Names that rhyme with Let

The list of words or names that rhyme with Let. This names list will help you in naming twins or selecting a name for your baby that rhymes with Let.
AagetGirl Diamond
AbhijeetBoy A Wend, Wanderer, Victorious, Lord Krishna
AhmetBoy Strength of God, The Memory of the Lord, The Lord has Remembered, God will Strengthen, Abbreviation of Ezekiel, More Praiseworthy
AidetGirl Ruler of the House, Short Form of Henrietta, Generous, Female Version of Henry, Moon, Fame, News, Ethiopian, One who is Famous, Welcoming, Hospitable, Power of Zeus, Belonging to Zeus, Guest, Stranger, Woman, Beautiful Ornament, Lump of Earth, Father, My Father is Light, Father in Rejoicing
AiletGirl Fulfilling a Duty, Paying, Beauty, Elegance, Graceful Manner, Pure, Noble, Kind, Nobility, The Oldest Daughter, Happy, Ornament, Child of the Red Earth, Brightness, Prosperous, Style, Special Things, Witty, One who has Pleasant Dreams, Imaginative, She with the Beauty of Dreams
AjeetBoy High Priestess of Mecca, Goat, Not Born, Love of Vishnu, One who is Self Existent, Victorious, Invincible, Unconquerable
AlizetGirl Truthful, Variant of Alice
AmanpreetBoy One who Loves Peace, The Protector of Peace
AmarpreetGirl Immortal Love of God, The Immortal Love of Lord
AmeetBoy Boundless
AmneetGirl Believe in Peace
AmoretGirl My People, Dearly Loved, Beauty, Friend, Loved, Nectar, Tears
AmunetGirl Noble Friend, Defender, Who is Giving Imortality, Nector, Nectar, Art, Immortality
AnetGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AniketBoy Lord Krishna Lord Shiva, Name of Lord Krishna, Homeless, One who Makes the World his Home, A Celestial Being who was the King of the Anga Dynasty
AnjanetGirl Mother, God-like
AnnemargaretGirl Mother, God-like, Pretty
AnnetGirl Noble Friend, Elf, Brilliance, Brightness, Height, Exalted, Battle
AnnmargaretGirl Counsel from the Elves, Elf, Magical Counsel
AntoinetGirl God's Protection, Follower of a Nobleman, God-helmet, Nobel
AnureetGirl Pure, Form of Agnes, Chaste, Finished, Completed, Grace, Name of a Star, Bright Star
ArietGirl Man
ArisbetGirl Man, Pledge
ArletGirl A Combination of Anna and Belle, Easy to Love, Graceful, Beautiful, Graceful or Beatiful, Eagle
ArnetBoy Little Eagle
AsenetGirl Eagle Power, Powerful as an Eagle
AseretGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AsetGirl Peaceful Friend, Fair, Holy, Blessed Reconciliation, Joy and Peace, Blessed Peace, White Wave, Princess, Truthful, Aristocratic Lady, Basket for Clothes
AshmeetGirl Dream, Ash-tree Meadow
AusetGirl Nobility
AvneetGirl Modest, Kind Hearted
AvreetGirl Form of Augustus, Revered, Exalted, Worthy of Respect, Great, Magnificent, Very Happy, Indestructible
AyeletGirl Gazelle, Hind, To Open, April Month, Opening Buds of Spring, French Version of April, The Month Name, Opening Up
AyletGirl From the Hare's Meadow
AzenetGirl Bearer of Good News, Modern Blend of Ava and Ana
BarnetBoy Of Honorable Birth, From the Land that was Burned
BaronetBoy From the Land that was Burned
BarretBoy Brave as a Bear, Variant of Barnett, Bear-strength, Cap
BartletBoy Most Used Commonly as a Surname in Modern Times, Farmer's Son, Diminutive of Bartholomew Dating to the 13th Century
BassetBoy Short, Little Person
BecketBoy Marksman, From the Land that was Burned, Lives at the Barrier, Sharp, Pointed, Bear-strength, Spear, Javelin, Brook
BenetBoy Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Blessed
BennetBoy Blessed, Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Happy, English form of Benedict (meaning: the Blessed).
BeornetBoy Leader
BereketBoy Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict
BeretGirl Battle Maid, Prayer, Warrior Maid
BernadetGirl Lovable, Much Loved, She who Must be Loved, Worthy of Love, Deserving to be Loved, Fit to be, Precious Thing
BernetBoy Son of a Farmer, From the Barley Farm, Ploughman, Farmer's Son, Diminutive of Bartholomew
BetGirl House, God's Promise, God is My Oath
BetsabetGirl Bright, Highborn, Brilliant, Day-bright, Fame, Strength, Bright as an Angel, Shining Intellect, Renowned Northerner, Famous, Will, Desire, Noble, Shining
BetzabetGirl Botanical Name, Noble and Bright, Pale Green Gemstone
BianetGirl Blessed, Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict, Happy, Name of Goddess Durga, Sweet, One who Lives Forever, Goddess Parvati, Emotional, Heavy
BirketBoy Area of Birch Trees
BretBoy From Britain, Brit, A Native of Brittany, The Breton
BridgetGirl Strength, Power, Strong Willed, Strong Man of God, To Help, The Exalted One, The High One, Saint
BrigetGirl Hilltop, Burnt, Steep Hill, Mount, High Place
BrijetGirl Born of the Right Hand, Meadow with Coarse Grass, Son of the South, Benjamin
BurketBoy Area of Birch Trees
BurnetBoy Brock's Town, Bracc's Settlement
CachetGirl Bird, Variant of Byrd, Like a Bird, Unusual Nature Name
CadetBoy A Place Name
CarletGirl Little and Womanly, Feminine Variant of Charles
ChaletGirl Song of Joy, Song of Happiness, Womanly, Form of Carolyne
ChanetGirl Hairy, Long Haired, Variant of Caesar, Hirsute, With Abundant Hai
CharletGirl Man, Place Name, Pretty Brook, Of the Dark Ones, Pleasent Stream
CharoletGirl Noble, Bear, Rock, Noble Strength, Stone
ChetBoy Camp of the Soldiers, Fort, From the Fortified Camp, From the Rock Fortress, Awareness, Soldier's Camp, If
ClemetBoy From the Clay Brook, Born of Clay, Earth
CorbetBoy Black-haired, Dark as a Raven
CricketGirl Ford Near the Cliff, Name of a Place, Near a Slope
DanetGirl From Denmark
DeseretGirl Ruler of the People, Gifted Ruler, Beloved Leader
DianetGirl Protector, Divine, From Devonshire
DilpreetBoy/Girl Heart Loving, Lion
DorsetBoy Place's Name, A tribe which dwells near sea
ElidetGirl Earthy, Born of the Earth, Child of the World
ElisabetGirl Gazelle, Small Deer, Shaking, My God Is Abundance
ElisavetGirl Earthy, Born of the Earth, Child of the World
ElisetGirl Powerful, Wealthy
ElizabetGirl God's Promise, God is My Oath, My God is Bountiful, God of Plenty, Form of Elizabeth, My God Is Abundance
ElizetGirl Wise Adviser, Old Counsel
EllietGirl Peaceful Ruler, Good Counselor, Elf, Power
ElvetBoy Swan Stream
EmetBoy Desire, Aspiration
EmmetBoy Powerful, Hard Worker, An Ant, Whole, Immense, All Containing, Universal Strength
EmnetGirl Industrious, Hard Working, An Ant, Energetic, Powerful
EscarletGirl Friend of the Elves, Female Version of Elvin, Noble Friend, Magical Being
EvaletGirl Auspicious Speech, Good Repute, Sweet Spoken
EveletGirl Light, Nobility, All, Completely, Exalted, Sun Ray, Shining Light, Foreign, Famous Warrior, Angel
EveretBoy Strong as a Wild Boar, Hard Boar
EvetGirl Similar to Clara, Bright, Famous, Beautiful, Clear
EvoletGirl God of Wine, Feminine of Dennis, Follower of Dionysius, To Advise, Alone, Nun, Solitary, Divine, Transcendental, Very Cute, Pure, Settlement, Heavenly, Brilliant, Divine Luster
FenetGirl Form of Felicia, Happy, Fortunate, Enjoying Good Luck
FleetBoy Sincere, Form of Ernest, Earnest, Battle to the Death
FrimetGirl Free, From France, Modern Variants of Frances
GaretBoy Mighty with a Spear
GarnetGirl Pomegranate Seed, Spear, Keeper of Grain, Red Like a Pomegranate, Dark and Red Gem Stone, A Dark Red Semi-precious Gem Stone
GarretBoy Mighty with a Spear, To Watch, Spear Brave, Strength of the Spear, Bold Spear, Gentle
GeetGirl God's Able-bodied One, Diminutive of Gabrielle, Woman of God, God is My Strength, An Ancient Scholar Like One of Lord Buddha, Name of a Learned Woman, Goddess Durga, Scholar, Song, Melody
GenetGirl Peaceful Ruler, Counsel from the Elves, Diminutive of Frederic, Elf, Supernatural Counsel, Power, Strong Peace, Holy Peacemaking
GerretBoy German Form of George, Earth
GhenetGirl Hazelnut, Light, Desired, Life-giving, Gives Life, Bird, Form of Evelyn
GidgetGirl Mighty with a Spear, To Watch, Spear Brave, Strength of the Spear, Bold Spear, Gentle
GigetGirl Cheerful, Happy, Stranger
GuneetGirl Great Plains, Tall, Big, Great, Meritorious, Excellent, Full of Talent
GurjeetBoy One Winning the Guru's Heart
GurneetGirl Guru's Moral
GurpreetBoy Love of the Teacher, Lover of God, Guru's Love, Love of Guru
HalletBoy Fair, Blessed, Form of Gwendolyn, White Brow, Holy
HamletBoy Vigilant Watchman, Watchful, Alert
HamnetBoy House, Introduced from Germany During the Norman Conquest, From the Little Home
HarmanpreetBoy/Girl From the Hare's Valley, Lord Siva / Vishnu / Krishna, Love from God's Heart
HarmeetGirl God's Friend, God's Devotee, Beloved Friend
HarneetGirl From the Manor, Worker at the Large House or Manor
HarpreetGirl Fair One, White and Smooth, Soft, One who Loves God, Love Of God
HarrietGirl Ruler of an Enclosure, Home Ruler, Rules the Home, Estate
HasetGirl Prosperous in War, Form of Edith, Rich Gift, Prosperity, Battle
HasletBoy From the Hazel Tree Land
HassetGirl Cheerful, Joyful, First Born of Twins
HeetBoy Love
HerbetBoy From the Dear Meadow, Deer, Stag
HetBoy Keeper of the Hearth, Mistress of the Household, Home Ruler, House Owner, Love
HoyetBoy Hill
HugietGirl Little Hugh
HuletBoy Cheerful, Merry, Happy, Form of Hilary
InaretGirl Cute
InderpreetBoy Keeper of the Hedged Enclosure, Love for God, Lover of God
IshmeetGirl Gods Friend, Friend of Goddess
IsmetBoy Insusceptibility
IvetGirl Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon
JafetBoy Bright Mind, Form of Hugh, Bright in Mind and Spirit
JaffetBoy Archer, Yew, Born Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows
JagmeetBoy Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Friend of the World
JamiletGirl Supplanter, Held by the Heel, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants
JanetGirl God's Gracious Gift, Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Gift from God, God is Gracious, Yahweh Is Gracious
JannetGirl From the Glen, Valley, Glen, It is a Narrow Valley Between Hills, Island
JaphetBoy God's Gracious Gift, Form of Jane
JapneetGirl Absorbed in Adoration, Daily Praised of God
JaretBoy Supplanter, Held by the Heel, Heel Grabber, One who Supplants, Descent
JarretBoy Mighty Spearman, Spear Strong, Variant of Garrett
JarrietBoy To Sing
JashanpreetBoy Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Heart, Soul, Victory, Fame, Love to Victiory
JasjeetBoy Glorious Victory
JasmeetGirl Famed
JasneetGirl Good Intentions Rewarded with God's Grace
JaspreetGirl Archer's Bow, Yew, Bow Army, Yew Wood, Yew Wood was Used for Bows, Heart, Soul, One who Loves to Sing Praises of the Lord
JasreetGirl Fragrant Flower, Modern Variant of Jasmine, Combination of Jocelyn and the Musical Term Jazz
JeanetGirl God's Gracious Gift, Well-born, Noble
JeannetGirl Jehovah has been Gracious, Has Shown Favor, Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Gift from God
JeetBoy Jehovah has been Gracious, Has Shown Favor, Noble, Female Version of John, The Lord is Gracious, Well-born, Winner, Victory, Win, Success, Victorious
JennetGirl Heaven, Garden, Variant of Jane, The Lord is Gracious
JeretBoy To Sing
JerretBoy Fair Bow, White Ring, Blessed Ring, Goddess of the Moon, Hyacinth, Purple Flower Name, Beautiful
JetBoy Jasmine Flower, Similar to Jasmine
JewelietGirl Jasmine Flower, Similar to Jasmine
JhamiletGirl The Lord is Gracious
JhanetGirl Blue Jay, He who Supplants, The Lord is Salvation, Victory, Blue Crested Bird, A Bird in the Crow Family, Win, Name of Bird
JhetBoy Spearman, Variant of the French Name Gervaise, With Honor, Spear Servant
JilletGirl Youthful, Girl, Jove's Child, Sweet Heart, A Young Woman, Downey-haired Child, Similar to Jill
JoletGirl God is Gracious, Merciful, God's Gracious Gift
JolietGirl Son of Harry
JosabetGirl Modern Female Version of John and Jon, God's Grace, God is Merciful
JosetBoy/Girl Blue Jay, He who Supplants, The Lord is Salvation, Victory, Blue Crested Bird, A Bird in the Crow Family, Win, Name of Bird
JulietGirl Youthful, Downy-bearded, Variant of Julia, Jove's Child, Star Crossed Lover in the Shakespearian Tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Youth, Descended from Jupiter (Jove), Soft Bearded, Star Crossed Love, Dedicated To Jupiter
JullietGirl From Hugh's Town, Place-name and Surname, American West Texan General Sam Houston, A City in Texas Usa, From the Settlement on the Hill of Hugh's Town
KachetGirl Downy Bearded, Youthful, Name of a Poem, Jove's Child, Fire
KaletBoy Victory of the People, Diminutive of Dominick, Lord, Abbreviation of Nicholas, People's Victory, Child Born on Sunday, Victorious Person, Good
KarapetBoy Brave, Alert, A Phonetic Form of the Initials Kc, Similar to the Irish Name Casey, Vigorous, Watchful, Sun, The Sea
KemetBoy Island, Ship Island, Brave, Victory Ship
KenetBoy Just, Upright, Fair, Righteous, Key
KennetBoy Just, Upright, Fair, Righteous
KermetBoy Just, Upright, Fair, Righteous, Key
KhiabetGirl Handsome, The Valley of the Kent, Abbreviation of Kenneth, Surname, Beautiful, Friend, Inner Self, Heart, Land Lord
KhushpreetGirl Brotherly, Variant of Germaine, From Germany, Loving and Delightful
KietBoy Handsome, The Valley of the Kent, Abbreviation of Kenneth, Surname, Beautiful
KinneretGirl Knowing
KismetGirl Fate, Fortune
KizmetGirl Fate, Fortune
KomalpreetGirl Cushion, Lovely and Soft, Beautiful
KricketGirl Land Belonging to Cyneburg, Cyneburga's Land, Cyneburg's Field, Royal Fortress Meadow
LanetGirl Form of Alaina, Path, Roadway, Route, Bright One, Shining One
LianetGirl From the Meadow Settlement
LicetGirl Shining Light, Bright, Foreign, The Other, Variant of Eleanor
LilibetGirl Blend of Lily and Elizabeth, The Flower, Innocence, Purity, Beauty, Pledged to God, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LinetGirl Truthful, Abbreviation of Alicia, Sweet, Honest, Noble Kind and Felicia, Happy, Lucky, Fortunate
LinnetGirl Lives by the Linden Tree Hill, From the Island of Linden Trees, Idol, A Small Bird
LisabetBoy/Girl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LisbetGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LisetGirl Brave, Lion-bold, Brave People, Lion-man, Leo
LissbetGirl Beloved Friend
LissetGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LisvetGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LizbetGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LizbhetGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LizetGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LizhetGirl From the Island of Linden Trees, Lincoln's Wetlands, Greece Goddess
LizvetGirl From the Linden Tree Meadow
LizzetGirl Brave, Lion-bold, Brave People, Lion-man, Leo
LlanetGirl Consecrated to God, Abbreviation of Elizabeth, God's Promise, God is My Oath
LynetGirl Dwells by the Torrent, From the Linden Tree Hill, Waterfall, A Cascade, Lake, Pool, Pretty
LynnetGirl God of Fertility and Peace, Beautiful, He who is Foremost, God of Peace and Prosperity
MaeretBoy Little Famous One
MagaretGirl Dwells by the Torrent, Waterfall, Pond, Pretty, A Cascade, Lake, Pool
MahaletGirl Pretty, Form of Linda, Honey, Goddess Lakshmi
MaheletGirl From the Tower
MahletGirl To Make
ManeetBoy One who wins heart, Highly respected
ManmeetGirl Friend of Mind
ManpreetGirl Bringer of Light, A Region of Southern Italy, Man from Lucania, Light, Mind, Human, God is with us, Supernatural Power, Examine Closely, Accept the Truth, Assistance, God be with us, Born of Mind, A Form of Emmanuel God is with us, Soul of Love, Happiness of the Heart, Who Pleases the Mind, Pretty, Eye Catching, Girly
ManreetGirl Custom of Heart, Very Good Girl
MaragaretGirl Bitterness
MaragretGirl Lovable, Abbreviation of Amanda, Worthy of Being Loved, She Must be Loved
MaretGirl Maiden, Bitter, Variant of Maria, Destroyer
MargaetGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MargaretGirl Pearl, Jewel, Name of a Saint, The Pearl
MargearetGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MargeretGirl From Leslie, From the Gray Castle, Garden of Hollies, Small Meadow, The Gray Castle, Holly Garden, Dwells at the Gray Fortress, Garden in the Paradise
MargreetGirl Way to Success
MargretGirl Pearl, Child of Light, The Pearl
MarguretGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MarletGirl Pearl, Diminutive of Margaret, Child of Light
MarquetBoy Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MarymargaretGirl Sea Lover, Friend of the Sea, Eminent Marrow, Sea Friend, Great, Marrow Eminent
MayletGirl Pearl
MeetBoy Hero, Friend, Very Intelligent
MehakpreetGirl Hard Strength, Powerful
MehmetBoy A Small Bird, Joy, Songbird, Song Thrush
MehretGirl Lioness, Keeper, Big Head, Name of a River
MeretGirl From the Meadow, Honey Wine, Meadow, Earn
MoetGirl Happiness, Joy, Grace, Favor, Marcy, Yahweh is Gracious, God has Favoured Me, Gracious, Merciful
MonetGirl Who is Like God, Form of Michael Like God
NavneetGirl Famous Warrior, Renowned in Battle, Light, Feminine of Louis, Rabbit, Precious, Pearl, Fresh Butter, One who is Ever New
NavpreetGirl Grace, Favour, Variant of Anne, New Love
NavreetGirl Angel
NazaretGirl A Farmer, Bringer of Light, New
NenetGirl Goddess of the Deep
NguyetGirl Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor, Eyes, Leader, Guide
NichetGirl Shining Light, Eleanor, Most Beautiful Woman, The Bright One, Horn Coloured, Yellow, Horn, Sun Ray, Torch, Moon, Moon Elope, Derived from the Greek Helen, Form of Cornelius, Diminutive of Eleanor
NicoletGirl Female Version of Nicholas, People's Victory, Victorious People
NiketBoy God has Comforted, God's Compassion, The Lord's Comfort, Home
NisbetBoy From the Bend Shaped Like a Nose
NorfleetBoy Born on Christmas, Christ's Birthday, Natal Day, Form of Natalie, To be Born-from Natalia
ObetBoy Friend from the North
OdetGirl An Aromatic, Evergreen Shrub, Botanical Name, The Myrtle is a Dark Green Shrub with Pink or White Blossoms, A Flower, Symbol of Victory, Special
OlivetGirl From the Oak Tree Meadow, From the Oak Tree Field, The Olive Tree
PagetGirl Little Page, Work Strength, Of a Thousand Saints, English Cognate of Melisande, Highborn Power, Strong Work, Industrious, Brave, Strong Worker, Eyes
ParneetGirl All-gifts, Married
PauletGirl Divine Spear, God's Spear, Diminutive of Oscar, Egg, Happy, Bright
PavneetGirl Noble Woman, Diminutive of Patricia, Patrician, St Patricia was a 7th Century Patron Saint of Naples, Sacred, Lovely, Softness
PetBoy/Girl Pierces, Pierce the Vale
PioetBoy Son of Pierce, A Rock, Form of Piers from Peter
PoetBoy/Girl One of the Biblical 12 Apostles, Horse Lover, Friend of Horses
PoletGirl A Town, Village, Warrior's Estate, Patrician, Noble, Form of Patrick, Royal, Noble Woman, Settlement of Poega, Peacock Town
PraneetBoy Pierces, Pierce the Vale, Sun, Enlightened, Light of Sun, Light, Requested, Dear One
PreetBoy Love
ProphetBoy Pierces, Pierce the Vale
PuneetGirl Pierces, Pierce the Vale, Pure
RanjeetBoy Victor in Wars, The Delighted One, Victorious, One who is Entertains
RavneetGirl Morality like Sun
RedietGirl Counselor, Variant of Raymond
ReetGirl Custom, Pearl
RhetBoy Pierces, Pierce the Vale, God has Healed
RobetBoy Bright Fame, Famous One
RobinetGirl Bright Fame
RobretBoy Combination of Richard and Rachelle, Powerful Ruler, Brave One
RocketBoy Bright Fame
RogetBoy Wisely, Advice, Decision Protection, Counselor-protector, Form of Raymond Guards Wisely, Mighty Protector
RohanpreetBoy Bright Fame
RonnetGirl Strong Counsel, One who Brings Victory, True Image
SachetGirl Consciousness
SafetBoy From the Border, Sword Like, Name of the River Severn, Cactus Fruit, A Welsh River Name, From Cyprus, Princess, White Rose, Thorn
SaketBoy Heaven, Lord Krishna
SaletGirl Small, Humble, String, Little
SametBoy Rules with Good Judgment, Counsel Power, Exalted, On High, Form of Veronica, True Image, Wise Ruler, Rules with Counsel, Strong Counsel, One who Brings Victory, Born, Manifested, Eternal
SanjeetBoy Red Haired, Happiness, Happy Victory
SanketBoy From the Sandy Hill, Signal
ScarletGirl Bright Red, Red, American name, meaning: The Scarlet, English female diminutive of Charles (meaning: free man, Army). Known for Scarlett O'Hara, the protagonist of the novel "Gone with the Wind" (1936) by Margaret Mitchell.
SecretGirl Combination of Rose and Anna, Favour, Moon, Light, Shine, Heaven, Goddess of the Moon, Peaceful, Courteous, Fennel, The Devotees
SetBoy Peaceful, Variant of Shalom, Saint, Tranquillity, Peace
ShanetGirl Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife
SharletGirl Swordsman, Knife, Single Edged Knife
SharnetGirl Sun Child, Bright Sun
ShirretGirl Form of Cheryl, Similar to Cherry, Little and Womanly, Darling, Beloved, Free, A Popular Twentieth Century Name
SimarpreetGirl Love for Remembrance of God
SimranpreetGirl King, Principal One, Member of Royal Family, Love, Chief, First, Lovingly Remembering God, Love for Meditation
SimreetGirl Lord Indra, One who Feels Shy, Obedient
SkarletGirl Shepherd, Wife of Lord Rama
SkeetBoy Swift
SomersetBoy From the Summer Settlers
SommersetBoy From the Summer Town
SonnetGirl Red Haired, Young Sun
StarletGirl Prophetess, Seer, Oracle, Strong
SukhpreetGirl One who Values Inner Peace and Joy, Love for Happiness, Happy Loving
SumeetBoy A Good Friend
SummersetBoy From the Summer Town
SunsetGirl Sweet, Darling, Dear, Kind Hearted and Beautiful
SupreetGirl From the Hill on the Ledge, Protected Hill, From the Steep Valley, Good Love, Lovable
SusetGirl Lives by the Stony Meadow, Rocky Meadow, Rocky Meadow or from the Stony Field
SuzetGirl Sunshine
SweetGirl Catlike, Form of Sabine, Of Ancient Italian Culture, Woman from the Sabine Tribe, Beautiful, Pure One, Always, Form of Sarah, Princess, Knowledge, Wisdom, Will, Wise Form of Sophia
TiferetGirl Deer Wood, From the Deer Forest
TrinketGirl Pure, Short Form of Katrina, Diminutive of Catriona, A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Catherine, Clear, Innocent, Goddess Parvati, Good, Pleasing, Grass
TuyetGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
VelvetGirl Soft-napped Fabric
VernetBoy/Girl Maker of Bricks, Tiles, Tile Layer
VianetGirl Twin, A Form of Thomas
VietBoy Twin, A Form of Thomas, Victory, Honest Image, True Image, Truth
VineetBoy Twin, A Form of Thomas, Unassuming
VioletBoy/Girl Bluish Purple, Violet Flower, Pure, Gentle, Viola
VoiletGirl Full of Life, Alive, Lively, Variant of Vivien, The Lady of the Lake in Malory's Mort Darthur, Life
VyletGirl Meadow, Beaver-stream, Decent, Domesticated, Polite Sweet, Requester
VyoletGirl Graceful Rose, Rose, Full of Life, Moon, Raise of Sun
WilletBoy War-land, Brave Fight, From the Land by the Highway, The Mythological Scandinavian Wayland was a Blacksmith with Supernatural Powers, War Territory, Battlefield
XcaretGirl Elf, Friend
YachetGirl Defender of Mankind, Feminine Form of Alexander, Defending Men
YafetBoy Bright, Pure, Name of Colour
YailetGirl Wolf
YairetGirl Bird Name, A Wren is a Small Brown Songbird
YamiletGirl Will, Desire and Hardy, Brave, Bold, Resolute, Bold will, Strong Desire, Strong Willed, The Beautiful
YamilletGirl Will, Desire and Hardy, Brave, Bold, Resolute, Bold will, Strong Desire, Strong Willed
YanetGirl Graceful Rose, Rose, Yahweh Is Gracious
YaniletGirl Graceful Rose, Rose
YannetGirl Twin
YaphetBoy Bright, Pure, Name of Colour
YarazetGirl Pasture Town, From Wine's Farm, From the Friend's Settlement, Willow Town
YaretBoy Twin
Boy Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M
Girl Names A B C D E F G H I J K L M