want a one-of-a-kind baby name, Nixie is sure to make a big impression.

45.  Sabrina

This name has its roots in both Latin and Celtic mythology. In Latin, the meaning of the name Sabrina is "from the River Severn". In Celtic mythology, Sabrina is the goddess of the River Severn.

The name Sabrina first gained popularity in the medieval era. It was popularized in the 20th century by the live-action television series "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch". The character of Sabrina Spellman was played by Melissa Joan Hart. The show ran from 1996 to 2003 and was set in the town of Westbridge, Massachusetts.

The name Sabrina has also been used in several other works of fiction, including J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series and Stephen King's "The Dark Tower" series.

Whether you're looking for a name with mythological roots or one that's just plain unique, Sabrina is a great choice for your baby girl.

46.  Ariadne

Ariadne was the name of the daughter of King Minos in Greek mythology. She fell in love with Theseus, who was sent to kill the Minotaur. She helped him escape by giving him a ball of thread to help him find his way out of the labyrinth.

The name Ariadne has been used in many works of fiction, including the Harry Potter series, where it is the name of a character in the Goblet of Fire. It is also the name of a character in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series.

47.  Anna

There are many reasons why parents might choose the name Anna for their baby girl. Perhaps they are fans of the movie Frozen and its heroine, Princess Anna. Or maybe they are inspired by the strong and determined character of Anna from the TV series Suits. Whatever the reason, the name Anna is sure to please both parents and child alike.

Anna is a beautiful name with a variety of meanings. In Hebrew, it means "grace" or "favor." In Greek, it can be translated to mean "noble" or "exalted." And in Latin, Anna is thought to mean "favor" or "gracious." With such a wide range of interpretations, it's no wonder that this name is so popular among parents looking for a unique and special name for their daughter.

If you're on the hunt for a magical girl name for your little one, look no further than Anna. This moniker has all the makings of a perfect pick for your precious princess.

48.  Cybele

Cybele is a name of Turkish origin, meaning "goddess of nature". It's the perfect name for your little goddess!

49.  Elysia

Elysia is a beautiful name with Greek origins. It means "blissful" or "heavenly." Elysia is the perfect name for a baby girl who is sure to bring joy and happiness into the world.

50.  Sansa

Sansa is a beautiful name with multiple origins and meanings. In Hebrew, it means "princess," while in Japanese it can mean "three generations of samurai." Sansa is also a diminutive of Alexandra, which means "defender of men." 

If you're looking for a regal name for your little princess, Sansa is definitely a magical option.

Baby name Elsa

This name is derived from the Germanic element alf, meaning "elf" or "magical being". It's also the name of the Snow Queen in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, and of course, the heroine of Disney's Frozen.

Elsa is a strong and beautiful name for a baby girl, and it has become increasingly popular in recent years. 

51.  Fenella

Fenella is a beautiful baby name of Scottish origin. It means "fair one" or "white shoulder". Fenella is also the name of a fairy in Scottish mythology. The name Fenella has a very magical and girly feel to it.

52.  Celestia

Baby name Celestia is inspired by the stars and planets. The name Celestia is of Latin origin and means "heavenly." It's a beautiful name for a baby girl, and it has a bit of an otherworldly quality to it.

53.  Elvina

The name Elvina is of English origin. It is derived from the Old English words ælf, meaning "elf", and wine, meaning "friend". The name was first used in the medieval period, and it was popularized by the 18th-century poet Robert Southey.

Elvina is a unique and beautiful name for a baby girl. It has a magical and ethereal quality to it, making it perfect for a little girl who is sure to be full of mischief and enchantment.

54.  Osha

This name originates from the movie "The Last Airbender", in which a young girl named Osha has the ability to control the elements. Her powers are a force to be reckoned with, and her name is just as special.

55.  Keziah

Keziah is a magical girl name with Hebrew origins. The meaning of Keziah is "cassia," a flowering plant in the cinnamon family. In the Bible, Keziah was one of Job's three daughters.

Keziah has a strong and beautiful sound, making it perfect for a magical girl. It's also a unique name, which is fitting for a special little girl.

56.  Juno

There are few things more magical than the perfect baby name. If you're looking for a name for your little girl that conjures up images of ethereal beauty, look no further than Juno.

Juno was the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth, making her the perfect namesake for your bundle of joy. She was also known for her wisdom and level-headedness, two traits you'll no doubt want your daughter to inherit.

Other notable Junos include: The titular character of the 2007 film Juno, played by Ellen Page; Juno Temple, an English actress known for her roles in films like Atonement and Maleficent; Juno Eclipse, a Sith Lord in the Star Wars universe.

Whatever your reason for choosing the name Juno, your little girl is sure to love it – and she'll have a built-in support system of strong and powerful women to look up to.

57.  Lavinia

Lavinia is a baby name with Latin origins. The name is derived from the Roman family name "Lavinius", which is believed to be of unknown Etruscan origins. The meaning of Lavinia is uncertain, but it may be related to the Latin word "lavo", meaning "to wash".

Lavinia first appears in history as the wife of the Trojan prince Aeneas, who was one of the survivors of the Trojan War. The couple had two children together, Ascanius and Silvius. Lavinia also appears in Virgil's epic poem "The Aeneid" as a symbol of ideal womanhood.

More recently, Lavinia has been used as a character name in several novels, including Anne Rice's "The Witching Hour" and Margaret Atwood's "The Penelopiad". It has also been used as a given name by several actresses, including Jean Simmons and Kate Beckinsale.

58.  Esme

There are many magical girl names to choose from, but one that stands out is Esme. This name has a long history and was popularized in recent years by the Twilight series. Esme is a beautiful name that means "loved" or "beloved." It's the perfect name for a little girl who is sure to be loved by all.

59.  Noelani

Noelani is a beautiful Hawaiian name meaning "heavenly mist" or "mist of heaven." It's the perfect name for your little angel.

60.  Evelina

Evelina is a name with a long and noble history. It has been used by royals and nobles for centuries, and has even been featured in works of fiction. The name Evelina comes from the Latin word for "wanderer". This makes it the perfect name for a little girl who is always on the move and exploring her world.

Evelina is also a diminutive of the name Evelyn. This makes it a perfect choice for parents who are looking for a name that is magical and full of history, then look no further than Evelina.

61.  Ursula

In popular culture, Ursula is best known as the sea witch from Disney's The Little Mermaid. Ursula was originally written as a much older woman, but in the film she was made into a younger, more attractive villain. Her name comes from the Latin word for "bear," which is fitting since Ursula is often portrayed as a large woman.

Ursula is also the name of a character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In the books, Ursula is a Slytherin student who is sorted into Ravenclaw house. She is described as being tall and thin with dark hair. Ursula is a cunning character who is not to be underestimated.

62.  Galatea

In Greek mythology, Galatea was a nymph who was loved by the sculptor Pygmalion. When he carved a beautiful statue of her, she came to life and they lived together happily ever after.

This name was popularized in the movie "My Fair Lady" which is based on the Pygmalion story. The main character, Eliza Doolittle, takes on the name Galatea when she is transformed from a Cockney flower girl into a refined lady.

63.  Astrid

Astrid is a beautiful and strong baby girl name. It has Nordic origins and means "divine beauty". Astrid is also the name of a Norse goddess, making it perfect for a baby girl who will one day grow into a powerful woman.

64.  Tiana

One magical baby name that comes to mind is Tiana from Disney's The Princess and the Frog. This strong and independent princess made her debut in 2009, and she quickly won over the hearts of children and adults alike. Her beautiful name means "fairy queen" or "princess" in Gaelic, making it the perfect choice for a little girl with big dreams.

65.  Sabrina

This name comes from Greek mythology, where it was the name of a nymph who was turned into a goddess. In the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger's middle name is Sabrina, and in the television series Pretty Little Liars, one of the main characters is named Sabrina.

If you're looking for a unique baby name that has both mythological and pop culture significance, Sabrina is the perfect choice.

66.  Araminta

Araminta is a beautiful baby name with a magical meaning. The name Araminta means "guardian of the home" in Greek. This name is perfect for a little girl who is destined to be a powerful witch or magical girl.

67.  Evangeline

With its origins in Greek mythology, the name Evangeline means "good news" or "bringer of good news." And what could be better news than the arrival of a new baby?

This beautiful name has been used in many works of fiction over the years, including the popular TV series Lost and the novel Gone with the Wind. It's also been featured in several movies, such as The Princess Diaries and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

No matter where you first heard it, the name Evangeline is sure to bring some magic into your life.

68.  Jade

Jade is a beautiful name with many different origins and meanings. Jade is most commonly associated with the green stone of the same name, which is said to have magical powers.

The name Jade can also be found in many different mythologies and stories from around the world. In Chinese mythology, Jade is the goddess of mercy and compassion. In Native American folklore, Jade is a stone of good luck and protection.

Jade is also a popular name in pop culture. Some well-known Jades include the character Jade from the hit TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the protagonist of the novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

69.  Alisa

Alisa is a beautiful name with Russian origins. The meaning of the name Alisa is "noble". This name was popularized by the 1971 movie "Bedknobs and Broomsticks".

70.  Tara

This Irish name means “star” and is associated with the Celtic goddess of the same name. Tara was also the name of a magical island in the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

If you love all things magical, then a baby name inspired by magic is definitely for you. And what could be more magical than naming your child after a goddess?

71.  Pandora

In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on Earth. She was created by the god Zeus as a gift for mankind, but she ended up unleashing all sorts of evils upon the world when she opened a box that she was not supposed to. In spite of this, her name still holds a lot of power and beauty.

In more recent years, Pandora has been used as the name of a powerful witch in the Harry Potter series. She is able to transform herself into a cat, and is highly skilled in dark magic. Her name is often associated with misfortune and death, but she is still a fascinating character.

Pandora is a perfect choice. It always seems to add a touch of mystery and magic to the character.

72.  Arcadia

Arcadia is a name with Greek roots meaning " paradise." The name most likely came to popularity from the pastoral poem "Theocritus" written in 300 BC. The name has been used sporadically throughout history but hit its peak in the early 20th century and has been declining in usage since.

In modern times, Arcadia is used as a girls name in England and Wales. It was the 377th most popular girls name in 2012.

73.  Giselle

Giselle is a beautiful baby name with French origins. The meaning of Giselle is "pledge, promise." This name was made popular by the ballet Giselle, first performed in Paris in 1841. The ballet tells the story of a peasant girl named Giselle who dies of a broken heart after her lover betrays her. Even though she is gone, Giselle's spirit protects her lover from evil spirits.

74.  Delilah

Delilah is a biblical name that means "delicate" or "deserted." In the Old Testament, Delilah was the woman who tricked Samson into revealing the source of his strength. She was paid by the Philistines to do so, and as a result, Samson was captured and blinded.

Despite her treacherous origins, Delilah has been used as a name for fictional characters who are kind-hearted and loyal. Examples include Delilah Dirk from the graphic novel series of the same name, and Delilah Bard from Scott Lynch's Gentlemen Bastards novels.

75.  Eira

Eira is a Welsh name meaning "snow". It's a beautiful name for a winter baby.

Named after the Welsh goddess of snow, Eira is a beautiful name for a baby girl. It has a strong meaning and is perfect for parents who want their daughter to have a unique name.

76.  Venus

This name comes from the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and it perfectly suits a little girl who is as lovely as she is powerful. This gorgeous name has a long history of being associated with love and beauty, making it perfect for a little girl who is sure to grow up to be just as stunning as her namesake.

77.  Shannara

Shannara is a beautiful name taken from the fantasy novel series The Shannara Chronicles. The books follow the adventures of a group of heroes as they fight to save the world from evil. The main character is named Shea Ohmsford, but her full name is actually Shannara.

78.  Cassiopeia

Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the vain queen Cassiopeia in Greek mythology. In the myth, Cassiopeia boasted that she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than the Nereids, the sea nymphs. This angered Poseidon, who sent a sea monster to punish Cassiopeia and her kingdom. To save her kingdom, Cassiopeia was forced to sacrifice her daughter to the monster.

The name Cassiopeia has been used in many works of fiction. Some notable examples include Queen Cassiopeia from the TV series "Once Upon a Time" and Lady Cassiopea from Anne Rice's novel "The Vampire Lestat."

79.  Daenerys

The name Daenerys is of Unknown origin. Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most iconic and popular characters from the Game of Thrones series. Her name has become synonymous with strong, independent women who are unafraid to stand up for what they believe in.

It’s no wonder that so many people have been drawn to this complex and inspiring character. If you’re looking for a name that embodies strength and determination, then Daenerys is definitely worth considering.

80.  Belle

Belle is a beautiful name for a baby girl. It has French origins and means "beautiful." Belle is also the name of the main character in the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. She is a kind-hearted princess who is imprisoned by a Beast in his castle. With the help of her friends, she is able to break the spell that was placed on him and return him to his human form.

81.  Calliope

This Greek name meaning "beautiful voice" is the perfect name for your little girl.

In Greek mythology, Calliope was the muse of epic poetry, and her name has been used by many authors and poets over the years. If you're a fan of literature, this might be the perfect name for your daughter.

Calliope is also a popular character. She's often portrayed as a powerful woman who isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. If you're looking for a name with feminist undertones, Calliope is a great choice.

82.  Jasmine

Jasmine is a name with a long history. It can be found in Persian, Arabic, and Turkish cultures. The name Jasmine was used in the Disney movie Aladdin (1992) for the princess who later became his wife.

Jasmine is a flower name, derived from the jasmine flower. The jasmine flower is native to South Asia and has many symbolisms attached to it. In India, for example, the jasmine flower is worn by women in their hair as a symbol of modesty and grace.

The name Jasmine can also be seen as a symbol of purity and new beginnings.

83.  Yara

Yara is a name of Arabic origin, meaning "small butterfly". It was popularized by the Brazilian telenovela "Irmandade da Adaga Negra", in which the main character is named Yara. The name has also been used in the TV series "Game of Thrones" and the novel "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".

84.  Luna

Luna is the Latin word for moon, and it's also the name of several characters in mythology and fiction who are associated with the moon.

In Roman mythology, Luna is the goddess of the moon. She's often depicted as being pregnant or nursing a child, symbolizing her role as a mother figure. In Greek mythology, Selene is the goddess of the moon, and her brother Helios is the god of the sun. Together, they represent the balance of light and dark.

Luna Lovegood is a character in the Harry Potter series who is known for her eccentricity and love of all things magical. She's a loyal friend to Harry and helps him out on numerous occasions throughout the books.

It's perfect for any little girl who's destined to be extraordinary.

85.  Pixie

Pixie is a diminutive and popular baby name for girls. It entered the English language in the 18th century from the French piquer, meaning "to prick". In English-speaking countries, pixie has come to refer to a small, mischievous creature with pointed ears and a mischievous nature.

Pixie is also a popular given name for girls in the United States, where it ranked as the 351st most popular name for girls born in 2017. 

Pixie is often used as a nickname for girls named Isabella or Penelope. It can also be used as a standalone given name.

86.  Faye

Faye is a beautiful name with many different origins. Faye means “fairy” in French, “free one” in English, and “lucky” or “happy” in Spanish. This name is perfect for a little girl who is full of life and happiness.

The name Faye has been used in many different movies and TV series over the years. Some notable characters who have been given this name include: Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop; Faye Dunaway from Chinatown; Fay Wray from King Kong

87.  Titania

Titania is a name with many different possible origins. It could be derived from the Latin word for "title" or the Greek word for "giantess." It could also be related to the name of the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Titania is also a moon of Uranus, which may be where Shakespeare got the idea for the name of the fairy queen in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Titania is a beautiful and regal name, perfect for a little princess. It has a strong yet feminine sound that would suit any little girl.

88.  Amira

The name Amira is of Arabic origin, meaning " prosperous" or "full of life." It is a popular name in the Arab world, especially among girls.

In Arabic culture, the name Amira is often given to girls who are born during the month of Ramadan. It is also a popular name among Muslim girls in general.

The name Amira has also been gaining popularity in the Western world in recent years. This is likely due to its beautiful meaning as well as its similarity to popular names such as Amir and Emma.

89.  Zelda

If you're looking for a name that is both unique and has a touch of magic to it, consider the name Zelda.

Zelda is a name with Irish origins that means "dark beauty" or "black-haired beauty". It's the perfect name for a little girl who is as beautiful as she is powerful. Zelda has been used as the name of several characters in popular culture, including the titular character in The Legend of Zelda video game series.

90.  Cassandra

One magical baby name that comes from Greek mythology is Cassandra. In the myth, Cassandra was a young woman who was blessed with the gift of prophecy. She was also cursed so that no one would believe her predictions. Despite her curse, Cassandra’s prophecies often came true.

If you’re looking for a strong and unique baby name with a bit of history behind it, Cassandra might be the perfect choice for you.

91.  Eulalie

Eulalie is a beautiful name with French origins. It means "well-spoken" or "sweet talker". This name is perfect for a little girl who is sure to charm everyone she meets.

Eulalie has been used as a baby name in recent years, but it has been around for centuries. It was popularized by the French author Honoré de Balzac, who used it for a character in his novel La Comédie Humaine.

92.  Rapunzel

If you’re looking for a name that has both beauty and brains, look no further than Rapunzel! This name comes from the story of a girl with long, flowing hair who was kept locked away in a tower. But don’t let her imprisonment fool you – Rapunzel is a fierce and determined young woman who eventually finds her way to freedom.

This name is perfect for a little girl with big dreams. It’s also a great choice if you want a unique spin on the more traditional names like Elizabeth or Alexandra.

93.  Siofra

Siofra is a baby name of Irish origin, meaning "flower" or "blooming". It's a beautiful and unique name for a little girl.

94.  Nova

Nova is a Latin word meaning "new". It can also be used as a given name, and is sometimes given to girls born during the Christmas season. The name Nova has been used in recent years by celebrities such as Drew Barrymore, Chad Michael Murray and Hayden Christensen.

95.  Calypso

Calypso is a beautiful name with Greek origins. In Greek mythology, Calypso was a nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia. She was known for her beauty and singing voice. In the Odyssey, she was the one who kept Odysseus captive on her island for seven years.

Nowadays, the name Calypso is associated with paradise and femininity. It's a unique name that would be perfect for a strong and independent baby girl.

96.  Aislinn

Aislinn is a beautiful baby name with Irish origins. The meaning of Aislinn is "dream" or "vision." This name is perfect for a little girl who is full of imagination and wonder. Aislinn is also the name of a Celtic goddess, making it a perfect choice for parents who want to instill strength and power in their child.

97.  Ingrid

This gorgeous name comes from Scandinavian mythology, where Ingrid is the goddess of love and beauty. Ingrid is also a popular character in many Disney movies and TV series, making it the perfect choice for your little princess.

98.  Clarion

From the ethereal to the downright witchy, this moniker is sure to cast a spell on you. For a bewitching baby girl name, consider Clarion.

This pretty name was inspired by the Latin word for “clear” or “bright.” It also happens to be the name of a powerful witch in the Harry Potter series. You might also like other names associated with light and brightness, such as Aurora or Lumen.

99.  Iridessa

The name "Iridessa" is derived from the Latin word for "rainbow", which is fitting for this name since rainbows are often considered to be magical. This name first appeared in the Disney Fairies movie "Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure" as one of the four main fairy characters. Tinker Bell's best friend, Iridessa is an intelligent and level-headed light-talent fairy who helps keep Tinker Bell on track.

100.  Divya

Divya is a Sanskrit name that means "divine" or "heavenly." It's a beautiful name for a baby girl, and it has a strong meaning behind it. If you're looking for a name that will inspire your child to be her best self, Divya is a perfect choice.


We hope you enjoyed this list of magical girl names. If you're looking for a unique name for your daughter, we hope this list has inspired you. And if you have any suggestions for other magical girl names, feel free to share them in the comments below.

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