Ellinka name meaning

Gender: Girl
Origin: Old Greek, Italian, Gothic, Germanic, French and Old Provençal
Usage: Finnish
Meaning: Foreign, Beautiful Fairy Woman, True to All, Pure, Intelligent, Splash of the Sun and My God is Yahweh
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What does Ellinka mean?

Ellinka is Estonian cognate of Ellina.

Variants of Ellinka

Ellina, Ella, Ellen, Elina, Alia, Elli, Ellagrace, Helena, Elen, Eline, Maryellen, Ellenmarie, Eleonora, Helene, Gabriella, Ellend, Eleena, Eleonore

How popular is the name Ellinka?

Ellinka is an uncommon name around the world. At least, 100 people globally have been given the name as per our estimate.


Numerological analysis of Ellinka

You change your mind quickly and fall in love with people who are your total opposite. Having letter A as your capstone in your name represents the independent and carefree life you are living. You are your own person who likes to live on the edge. If you walk over people to get on top, you won't make it. Or you will but you won't feel good about yourself. It's far better than righting wrongs that can't be undone or fixed.

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Famous people named Ellinka

We could not find any notable namesake.

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