Leia name meaning

Updated: May 30th, 2024
Gender: Girl
Origin: Hebrew, Hawaiian and Spanish
Usage: English, French, Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian
Pronunciation: LAY-ah
Meaning: Tired, Weary, Meadow Pasture, Delicate, Child of Heaven and Leah
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What does Leia mean?

Origin of Well-Liked Leia is in Hebrew, Spanish and Hawaiian, meaning of Leia is "Tired, Weary, Meadow Pasture, Delicate, Child of Heaven or Leah" given to baby girls is used in English, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Swedish and French.

Leia is version of Leya. Leya is form of Leah in English language. Meaning of Leya is Leah is of Hebrew and Spanish origin. Leia is variant form of outstanding Leilani.

Leilani's meaning is Heavenly Flowers and Heavenly Flower has its origin in Hawaii and Hawaiian is used mostly in English and Tamil. Leia is variant of perpetual and popular Lea. Lea is variation of loved and perpetual Lee.

Lea is feminine form of Leo. Lea is form of Leander in Finnish language. Lea's meaning is Meadow Pasture, Fatigued and Meadow came from Hebrew and Old English.

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How do I pronounce Leia?

One syllabled Leia is pronounced as LAY-ah. There should be emphasis on first LAY syllable while speaking. lay-ah or leia are the different way(s) to pronounce the name.

Variants of Leia

Leilani, Leya, Lea, Lailani, Leah, Lee, Leander, Leana, Leamarie, Lailanee, Leaha, Jalea, Leahanna, Aaronlee, Leeanthony, Hadley, Huxley, Li, Raleigh, Ripley, Yardley, Ander, Leandros, Lean, Julianus, Aileen, Leanne, Lina, Ileana, Leeanna

Middle Names for Leia

Eleanora, Micheline, view more middle names that goes with Leia

Names that rhyme with Leia

How popular is the name Leia?

Leia is a popular name in United States given to over 10841 babies in 63 years. When at the peak of its usage in 2017, 1151 girls were bestowed the name and it was ranked at 279th position.

In addition to that, the moniker has been in the top 500 baby names 4 times Leia is a common name in England and Wales given to over 1808 babies in 23 years.

At the peak of its usage in 2017, the moniker grabbed the 324th spot and 149 baby girls were given the name. Also, In France, Leia was once a common name since emerging in 1988 it has been given to over 2050 babies.

At the peak of its usage in 2009,. However after 31 years, the name is currently sliding down on the charts. Also, Leia was a common name in Sweden. Over 2708 babies have been named Leia since 2006.

At the peak of its usage in 2017,. However after 13 years, the name is currently sliding down on the charts but it is still going strong.

Leia is an uncommon baby name in Switzerland, its highest ever rank is 316 (2017) in its 16 years run on Switzerland naming chart.

Over 141 people have been named Leia in Switzerland. It also recently appeared in Belgium baby girl names chart. Leia is a rare baby name in Ireland however it is still in use.

But Leia is a popular baby name in Brazil where every 1 in 7000 have the name as well as in Mozambique. As per our estimate, over 40000 babies have been bestowed Leia around the globe.

View more ▾View full list ▾[1] Source: Social Security Administration


Leia in Nordic countries

First NameSecondary Name

What numbers say about Leia?

You are a born leader who likes to be in charge of things. As for your friends, keep it real. Start cleaning your karma and you will notice a tremendous change in your life. You have big plans for yourself and your future. You are courageous but stubborn when convinced you are doing things the right way. You are triggered by things that seem impossible to do or accomplish because to you, nothing's impossible.

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Famous people named Leia

  • Leia Freitas in No se Aceptan Devoluciones as Actress
  • Leia Thompson in Something Borrowed as Actress
  • Leia Zanganeh portrayed main character of N in 2012 drama, thriller flick Private Life.
  • In 2019 adventure and drama flick, Immenhof - Das Abenteuer eines Sommers, Leia Holtwick played Lou.


  1. Social Security Administration, https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/index.html
  2. Office for National Statistics, https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths
  3. Central Statistics Office - An Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh, https://visual.cso.ie/?body=entity/babynames
  4. Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques, https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/2540004
  5. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/family-names-and-first-names/first-names-boys-and-girls
  6. Office fédéral de la statistique, https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/population/naissances-deces/prenoms-nouveaux-nes.html
  7. Sociale Verzekeringsbank, https://www.svb.nl/nl/kindernamen/
  8. SCB- Statistikmyndigheten, https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/population/general-statistics/name-statistics/
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