Names that mean Lamb

Updated: June 5th, 2024
Little Lamb, The Ewe, Jacob's Wife, Gental
Counsel or wise
The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Female Sheep, An Innocent Ewe, Lamb, Form of Rachel
Gental, The Ewe, Sheep, Rohon Which Means to Roar Battle Cry
Be Satisfied, Content, One and Only, Lamb
Lamb, He (God) Was Gracious, Grace, Purity
Pure, Surrender, Chaste, English
Blossom, Blooming, Flowering, Form of Natalie
Ewe, Lamb, Female Sheep
As innocent as a lamb
Lightning, The Only One, Forever, Purity
Heaven's Dew, English, Female Lamb, Birth
In Flower, Birth, Lamb, Flowering
One with purity, Jacob's wife, Sheep, Gental
Dew of God, In Flower, Blooming, Female Lamb
Jacob's Wife, Gental, An Innocent Ewe, Innocence of a Lamb
Favour, The Chaste, Pure, He (God) Was Gracious
Innocence of a Lamb, Jacob's Wife, One with Purity, Female Sheep
Pure, The Chaste, One who Answers, Lamb As Well
An Innocent Ewe, Lamb, Little Frenchman / Franke, Jacob's Wife
Innocence of a Lamb, Jacob's Wife, One with Purity, Female Sheep
Little Lamb
The One to Be Acknowledged or Praised, Beloved, Friend, Voracious
High and exalted
Little Lamb
The Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb
Blooming, Birth, The Word Tal with the Meaning Dew, Female Lamb
The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Lamb, Silver, Good Victory, One)
Dew from Heaven, Near Water, Female Lamb, Born on Christmas
Pure, Lamb
Lamb, Ewe, Female Sheep, Form of Rachel
Lamb, Gental, One with Purity, The Ewe
As Innocent As a Lamb
Pure, The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Lamb As Well
Female Sheep, Gental, Little Lamb, Jacob's Wife
Pure, Lamb As Well, The Chaste
Happy, Willing, Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, Ewe, Female Sheep, Little Lamb, One with Purity, Jacob's Wife, Gental
Chaste, Lamb As Well, Good
The Pure, Chaste, Lamb As Well
Lamb As Well, The Pure, Chaste
The Holy One from Noyal, Lamb and White
One with Purity, Sheep, Gental, Innocence of a Lamb
As Innocent As a Lamb
Lamb, The Ewe, Female Sheep
Female Sheep, Gental, Innocence of a Lamb, The Ewe
One with Purity, Gental, The Ewe, Sheep
Pure, The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Purity, Lamb
Pure, Lamb As Well, Chaste
East, Lamb, Morning
Pure, Lamb As Well, The Chaste
As Innocent As a Lamb
Female Sheep, The Ewe, Lamb
To be Clever, The Pure, Chaste, Lamb As Well
A Prefix, Clever, The Chaste, Grace
Lamb As Well, The Chaste
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Lamb As Well
Be Happy, One), Content, Lamb
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Day, Intimate, Grace
Lamb As Well, The Chaste, Humble, One who Answers
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Lamb As Well
Pure, The Chaste, Lamb As Well
The Pure, Lamb As Well, Humble, One who Answers
Lamb As Well, The Chaste
Settler of Cord, Sea from the Stem End, Seiler, Lamb
The Chaste, Lamb As Well, Good
As Innocent As a Lamb
As Innocent As a Lamb
Pure, The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Born on Christmas, Heaven's Dew, Blooming, Tau
Hagnos Meaning Pure Chaste, Compliance, Grace, Night-less
Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb, Form of Rachel
The Ewe, Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, One with Purity
Female Sheep, Ewe, Form of Rachel, Lamb
Servant of the God, Servant of the God or Lamb of the God
Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb
The Ewe, Jacob's Wife, Female Sheep, Innocence of a Lamb
The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Man, Brother, Germane, Pure
Lamb, Ewe, Female Sheep
The Chaste, Pure, Lamb As Well
Form of Rachel, An Innocent Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb
Dew of God, Lamb, Born on Christmas, Flowering
Ewe, Lamb, Sheep, Jacob's Wife
Responsible, Innocent Lamb
Ewe, Lamb, Female Sheep
A kind of Belgian marble
One with Purity, Jacob's Wife, Sheep, Gental
Sheep, Lamb, Jacob's Wife, One with Purity
Little Lamb, The Ewe, Jacob's Wife, Gental
Chaste, Lamb As Well, Pure
As Innocent As a Lamb
Wind, Mercy, Grace, Mother
Be Happy, One), Content, Lamb
Lamb, Female Sheep, An Innocent Ewe, Form of Rachel
Ewe, Form of Rachel, Lamb, Female Sheep
The Pure, Lamb As Well, Chaste
Near Water, Dew of God, Birth, Blossom
Lamb As Well, Chaste, Pure
Female Lamb, Blossom, The Word Tal with the Meaning Dew, Birth
Innocence of a Lamb, Female Sheep, Jacob's Wife, An Innocent Ewe
Innocent Lamb, Responsible
Ewe, Lamb, Sheep, Jacob's Wife
Pure, Chaste, Lamb As Well, Partner
The Chaste, Pure, Lamb As Well, Good
The Pure, Chaste, Lamb As Well
One with Purity, Sheep, Gental, Innocence of a Lamb
Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb
Chaste, Pure, Lamb As Well
The Agate Stone, Chaste, Lamb As Well, Good
Female Sheep, An Innocent Ewe, Lamb, Form of Rachel
Chaste, Pure, Lamb As Well
Oen Meaning Lamb
Flowering, Born on Christmas, Near Water, Lamb
Ewe, Female Sheep, Lamb, Form of Rachel
Lamb, Gental, The Ewe, Sheep
Content, One), Lamb, Be Happy
The Ewe, Lamb, Form of Rachel, Female Sheep
Birth, Dew from Heaven, Blooming, Female Lamb
The Chaste, Lamb As Well
Lamb As Well, The Chaste
The Chaste, Pure, Lamb As Well
Pure, Lamb
Resembling a Lamb, Lamb
Pure, Lamb As Well, The Chaste
The Pure, Willing, Chaste, Lamb As Well
Sheep, Lamb, Gental, Jacob's Wife
Innocence of a Lamb, Sheep, One with Purity, Ewe
Lamb, Female Sheep, Ewe, One with Purity
Lamb, Content, Be Satisfied, One and Only
Of Rayann and young maid
Lamb, Female Sheep, Ewe
Bitter, Star of the Sea, Ewe, Rebellion
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