Swedish girl names

Updated: April 10th, 2024
Exalted, His Highness, Elf, Elfe
Eye of the Day, Day's Eye
Who is Like God, Brook
Pure, Form of Catherine, Torture
Purity, Lavinium from the Stem End, Woman of Rome, Purified
Abbreviation of Elisabeth, Of a Noble Kind
Favor, Graceful, Mercy, Grace
People's Victory, Niko Which Means Victor, Female Version of Nicholas
Concentrated to God, Form of Elizabeth, God's Promise, House
House Owner, Anointed Christian, Ruler of the Enclosure, Christ-bearer
Diminutive of Mary, Waterfall, Pool, T
A Bee, Form of Deborah
Worthy of Love, The Lovely, Gracious, Lovable
Lightning, The Only One, Forever, Purity
Earthworker, Farmer, Worker of the Earth, Bauer
Surname, Red Haired, A Ruddy Complexion
Helvius, Good Elf, Elfin, Noble and Guardian
Noble and Guardian, Elfin, Bright, Good Elf
Messenger of God, Angel
Goddess Lakshmi / Durga, Cedar Tree, Rule, Mountain of Strength
Wealthy, Guardian of the Property, Edith, Rich Battle
Clear, Most Illustrious, Bright, Similar to the Latin Clara
Name of a Flower, Hospitable, Guest Stranger, A Beauty
Noblewoman, Nobleman
Strong Man of God, God's Able-bodied One
Torture, Pure, Form of Katherine, Virginal
Admire, Wonderful, Admirable
Defender of Mankind, Helper
Native of Magdala
Innocence, The Flower, God is My Oath, Blend of Lily and Elizabeth
Well-Known, Will-helmet, Honorable, God's Protection
Jasmine Flower, Shrub with Yellow Flowers
Illumination, Light, Grove
Victory, Winner, Diminutive Form of Victoria, Victorious
Lee, Light, Bond, Variant of Liana
Gift from God, Yahweh is Gracious
Victor, Stream, Gem, Flower Name for Poppy
My God has Sworn, Variation of Elizabeth, God's Promise
Emulus, Rivaling, Imitating
Sun, God is My Light, Strange, Shining
Variant of Julia, Jupiter's Child, Soft Bearded, Soft-haired
Fame, Horse Shield of Limb Wood, Rose Flower, Noted Protector
Loving, People, Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies, Rivaling
the Other, Foreign
Most Beautiful, Kallistos Which Means Most Beautiful
Ascent, The Lord will Help, Defender of Mankind, Height
Strong in War, Fight, Powerful Warrior, Might
My God is Perfect
The Severe, Arise, Strict Or Stern
Barren Heath
Peaceful, Serene
Sublime is God, To Act Justly
Vandals, Wend, Open Area, Look Healthy
Dark, Sea of Bitterness, Moorish, Great
Fame, Kind, Rose Flower, Noted Protector
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen, Youthful, Beautiful Woman, Lee
Imitating, Rivaling
Sorry, Star, Precious, Sad
Bound, One who Snares, Tie, Beguiling
Hill, Esteem, Consideration
Good, He (God) Was Gracious, Fire, Unity
Princess of the Sea, Wished for Child, Little Bitter, Rebelliousness
Small Winged One, Elliði
Of Sky, Heavenly, Divine
Holy, Most Venerable, To Sing
The Descending
Dean, Virginal, Pious, Pure Chaste Virtuous
Fight, Lavinium from the Stem End, War, Famous
Maid, Woman of the Wood, Hall, Struggle
Favour, Blossom, Grace
Are, Bright
Orderly, The Word Kosmos with the Meaning Order Harmony Beauty Universe, Decorated, World
The White
Light, Born at Daybreak, The Bright
Strength of a Spear, Beloved, Power, Force
Lily Flower, Beauty, Purity
Anna, Bella
Manly, The Brave, Form of Andrea, Warrior
Child of Light, The Pearl, English
New Day
Exalted, Noble Sort, Variant of Alice
God's Gift, Gift of Yahweh
Beloved, Princess of the Sea, Lady, The Word Mere Which Means Mother
That Feeds on Flower
Powerful, Born of Fire
Root of Larissa End, Cheerful, Light-Hearted, Beautiful
Circling Sea, Great and Bright
My God has Sworn
Might, Fight, Strength
Form of Deborah, A Bee
My God is Yahweh, God is My Salvation
Crowned, Of Magdala, Little Strong Warrior
The Word Aemulus Which is of the Meaning Imitating Rivaling, Emulus
Giving to God, God's Gift
Throws and Faithful, Spear Hunter, Power, Force
From the Pear Tree
Noble, Sweet, English, Kind
The Good
Pledge, Arrow, Hostage
Villager of Galilee Where Lived Mary Magdalene, Of Magdala, From the Tower
Kind, Young, The Maiden, Queen
Lame, The Limping
Yahweh is God
God is My Helper, My God is Yahweh
Combination of Maria and Magdalene, Bitter, Sea, Sun
My God is Yahweh, Nobility, Shining, the Other
Helmet of War
Lime, Flower of Rose and Flax, Lime-Wood Shield, Fame
Happiness, Rule, Bitter, Bitterness
Canal, Channel
Who is Like God?, Like the Lord
God of Plenty, God's Promise
Brilliant, Reine, Shining One, Pure
Disciple of Christ, Anointed Christian, Christ-bearer
Peace, The Word Mir with the Meaning Peace
Wealth and Honor, Bright One, Foreign, Honour
Wonder, Miracle, Via Old French Merveille = Wonder, Surprise, Miracle from Latin Mirabilia = Wonderful Things, Wonder
Clear, Luminous, Bright
Kindness, Valley, Goddess
To Help, The Exalted One, Strength, Sublime
Beautiful Day
Elisabeth, Liese, Anna
The Word Faustus with the Meaning Lucky Auspicious, Good Luck
Successful, Intact, Aveline, Holy
Amber, The Shining
A Place-name Referring to the Narrows, Fair and Handsome, Slender, Narrow
Intelligent, Famous, Shining, Glorious
Outcry, Dedicated to Mars, From the Celtic Name Tristan, Tumult
Alder, Warn, Spring Green, Army
Hearing, Equality, Bordering
Eager, Laborious, Rival
Defender of Mankind, Diamond, Noble, Nobility
Maria, Anna
God is Perfection, Or: God is My Oath
Man, Marcella, Sea, Ocean
My God has Sworn, My God is Abundance
Derived from an Irish Gaelic of Helen, Youthful, Beautiful Woman, Lee
Glorious Grace, Glory
God Reigns, Thankful
My God is Abundance
Majestic, Great, Worthy of Respect, Grandeur
God has Comforted, Yahweh Comforts, God's Compassion, The Lord's Comfort
People's Victory, Victorious, Variant of Nicholas
First in Whatever She Want, Brilliant Beauty, Brillant, Happy
My God is Yahweh
Fortunate, Born on Saturday, Beneficent, First Light of Sun
Hospitality, Welcoming, Flower, Hospitable
The Lord is Gracious, Merciful
Most Venerable, Woman from Hadria, From Adria, Holy
Shining, the Other, God is My Light
Live, Form of Eve, Mistress, Alive
Lofty, Supreme, High, Noble
Noble, High-born, Sincere, Brave
The Dove
Famous, Battle, Animated, Alive
Yew Wood, Archer, The Archeress
Bee, Young Girl, Pet Form of Melissa
Dear One, Son of David, Beloved, Loved By God
Man, Majestic
Wealth and People
Light, Born At Daybreak, Daylight Babies, The Bright
The Pure
Precious Stone, Woman from the Mountain Kynthos on Delos Island
Beauty, Lily Flower and Ann, Favour, God is Fullness
Hear, His Name is God, Powerful
Wife of the Prophet Moses, Bird